4: #MarioKartAndFood

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Jc's POV

I had just finished editing and uploading my vlog to Youtube. Harmony had went home about an hour ago but there was still a full on Mario Kart competition going on downstairs. I decided against going back down.

I clicked back over and saw that my video already had 2,000 view and 1,000 comments. Most where just asking who the girl in the video was, but one particularly stuck out to me.

MzzLawley: Oh, ew, it's Harmony. She goes to school with me. I don't understand why they want to hang out with her.

I get kind of mad at the fact that people can talk about someone they don't even really know. I open up Twitter on my phone an began to tweet: To all you guys that think it's funny to talk about Harmony, you're no real fans of me. She's an awesome person.

I attach a picture of her, tag her, then I tweet it and within second I get hundreds of retweets, favorites, and replies saying that Harmony is really pretty and to just ignore all of the hate. It's nice to know that there are still good people in the world.

I lock my phone and toss it on the bed then go downstairs to rejoin the guys in a game of Mari Kart. 2 hours later the doorbell rings and Kian runs to open it.

"Harmony!" I hear him scream. Seconds later she comes in and sits beside Sam.

"Hey Har-Money!" I say.

"That was really lame," she laughs and says hi.

"Hey Harmony, we're going to see Connor tomorrow. You wanna come?" Ricky asks.

"Yeah because he wants to meet you," Trevor adds.

"Sure," she smiles, "Now someone pass me a controller so I can beat some tail at Mario Kart."

"You sound like a grandma!" I laugh and pass her a controller.

"Whatever Jc," she says and we start playing for another hour before we get hungry.

By then it's 11:00 pm and Trevor and Sam go home. We were about to order a pizza but Harmony insists and making her favorite snack for us to make.

"What is it?" I ask. We're all in the kitchen watching her take out fries and a frying pan.

"I guess this will have to do since you don't have li'l smokies," she says and holds up a pack of wieners.

"What you using the wieners for?" I ask.

"They're hotdogs!" Kian yells.

"They're not hotdogs until they're in the bun!" I yell back.

"Guys..." Harmony laughs. "It's not that serious."

"It is because he's a freaking idiot," Kian says and laughs. "Always gotta be difficult

"You're the idiot!" I say and throw a plastic spoon at him. He throws one back and we just start tossing stuff at each other. I see Ricky recording the whole thing. I guess he's vlogging.

"Kian! Jc! Stop throwing stuff! I need it to cook!" She yells at us and we stop.

"So what ya making?" I ask as she puts the fries on a tray and puts them in the oven.


"Salchi-who-wahs?" Sam laughs.

"Salchipapas. It's a Peruvian street food. They sell it at the little street vendors they have. All it is really is fries and hot d-"

"Wieneeeerrrsss!" I sing.

"Wieners. Whatever," She says and slice the wieners at an angle then fry them in the frying pan.

As the food cooks, she starts rummaging through the fridge, grabbing different dressing type things. She said she was going to make sauce. She mixes ketchup, ranch, barbeque, and a couple dashes of hot sauce together. It looks nasty but when I taste it, it's mind blowing.


Kian's POV

So Harmony is making this Peru street food type dish and it smells REALLY GOOD!!!! I can't wait to taste some of the Salch-ji-romp-ahs! Or however you say it.

Harmony finishes up the cooking and mixed the fries and HOT DOGS together then begins to plate them. She hand us each a plate and pours some sauce on our plates. We begin eating and I can believe it! I never would have though that frying hot dogs and mixing it with fries would taste WAY better than the traditional hot dog on bun with fries.

"To say that this is such a simple dish, it's actually pretty delicious," I say and fix me some more.

"Especially with the sauce!" Jc yells and gets more too. "How'd you learn about this?"

"Back in Louisiana I took a Spanish class at school and we had to do a project about a Spanish speaking country and I had to do Peru." She answers. "Long story short, I had to bring a dish for class and this is what I brought."

"Well it's good," Ricky says.

"Well you guys enjoy because I have to get home before 12," Harmony says. "But what time do you want me to be over tomorrow?"

"Whenever you want. The door is probably going to be open anyway," Ricky says. "And if not, just come through the backdoor."

"Cool beans. Bye guys!" Harmony says and walks toward the door. I get up and run behind her.

"Hey Harmony," I gently grab her arm. She turns and smiles. "It's dark outside so how about I walk you home?"

"Sure," She says and we walk three houses down in silence.

"So, this is it." I say.


Before I can stop myself, I lean in and kiss her. It lasts a minute before I pull away. She just stands there starstruck then smiles.

"Goodnight Kian Lawley," she smiles then opens her door.

"Goodnight Harmony Cortez," I smile back. She closes the door and I walk back home.

As soon as I enter the yard, I hear cheering and clapping. I look up to see Ricky and Jc dancing on the roof.

"That's how you do it Kian!!!!" Jc yells.

"Go boy!" Ricky yells.

I flip them both off and go inside. If the fandom knew that I kissed Harmony, all hell would break loose. They were still riding the Kiandrea bandwagon even though we broke up. So for now, I was going to try to keep my feeling to myself.


Before you simple minded fangirls get your panties in a wad, Kian's a human so he can move on if he wants. (Even though Kiandrea was like...life.) It's just a story, so don't get bopped.





Random Question: What does the fox say?🐺

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