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*there. is. smut.......beware and get your holy water ready*

i woke up in my bed highly confused on how i got here. i sat up and noticed i was in one of grayson's shirts and now pants. grayson then walked into the room with a towel around his waist. (kissing booth who)

"sorry i didnt mean to wake you, i just forgot my clothes." he said with guilt slowly grabbing his clothes.

"baby you're fine. i woke up on my own" i giggled at him and got out of bed.

"you look hot in my shirt by the way" he said eyeing me up and down.

"i know" i did a hair flip then grabbed some clothes and walked to the bathroom, obviously not without hearing grayson mutter 'tease' under his breath.

i took a nice hot shower then got out because i felt gross from the day before but i was beyond happy. me and grayson are engaged now. me and the grayson dolan are engaged. i was so happy i started crying. grayson just had to walk in when i was crying.

"baby what's wrong??" grayson said worriedly rushing over to me.

"nothing. im just so happy we're engaged. i never thought in a million years i would ever end up with you but here we are. and it all started with an email." i said giggling a little bit and wiping my tears.

"i love you shaylie destiny" he said pulling me in for a kiss.

"and i love you grayson bailey" i laughed as he cringed and pulled him in for another kiss.

this one was way more passionate and soon turned very heated. grayson back out of the bathroom with our lips still attached until he hit the bed then fell on it. i smiled into the kiss and pulled away kissing down his jawline then to his neck. once i heard him groan i knew i found his sweet spot so i continued sucking on it until i left my mark.

i could feel his dick hardening under me and soon his bulge was rubbing against my 'downstairs area'. i titled my head back and moaned as he attached his lips to my neck then flipped us over. he continued kissing my neck leaving his marks he pulled at the hem of my shirt asking permission to take it off.

i nodded my head and he took it off disconnecting his lips for a split second before attaching them again. he then made his way down to my boobs and began sucking on them as he unclipped my bra and threw it across the room. he then made his way down my stomach to the area i needed him most.

he yanked down my underwear in one swift motion and looked me in the eyes. i nodded my head frantically as that's where i needed him to be. he looked down and blew on my already wet clit causing me to squirm and groan. he then attached his mouth to it and began flicking his tongue across my slit.

"fuck grayson" i grabbed his head and pushed him in more causing more pleasure.

he then started sucking then stuck his tongue in and thrusted in and out. he took his tongue out and thrusted two fingers in and repeatedly ran his tongue across my clit.

"h-holy sh-hit!" i groaned almost hitting my high.

grayson stopped as he could feel my walls tightening causing me to groan in annoyance. he reached over to the bedside table and grabbed a condom out of my drawer. he quickly got naked himself then rolled the condom on in one stroke. he then grabbed my legs and adjusted himself so my opening was at his tip. then without warning he thrusted inside me.

my body filled with pain as i tried to adjust to how big he was but it was also filled with so my pleasure. once all the pain was gone i was a moaning mess.

"fuck grayson harder" i could barely get out cause i was at a loss of breath.

grayson followed my commands and fucked me as hard as he could and that's when i knew he was the sex god we all thought him out the be. i rolled my eyes back in pleasure and gripped the sheets so hard my knuckles were turning white.

"FUCK!! grayson im gonna c-cum!!" i screamed

"me too babygirl. cum for me" hearing his words put me over the edge and i came all over him.

he released into the condom and took it off, throwing it away. he then collapsed next to me and we got under the blankets.

"t-that was a-amazing" he said trying to catch his breath.

"y-yeah" that was all i could manage to get out.

suddenly the door swung open.

"can you guys keep it down next time? im still here" ethan said annoyed

"who's fault is that" i said mocking him

"oh grayson fuck me harder" he mocked me as he walked away and we all just laughed.

soon me and grayson eventually got up and showered again then headed downstairs to get breakfast.

"what do you wanna do today" i asked grabbing our dishes to put them in the sink.

"we did a lot yesterday. can we just stay in today watching movies?" he said in a whiny voice.

"anything for the baby" i mocked pinching his cheeks as he laughed.

so we went to the living room and watched movies all day. after about 3 movies i had fallen asleep and that's all we did.

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