Innocent my ass

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Saturday 9:02am

About a half an hour went by after they got done with their hot makeout session in the steaming shower. The couple were making there way to the lobby where the rest of the members were meeting up. Jungkook looked down at Alishas hand and intertwined his fingers with hers and smiled as she looked up with him. The elevator door opened and they walked down the hall a little and all six of the members were sitting around on there phones. The staff were standing talking to each other about important stuff, but jungkook wasn't really interested. "Oh my god its about time you children came down here we've been waiting too long for you two" Jin rambled in annoyance. "Ah, sorry, Jinnie?" she asked him cutely, bowing down to show him some respect. Jimin, Taehyung and Hoseok started to laugh almost immediately, Namjoon shaking his head fondly at her. "I promise we weren't doing anything too.. weird. we just took a long while to get ready and neither one of us was ready to leave without the other.. ah, I promise I'll behave." she bowed again as Taehyung got up and hugged her tightly, making her pull her hand away from Jungkook's. "ah, sorry~" she laughed, hugging Taehyung happily "but now what?" Namjoon got up grabbing his bags and faced Alisha "well we've been waiting for about 20 minutes the vans are already lined up... were going to have breakfast before getting to the venue" he related after Jin gave them his few words and hugged Alisha. Alisha nodded understandingly. she still couldn't shake the feeling off that she was bad for them, but she knew better than to let it take over her. Quietly, she walked after them, not noticing jungkook and Jimin. Jungkook walked over to Jimin who was half asleep laying down on a loveseat couch. "Hyung! get up we have to leave I'm sorry I took so long" he laughed as he fluffed the older's blonde hair and made it messy. Jimin smack Jungkook's hand away and cuddled himself holding his knees. Taehyung rushed towards them. "yah! get up, the two of you!" he yelled at them and since he noticed how Jungkook was awake, he started to shake Jimin but he was taking his time trying to wake up so he picked him up. Jungkook laughed and ran back over to Alisha as if Taehyung was chasing him but taehyung shook Jimin. Finally getting up from his seat, Jimins eyes were low as he stretched out his arms but was abruptly picked up by Taehyung which made Jimin giggled "no, put me down, put me down, idiot I'm awake" he whined hitting Taehyungs back lightly with his fist.


"ah," she laughed as he joined her, making her jump slightly in surprise. he was such an unpredictable person, she couldn't get him at times. The couple walked outside watching as the guards guided them the vans. When all seven of the boys were outside they sort of surrounded the Maknae and Alisha just to keep them safe. "Yah, will you actually let me steal your hoodies?" she asked Jungkook quietly as they finally made their way towards the vans. She couldn't help but to keep glancing around at the boys protectively, she felt responsible over them. When she saw Namjoon close to something pointy, she reached and gently pushed him out the way. she didn't say anything, just pointed at sharp edge before smiling. They all got in the vans and it was the two along with Hoseok and Jin and again Yoongi was in the front. The other packed up in the van behind them. A few minutes later the van started to move. "So are you gonna tell us what you were actually doing in the room Jungkook?" Jin looked over and looked at both of them back and forth suspiciously. "Hyung it's none of your business this is my relationship- not yours" he declared looking straight at Jin "excuse me, that does not give you an excuse to raise your voice at me young man" he puffed his chest. Hoseok was quiet and Yoongi just had his headphones in. "Jungkook, be nice." she scolded him at first before looking at jin with a pout. "and yah, you shouldn't want details of our love life! we are innocent, little creatures... we are like the children of god. the most we did was pray for each other." she told him with a pout, looking at Jungkook and gently hitting his chest in embarrassment. Yoongi let out a huff "innocent my ass" he chuckled and rolled his eyes not moving his eyes from his phone, the rest of the members laughed along with him. Jeongguk frowned at the older and instantly held his lovers hand as the van was driving through the city making their way to the concert venue for rehearsal. she laughed quietly, looking around the city as well. although she had explored every inch of it, there was no denying that she loved being here. However, she would be moving to Korea soon so as much as she loved it, she knew she'd have to let go of it soon. "did i mention about moving to korea?" she asked him with a tilt of her head. Jungkook turned the face his lover "you did mention but I didn't think you were actually serious...?" He admitted as the other boys joined in on the conversation. "Ya are you really moving over there...? What about your family?" Hoseok said with a concerned tone.


Jungkook was happy that she was moving to Korea but he did want to be the reason she was moving away from her family. "Babe are you sure you want to" he protested as he caressed his thumb across Alishas knuckles. "ah, yes, im serious." she chuckled quietly, glancing up to him lazily as she scanned their faces. why did they look so worried...? "oh!" she exclaimed once she heard their concerns, making her shake her head. "I don't live with them either way.. plus, uhm.. as much as I love this city... I just need an escape." she admitted truthfully, gently placing her hand on top of his. "and i need to be with him.. I can't handle the distance anymore, not after all of what has happened. plus, me being away might ruin his reputation. 'Jeon Jungkook's once night stand?' and all that crap." she chuckled. Jungkook looked down at there hands and smiled showing he teeth. "You make me happy Alisha... you really do" he sang to her. "ah~ stop it~" she slapped his arm playfully before looking at the other three. Well as long as your fully ready to leave" Namjoon implied politely. "And that means we'll all be able to hang out more" Hoseok chimed in happily. All the boys had smiles on their faces looking up at Alisha. "of course. I- I want to be there for you guys, cheering for Jungkook whenever we're together because I remember those times clearly when he.. felt too much of pressure, as if the world was on his shoulders. I couldn't do anything and I will never let either of us feel so helpless again." she told them quietly, Yoongi cooing at the sight.

A/n ~ this is just a filler but-


so sososooo sorry i haven't updated this in forever ill be updating more now 😔✊🏻

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