What she doesn't know

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Friday 9:47am

Pulling up to a small little breakfast cafe' manager Sejin opened the sliding door to the van. "Alright boy's we have the bottom floor reserved for us which is under the first floor, I made sure to have workers keep unwanted guests from invading our perimeter" he stated with his hat sitting right above his eyebrows. Jungkook was focused on his manager but his hands was still enveloped into Alisha's. "Alright is everyone ready?" Namjoon looked back at everyone and then to the front of the car looking through the dashboard to see the other members slowly getting out if the van in front of them. Alisha watched them curiously, smiling as she heard what their manager had to say. She couldn't believe that they had such a great manager, really. "yeah.. are you ready, Ali?" Yoongi smiled. Although they all hadn't known each other for long– her and the boys, excluding Jungkook– she felt extremely close to every single one of them. she nodded, glad that she was included. The three members hoped out of the van and went to join the others as well as Jungkook and Alisha. Of course there were a few paparazzi already there flashing cameras but no fans were in site. It probably wouldn't be long till they will be spotted by someone and next thing you know the front of the building will be hoarded with them. Which isn't a bad thing, but the boys try to enjoy as much privacy as they can get. "Alisha would you like anything when we get in?" Namjoon asked as the couple walked over to the boys and made their way into the cafe. "uhm, no... I'm fine." she denied, not really as hungry as she usually would have been. stress really did a thing or two to her body. Smiling gently, Alisha walked inside the cafe with Jungkook, stuck to his side. She didn't enjoy the paparazzi or the fame, but since it was for him, she didn't mind doing it. "ah, what are you getting, koo?" she asked him, a warm smile on her face. Jungkook looked down to her face and the smile he saw was embracing him with warmth. "Hmmm" he looked back up to the menu for a brief moment and then continued to make his way down stairs with Alisha. They made their way into the lower floor and entered in to an open living room sized place with tables and chairs "I think I'll get the french toast ya?" He pulled the chair out in front of Alisha and held her shoulder as she took her seat. After he sat on the other side of her he turned his posture towards the door watching the other members entered the room. "ooh, dibs on sitting next to alisha!" taehyung exclaimed, rushing to grab a seat next to her, he enjoyed her company a lot. She smiled warmly as everyone else joined them, watching as they all ordered various things. "yah, can you pass me some water?" she asked jimin, who sat next to her as well. when she got a water bottle, she drank some water and leaned back on her chair. "so, what are.. your plans?" she asked them, looking at jungkook. Jungkook laughed a bit when she asked that question. "You mean our" he poked her in the cheek. "You're such a cutie aren't you" Jungkook acted this way for a reason, he had a surprise for her. "You're coming with us to rehearse for the concert dummy" he looked to the others. "Ya just dont make us laugh while were up there practicing" Jin said before he stuffed his face with a fork full of cut up french toast. "Are you kidding hyung.. we act like fools up there when we're practicing" Taehyung whipped his face before continuing that sentence. "not make you laugh? pfft, not happening." alisha chuckled softly "ill be there, alright~ but might i warn you, i can be the eighth member! im such a good dancer and an even better singer." she joked, flailing her arms around to prove her point. seokjin chuckled and asked her to stop. "yah, stop!" he laughed. Shaking her head as she looked straight ahead to give her lover a questioning gaze. "explain yourself, jeon jeongguk?" she used his full correct name to intimidate him. however, her plan could easily backfire on her; she was as scary as a cupcake, really. Jungkook giggled a little bit and shook his head "aayee easy tiger, if you were to show bang pd that kind of dancing he'd just laugh at you... not in a bad way he would just think you were joking" he picked up a bite of his french toast and fork fed Alisha. alisha laughed softly. she, for real, could not dance at all, but honestly, she didn't really care about it much anymore. she didn't need to impress anyone; they all loved her a lot already. smiling, she chewed on the food jungkook fed her.


After more laughing and chatting, they started to play some word games and rock paper scissors. Jin had just beat Taehyung and here he was holding his hand like it had just gotten cut off as he made the most dramatic face. Everyone at the table laughed. "Alright its time we up and leave" namjoon said walking away from manager sejin. after a while, when it was time to leave, she stood up and looked at jungkook. "so, what's the big surprise?" she asked him curiously as one by one the members started to get up and leave, almost chuckling at her curiosity. Jungkook smiled "you'll find out soon baby" he kissed her on the cheek as the couple walked up the stairs. "i will?" she asked him, a smile on her face he lead her out. honestly, she didn't like being in the spotlight much, but since jungkook wanted her by his side, she knew she'd just have to deal with it. she didn't mind it much anyway, though; she just disliked it.she walked behind him, smiling fondly at how he was willing to put himself in danger for her. he had a heart of gold, she really couldn't believe she was his after waiting for so many years. it was worth it, though. it definitely was. When they got close to the top of the stairs there were soft giggles and low exaggerated squeals. Jungkook held Alishas hand, squeezed it a little and got infront if her. she heed the warning he gave, glancing down at her feet and swiftly pulled the hood of his hoodie up "Jeonggukie oppAH come here, if you love me you'll take a picture with me" a girl in the corner yelled from her table with another girl was sitting next to her recording her and scanned the phone over to Jungkook. He paid no mind to it and continued to walk through the lobby of the cafe. The girl was respectful enough to not leave her table but as she saw Alisha walking behind him the girl frowned "ugly bitch" she mumbled under her breath, the accent she spoke in souded like she was from busan. Jungkook heard her and he knew alisha heard it too and squeezed her hand again warning her not to say anything. She squeezed his hand back, wanting to assure him that she understood what he wanted to say. god, she didn't like being hated on and it made her feel insecure almost, but she knew she had to be strong for him and only him.

A/n ~

I actually base this off of a video i saw on Instagram where jimin and Jungkook were on vacation. I remembered seeing two girls sitting at a table near the door and they looked like they were freaking out a bit.

But yes im avoiding the question of WHERE TF HAVE I BEEN

And honestly i wish i had and easy way of telling you but stuff has gotten so stressful with covid

I will T R Y to update as often as possible 😪

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2020 ⏰

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