1: #NewGirl

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Jc's POV

"What's up O...2...L!!! Jc here, and this week's theme is food!" I say to the camera as I sip on an Arizona. "I have with me today my bestfriend Kian!"

"Booshka Booshka!" He says and starts doing the crab face. I laugh.

"So, today me and Kian are going to play a game to see who can eat the most Sour Patch Kids," I say and Kian smacks the bags out my hand. "Kian!"

"Fuck yo candy," he laughs and jumps out of his chair and slams it to the ground.

"You motherfucker," I laugh.

We do the challenge and finish up the video. I ended up winning because...I'm Jc. All I do is win win win, no matter what! We end up deciding to go to the mall. I steal Ricky's car keys and me and Kian hit the road.

Of course there are fans screaming and everything so we sign some autographs, take some pictures and are eventually left alone to shop. As we're being wild and causing chaos, as usual, I see this chick getting kicked and punched by 3 girls. There's also about 5 other chicks and dudes standing around laughing and recording it.

"Dude..." I hear Kian say as he looks at them as well.

We run over to where the group is and as I get closer, they stop and the girls run up to me and Kian. He stops and chat but I just push past to get to the girl that was being kicked.

"Hey. Are you okay?" I ask as she holds her stomach.

She looks up at me and does a double take. Her eyes are practically popping out of her head. She sits up and I see the bruises on her face. She's still beautiful though.

"You're...you're Jc Caylen.." She says, clearly shocked.

"Yeah." I smile and help her up. "Are you okay?"


Harmony's POV

"Are you okay?" Jc asks again.

I'm completely in total fan girl mode right now. I can't believe that Jc freaking Caylen is standing right here talking to me. I'm trying not to seem like a total loser but he did just help while I was getting jumped. This is so embarrassing...

"I'm..I'm fine." I say and look down. Jc picks up my backpack and hands it to me. "Thanks."

"No problem. So, what's up with the mean girls?" He asks.

"Oh...I got tired of them talking about me so I stood up for my self. I started off strong but then more girls jumped in."

"At least you stood your ground," he assures me.

"Yeah and look where that got me." I say and straighten my hair on my frizzy hair.

I'm 18 and these childish chicks still think it's funny to call me a confused fatherless child. I mean, yes I'm mixed with German and African American and no I don't know who my real father is, but I'm anything but confused. I recently moved to Los Angeles with my mom and 2 brothers and people at my high school aren't really that accepting of me.

"I just moved here from Baton Rouge, Louisiana and it hasn't been the most welcoming experience," I admit.

"Maybe you're just hanging with the wrong people," he smiles. Gosh his smile is gorgeous...

"Maybe," I smile. "I'm Harmony btw."

"Harmony. Pretty." He says. "How long have you been in L.A.?"

"2 weeks. I haven't seen much of the city though," I stay and pick up my Penny Board.

"You should hang with us then," he says.

Just then Kian comes up and snatches my board and skates away. He zooms through the mall and then stops at the food court. Wow. He acts the exact same way he does on his videos.

"Kian!" Jc yells. He smiles and rides back toward us. He gives me my board back.

"You are really pretty!!!" He yells at my face.

"Why are you yelling?!" I laugh. He just does his signature face.

"Well where you headed?" Jc asks me.

"I don't know. My curfew isn't until 12."

"Cool. Come chill with us," Jc says.

"Okay," I smile and follow them out.

This is unreal. I'm about to go chill at the O2L house with all these awesome people. Someone pinch me!!


Okay so this is a new story I'm writing. It's my first Fanfiction and of course it's about O2L!

PS- Jc Caylen is the bae.




Love. Peace. & Hair Grease! ❤️

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