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The next morning when Steve woke up, he heard the shower running. He thought for a second maybe his parents had come home, but when he opened his bedroom door and saw Billy standing there in nothing but a towel, his thoughts were proved wrong; and the memories of the previous night flew through his head.

"'Morning pretty boy", Billy grinned, sleepily.

"M-Morning, Billy", Steve said, swallowing hard.

Billy chuckled lightly, "Don't worry, I'll be out of your hair soon. I've got an early shift at the pool."

Steve shook his head. "Oh don't worry about that, I don't have work today so you can stay as long as you like." He could see in Billy's eyes that he remembered everything Steve had told him last night, so he smiled and said, "Ok."

Even though Steve didn't have to work, he promised he'd come down to the store and help Joyce for a while today. So he told Billy he was leaving, but he could stay as long as he'd like, and he'd be back soon. He couldn't help his mind wandering about Billy as he drove down to the store, his heart aching at the memory of Billy's sleepy smile that morning and knowing it could never be his.

He didn't realize he was already at the store until he realized he was already parked and saw Hopper's police car parked next to his. He got out and shuffled into the store, the bell ringing as he entered. Joyce looked over at him and smiled when she saw him, and Steve felt comfort. Joyce had basically taken him in, she was his second mom, since his was never really around.
"Hey Steve", she said, her voice calm and soft, as it always was. Steve had never heard the woman raise her voice or say a cuss unless it had to do with either of her sons or the upside down threatening anyone she cared for.

"Hi Joyce, sorry I'm a little late. I uh, slept a little later and my shower was occupied", Steve explained, even though he knew Joyce could care less what time Steve got there as long as he was safe and he got there.

"Oh, it's alright. I put Hopper to work. Are your parents back in town?", Joyce asked, regarding Steve's shower being in use.

"", he says, causing Joyce to tilt her head slightly, a wondering look on her face. She was about to reply when a tumble of things falling from the shelf was heard from the back of the store, followed by a shout from Hopper.

"Son of a bitch!"

Both of their heads looked to the back before Joyce turned back to Steve for a moment.
"We'll talk about this later, but first we need to fix whatever Hop's messed up", She says. Steve knew he wasn't going to be let off the handle easily, so he didn't expect her o let him either.

In the back they were met with the sight of Hopper trying to pick up stacks of papers and different products off the floor that had fallen from the shelves. He picks up a box of tampax and places it on the shelf again, only to have it knock down two other boxes and fall down with them.
"What the hell-"
Steve tries to stifle a laugh as Joyce goes over and forces him up, and begins picking up boxes off the floor. Steve follows and helps pick up products off the floor as Joyce gives Hopper an ear-full.

"Geez Hop, these weren't even priced yet", She comments, hiding he smirk until she glances at Steve. Hopper only puts a hand over his eyes, shaking his head violently as he punches the bridge of his nose.
"What's the matter? Never stacked products on a shelf before? Shouldn't the chief of Hawkins police have more experience in different areas?", Steve asks smiling to himself and earning a laugh from Joyce before he looks back over at Hopper who is staring at him blankly, annoyance in his eyes as if he were deciding wether or not to throw a box of tampax at his head.

"One of the shelf screws is loose, it's tilting", Steve comments a half an hour later after the shelves had been restocked.
"There's a screw driver on the back counter", Joyce says, glancing in the direction as she finishes up on pricing. Steve returns wielding the screw driver, before tightening the screw, and leveling the shelf again. He notices Hopper glance at his watch before he speaks up.
"Crap, I've gotta get to the station. I'll see you tonight", he says to Joyce, kissing her head as he turns to leave.
"Drive safe", She reminds him, to which he nods.
"See ya, Harrington", he waves with his hat before putting it on, and disappearing through the front door.

The shop is quiet again as Steve and Joyce stand at the back counter, filling up some boxes to be put in the back. Steve almost thinks that she has forgotten about continuing the conversation from before, but realizes that isn't possible when she questions it again.
"So, was a girl over last night?", She asks him, smiling wonderingly. But Steve shakes his head, "uh, nope, no girls", he tells her. She stops packing the boxes for a moment and studies the look on Steve's face, it's worried and almost nervous.

"Steve honey, who was over last night?", she asks, this time a little more softer and gentle.

Steve clears his throat, not looking up from his box.
"Billy Hargrove", he says, his voice shaky and slightly scared.

He finally looked up at Joyce when she put her hand on top of his, and all he needed to do was see the sympathetic and accepting look on her face, and he knew that she knew. She knew how he felt towards Billy, and she didn't judge him. She accepted him, with open arms, and he was so overwhelmed with the feeling that he started crying. Joyce immediately wrapped her arms around Steve, comforting him in the best way she knew how.
"How long?", She finally asked after Steve had calmed down.

"Remember the night he came looking for Max?"

"Yeah", she laughed, "and he beat you up?"

"Yeah", he said, laughing along with her.

He sighed, looking over at her.
"That's when I started wondering, and questioning things. I knew most boys don't look at other boys the way I was seeing Billy for the first time; and I suddenly realized that everything I had felt for Nancy was gone. I just couldn't get him out of my head, I still can't", Steve confessed.

"And I know nothing can ever happen even if Billy did feel the same way because this Hawkins, and things like that just aren't accepted, no matter how much certain people want them to be. No matter how much anyone looks at another person with such longing, it just isn't a capable thing."

"Don't say that, Steve. When you want something bad enough, things will find a way to happen. I promise", she reassures him.

He tilts his head for a second, licking his lips.
"God, I hope you're right."

There's a silence, as Steve looks at Joyce with such desperate need of help in his eyes, and she knows he's struggling.

Joyce places her hand on top of his again, "who else knows?", she asks, "anyone?"

"No one", Steve shakes his head, "just you and me."

Joyce nods, already knowing Steve wants to keep this between them until he's ready to tell anyone else.
"Your secret's safe with me, Steve. If you ever need to talk, you know I'm always here."

"Thank you", he says, "that really means a lot."
He smiles at her, and she smiles back; and Steve feels for the first time in a long time, that things might turn out alright.

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