Chapter 15: Going on a trip +1

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Dinah point of view:

I'm in my bedroom waiting for Normani and I feel very weird cuz she seems so sexual. I turn on my tv again and I'm watching "Pink Panther" yeah I know it's childish but I like it. Suddenly I feel a screech on my door:

¨Hi Dinah¨, she says smirking.


¨So you never been turn up before", she said as she proceeded to walk closer to my bedroom.

"N-no", I said as I gulped and my breathing got heavier.

"Oh", she say with a smile.

"So um.. do you like girls?"

"Umm.. yeah"

"Have you ever been with someone?"

"Um.. Um.. yes"

"Oh why did you leave her?", she asks and I couldn't hold it I needed to cry, suddenly a tear came down my eye.

"Cuz-z I hav-ve a d-dick", I say as I let my tears flow down my face. Then Normani comes and hugs me tightly:

"It's ok everthing is gonna be fine just let it all out", she says with a soft voice I've never heard before.

Next thing I know I'm sobbing and she's still next to me hugging me. I feel so embarrassed cuz who cries over her dick.

"I-im sorry it's been three years and and I-i dont why I'm still crying about it", I say in a raspy voice.

"It's ok you'll find someone", she says in a soft voice again. There's an awkward silence while I stare at my door. Then something popped in my mind, why don't ask her out? It seems like a pretty dope idea ¿right?.

"Unless your available", I say.

"Are you asking me out?", she says and points at herself.

"Yeah pretty much"

"Well why not"

"So do you want to go eat tomorrow someplace", I say hoping she says yes.

"Are asking me out on a date?", she says as she furrows her eyebrows.

"Yes", I say excitedly.

"I think it's to fast. I'll ask you questions about things first right now", she says and my huge smile starts to fade.

"Oh um..ok"

"Dogs or cats"


"Umm...", she says uhh this is so boring I bet she's the kind of person who like to take things wayy to slow.

"Uhh can I ask you a question", I say annoyed.

"Yeah ok"

"Have you ever have the feeling you need to sleep like when y-", I say and she cuts me off.

"Ok ok lets sleep then."

"Where are you gonna sleep", I say.

"Duh in your bed", she says in a obvious tone.



"Ok ok calm down"

"How am I gonna calm down when your stupindly asking me stupid questions that have answers already.", she says in a fast pace.

"Ok um.. here is your blanket and here's is mine", I say as take out a new blanket out of my closet.

"Ok I sleep on the right", she says and she lets her body fall down on the right side of my bed.


"Turn off the lights", she says in an declarative tone.

"But I can't sleep without the l-"

"No buts"

"Ahhh ok", I say as get on my feet and go towards the switch and turn off the light's.

"Your a scary cat", she says and giggles at me while I go towards my bed.

"No I'm not", I say but she doesn't answer I bet she just hearing to get me annoyed.

I get to my side of the bed and I put my blanket over me and I proceed to close my eyes.

Thx for reading. Hope you like it. This part is only 630 words so yep bye. <3

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