𝐈𝐌𝐆. 𝟏𝟗

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"YOONGI! YOONGI, OPEN the door!" jimin's petite hands continued to slap the face of the door, only accelerating with every moment yoongi failed to answer. dew drops from the blonde's dampened locks bejewelled his flushed cheeks as he grew more and more desperate for the other to answer. arrested in the monsoon-like weather that blanketed the city, the hostile wind only turning the innocent rain drops into bullets that made his skin burn with every touch.

as the soaked strands continued to blind him, jimin soon found no wooden surface meeting with his hands. peering past the curtains of his hair to find yoongi there, his dark cotton attire bathing in the soft, yellow illumination that lurked behind him. "jim--."

jimin's arms were already knotted around the other's neck as he forced their lips to entangle. the familiar sensation of molten gold pooling in his chest from the ignition of his sodden, feverish lips meeting with yoongi's frost-like lips. prying the other closer, banishing any of the space that dared to stand between them. "i-i did i-it." breathless words wandered into the burning atmosphere, not halting their tender moment as he continued to kiss him.

"what-what did you do?" yoongi puzzled, pulling himself back as he closed the door, sealing away the danger of the inimical storm. the younger finding an abode in the warm clothed back of the other male. a small yet content sigh brushing past his inflamed lips. "i talked to rose, and i-i cancelled the wedding." he admitted, only making the ebon-haired man twist to face him.

"w-wait... you-you actually did it? you chose me?" disbelief accented every word in his question, his pessimistic side making the man believe that any moment he would snap from his mind's hold. forced to leave the euphoria of his dream only to return to his ice-like sheets, lonesome as always. "of course i was going to pick you, yoonie." he took a hold of the others chalk-like face, forcing their glossed eyes to meet.

sighing as he gathered the words on his tongue. "i will admit, i was scared at first. i kept on doubting everything about us, but then while i was talking to jungkook, i realised that i need to make sacrifices and that the only person i would want to risk it all for would be you. i wanted to finally be me, not just a prop for my parents to use for their own benefit and be happy, and make you happy too. i hope you can fo--."

his amorous words left unheard as their kiss was swiftly resumed by yoongi.

heartbeats accelerating to a dangerous beat as the air became suffocated with a simmering heat and desperate fingers engaging themselves with cotton blonde hair and onyx material. prepared to submit to a melting state for the other, only to have him stop. "wait-wait yoongi s-stop." the younger whimpered soflty.

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