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tomorrow is halloween and you can bet we're throwing a party. we all woke up early because we knew it would be a long day of shopping for snacks, drinks, decorations, and mainly costumes. and yes. we're all 21 now so shush.

"dude im so excited!!" hannah exclaimed as she brushed through her newly wet hair.

"oh my me too. bro halloween is my favorite holiday...behind christmas of course. but now we're celebrating with the twins and as you can tell from the past and the way our house looks right now they go all out for it." i stated with a eye roll and a small laugh.

"i know right. im so glad grayson only dragged you along to shop for halloween." she exaggerated a sigh and laughed.

"oh my god that was horrible and im telling him to take you next time" i state getting up to get dressed.

i decide to wear a simple black tube top and gray joggers with my air force ones. i then brushed through my hair and threw it up into a messy bun. i finished it off with some mascara and chapstick and grabbed my phone.

i walked out of the room and bumped into ethan who just happened to be wearing a black shirt, gray joggers and his air force ones. we both stared at each other knowing we both had the same idea.

"you need to go change." we said in sync

"im not changing you are" we both once again said.

"i was ready first" ethan stated.

"bullshit. i heard your terrible singing in the shower when i got dressed" i gave him a jokingly glare. "plus my outfit is way cuter than yours."

"fine i'll change. but next time you're changing." ethan said in defeat.

i laughed and walked back in my room as i realized i forgot my wallet. when i walked back out, ethan was walking out in a different outfit glaring at me. i laughed and followed him downstairs to see grayson and hannah already at the bottom waiting for us.

"hey baby. you look cute today" grayson came up to me and gave me a kiss on the forehead.

"i would've looked cuter" ethan mumble then went to the kitchen and grabbed some avocado toast that was waiting.

"what??" grayson asked with a chuckle.

"well ethan here decided to match my outfit but he lost the argument and had to change so suck my wiggly dick ethan" i said as serious as i could

ethan walked out of the kitchen holding a piece of toast with his mouth full with a sad but joking expression on his face.

"bro, that hurt" he put his hand over his heart pretending to be offended and started fake crying.

"get over it" i walked past him to get the keys and patted him on the chest.

"that's my girl!!!" grayson yelled as he followed me to the car.

"heyyyyy!! we're suppose to be bros!!" was all we heard from ethan before we closed the front door and started laughing.

we walked to the car and grayson got in the driver's side as i in the passenger's side and waited for the other two to come out. they finally did and ethan ran to the front only to be disappointed when he saw me.

"i just keep beating you dont i" i said with a smirk.

"oh shut up" ethan said with defeat as he climbed in the back.

we drove to target to get snacks and drinks because this party needs to be everything.

me and hannah haven't thrown a party since we moved in and we've hardly been to any so tomorrow we're throwing a bomb ass party. me and hannah invited a few friends from school (no they're not still in school, just people they became friends with in school) and the twins invited a ton of their friends.

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