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me and hannah came home after a long day of shopping and movies and i was beyond tired. we hadn't eaten dinner yet but i truly did not feel like cooking. we decided on just post mating some in-n-out. as we were waiting i was on my phone then i got a message.

grayson: hey we haven't talked all day. are you okay:(

me: grayson im fine. i was out with hannah all day and didnt check my
phone. thanks for asking though.

grayson: oh ok thank god. i honestly thought you were ignoring me:(

me: i could never:)

i locked my phone when i heard the doorbell ring. as we were eating dinner, me and hannah decided to do a little instagram shoot since we havent posted in a while.

after doing a shoot that took longer than expected, we both picked one picture, edited them, then posted it.

after doing a shoot that took longer than expected, we both picked one picture, edited them, then posted it

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liked by graysondolan, hannahash and 160,739 others

shayliemarie- im trying to glare at hannah for keeping me out all day but smile at the camera


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hannahash- oh shut up bitch you needed it. you've been trapped inside for a week
graysondolan- so this is the pretty girl i've been talking to👀
user1- so pretty😍
stassiebaby- beautiful baby😘
user2- how tf are you so beautiful
ethandolan- so you're the girl my brother can't stop talking about
graysondolan- ethandolan stfu before i yeet you off a cliff
ethandolan- graysondolan do it you wont. no balls👀

liked by ethandolan, shayliemarie, and 148,375 others

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liked by ethandolan, shayliemarie, and 148,375 others

hannahash- it's been a long day of shopping and excitement. if anyone wants to see me, i'll be here for the next 2 weeks😴


view all 97,538 comments
shayliemarie- oh please you wanted to go out all day
hannahash- shayliemarie psh noo....shut up and let me sleep
ethandolan- maybe i'll pop by later gorgeous👀
user1- holy hannah😍
user2- how the butt do you look like that when you're dead inside🥵
graysondolan- sO tHiS iS tHe GirL mY bRoThEr WoNt ShUt uP aBoUt
ethandolan- graysondolan not cool dude-_-
graysondolan- ethandolan doesn't feel nice does it
hannahash- graysondolan ethandolan would you both shut up-_-
hannahash- ethandolan i'll be waiting;)

after looking at hannah's post, i gave her the 'you have something to tell me?' look and she replied with the 'idk what you're talking about' look.

"you and ethan?" i asked giving her the same look as before.

"we're just friends" she replied with looking back at her phone.

"friends my ass" i mumbled.

"how did you guys even meet?" i asked curiously. i mean grayson barely even knows about her.

"he found me on your instagram while grayson was stalking it so he dmed me." she shrugged like it was no big deal but i could see her trying to hide her blushing.

"hannah's got a little crush." i teased as i got up and went to my room.

"shut up!" was the last thing i heard before i closed my door.

i went to my closet and got a big t-shirt and shorts for bed then changed into them. i put my hair up into a messy bun and brushed my teeth then i heard my phone start ringing. i looked at it and saw that grayson was facetiming me.

"of course he calls me once i look like shit" i thought to myself and answered.

"hey" he said with the adorable smile of his.

"hi" i blushed at how attractive his voice is.

"you're adorable when you blush" he laughed at me knowing exactly what he's doing and how he's doing it.

"shut uppp" i pushed my phone back so it was facing the ceiling.

"noo i'm sorryyyy. please put it back on your face" he practically begged.

"no im mad now" i said teasing him and ending the call. i then got a text message.

grayson: awe baby i'm sorry:(

i blushed at the way he called me baby but still teased him.

me: goodnight grayson😒

grayson: noo baby pleaseeee

i laughed at how gullible he was and locked my phone then plugged it in. i then turned the lights off, layed down and eventually felt my eyes get heavy then everything went dark.

~well. here's that.......goodnight~

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