2: #WaterWar

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Harmony's POV

We walk toward the mall parking lot and I see Ricky's Kia sitting there and I get kind of happy because he's my fav Youtuber.

"Ricky's here?" I ask, excitedly.

"No I just stole his car," Jc answers and unlocks the car. I laugh.

Right as I reach to open the door, Kian slaps my hand and bumps me out the way. I look at him like he's crazy.

"I don't want it!" He says and starts screaming. I swear he's crazy.

"Kian!" I hear Jc say. "Stop acting like a dumbass."

Kian jumps in the car and I do too. Jc starts up the car and we drive toward their house. I realize that they're turning on my street and get confused.

"Um...why are we going to my house?" I ask. We past my house and pull up to a house 3 doors down. I can't believe it! We live basically near each other!

"What are you talking bout?" Jc asks.

"No not here. We passed my house. It's three houses down," I say.

"What?! We're neighbors? Awesome!!!!!" Kian screams. I cover my ears. He is loud as shit.

As soon as we walk through the door, it looks as if all hell has broken loose. I see Nash Grier and Cameron Dallas chasing Sam and Trevor with water guns, Ricky is screaming at them and Wishbone is barking loudly. Kian runs and tackles Rickey.

"Hey!" Jc screams. They all stop and look at us. "This is Harmony...um..." He looks at me for help.


Oh! My last name. Duh...

"Oh, um Harmony Cortez." I say. Suddenly I am bombarded by hugs!

"Hey girl!" Trevor says. "I can tell we're gon be good friends."

"Hi," I said. Even though Nash and Cam aren't in O2L, they're still some of my fav people.

"Also she lives down the street," Jc adds.

"Ohhhh! Yeah I saw you moving in the other day," Sam says. "You have brothers huh?"

"Yeah, two younger twin brothers named Austiin and Elie. They're both 14," I say.

"You're really pretty. Are you biracial or something?" Nash asks.

"Yeah I'm part German and part African American," I answer.

"Dudeee! Do you know German?" Kian asks.

"Of course. It's my first language. I was born in Germany and lived there up until I was 8. Then I moved to Louisiana."

"Now you're heeerrree!" Trevor sings. I laugh.

"Yes. Yes I am," I smile.

"Hey do you wanna play war with us?" Cam asks.


"Yeah. Here." He tosses me a water gun. "You, Kian, Jc, and Ricky are on a team. And me, Nash, Sam, and Trevor are on another team."

"How do I play?" I ask.

"Run," he simply says and takes off. Quickly everyone runs a different way. I take off toward the backyard.

I see water flying everywhere and I run so I won't get hit. I see Sam running towards me so I open fire. By the time he reaches me he's soaked in water. I laugh and run the other way.

"Ricky I need a refill!" I yell as I pass him. He tosses me another gun and a run through the front door.

"Watch your back!" Kian yells.

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