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"Something struck me, it struck me deep."

Steve smiled as he opened the door to the house, Billy tilting his head at him as he walks into the living room.
"Cover your eyes", Steve tells him. Billy gives him a questioning look, but ultimately says "ok." Steve takes his hand and guides him into the kitchen, Billy can tell when he feels the cold tile on his bare feet.
"Ok", Steve says, stopping and biting his lip to hide his excitement; "open your eyes."

Billy opens his eyes and they go wide as he looks around the kitchen. There's rose petals everywhere, the lights are dimmed, and the table is candle-lit, Steve standing next to one of the chairs, pulling it out for Billy. He looks at Steve with watering eyes, his smile spreading from ear to ear as he steps towards him, putting his hands on each side of his face.
"Baby I can't believe you did this for me", Billy chokes out, and Steve returns the smile, pulling Billy as close as he possibly can to him.

"You deserve it, Billy. You deserve everything."

Steve could actually feel Billy melt into him, and he loved that. He loved the moments where it was just the two of them because he got to see the real Billy, not the one everyone thought he was. He wasn't mean or a jerk, or an asshole - although Steve pokes fun at him and calls him that sometimes but it's always in a loving way - the truth was; Billy was kind, and caring, and loving.

"There's chicken in the oven, pie in the fridge, and ice cream in the freezer. I rented your favorite movie for after dinner, and I got those bath salts you like. I thought maybe after the movie we could share one?", Steve says; his eyes full of wonder as he hoped Billy would be happy with all these things.

"H-How did you..." Billy trails off, questioning how Steve was able to to pull all of this off when he had been at work all day and then came to pick him up and hadn't been home since early this morning.

"I called in a few favors. Joyce had the morning off, she was more than happy to help", Steve explained, knowing Billy knew what a sap for romance she was.

Billy stared at him in astonishment. He did all this, just for him.

"You really are the most amazing human being to ever exist, aren't you?", Billy says, making Steve blush a deep red.

"Only for you."

Billy kissed Steve passionately, and he swears fireworks went off around them. He had never been so in love with anyone, neither one of them have.

A half an hour later, dinner was ready and they were sitting at the table. Steve asked Billy about the events of his day, and Billy asked Steve about his. They talked about their plans for the weekend; most of them consisted of Steve running the kids around, except for Sunday. That was their day. A day for them to not leave the house, not have any responsibilities, but for them to just be together; something that didn't happen often except for the little time they had at night after work.

"I can't believe you remembered", Billy speaks when Steve places the pie on the table; it's peach, Billy's favorite. It's topped off with vanilla ice cream and whipped cream, exactly how Billy likes it; and Steve knows that.

"Of course I remembered. You told me the first time we were alone together. At the diner, remember? You had peach pie and I had a-"

"Chocolate milkshake", Billy says with him.

They both smile widely at the memory.

"Yeah", Steve says;

"That was the night I started looking at you differently."

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