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Billy pulled into the Byers' driveway to see the house already lit up, music floating out in a muffled tone. Steve looked at him a little shocked, it wasn't like Joyce to throw parties, let alone one like this; then again it was Jonathan's birthday.
"Behave yourself", Steve says as they make their way up the porch, he can practically feel Billy's mischievous grin growing across his face. Billy knew he was half joking, but the other half of him was serious, they both knew the Byers' extended family had come from out of town for tonight, and they couldn't risk getting caught, or making a bad impression.

Before they entered the house, Billy grabbed onto Steve's wrist and spun him around towards him;
"What're you?-" but Billy's lips were on his before he could finish his sentence. Steve didn't even protest until Billy pulled away, a soft whine coming from his lips that were now slightly swollen and red.

"Had to get one more in, not gonna be able to do that for a while", Billy smiles, and Steve presses his lips hard against Billy's for a few moments, breaking it off before things got too heated; and they headed inside.

"Steve! Billy! So glad you could make it!", Joyce smiles when they enter the house. She's standing in the kitchen talking with Mrs. Henderson, the only parent who bothered to stay.

"Hi Joyce", Steve smiles, hugging her gently, Billy following before he turns to Steve who's talking to Mrs. Henderson, who Billy's never met before.
"Claudia, this is Billy Hargrove", Joyce smiles.

"Oh hello Billy! You must be Max's brother I've heard so much about, it's nice to finally meet you", Billy goes to stick out his hand but she quickly engulfs him in a hug. Steve can barely hold on his laugh when he sees the surprised look on Billy's face.

"It's nice to meet you too, Mrs. Henderson."

"Oh please", She laughs, waving her hand at him, "call me Claudia."

"Ok. Claudia", Billy smiles, and Steve can tell he's becoming more relaxed.

Billy looks around Joyce's house, not really listening to the conversation. He'd never been there before except for the one night he and Steve battled it out, but it's not like he stopped to look around at the decor then. It was a nice home, it reminded him of California. Where he had been safe and happy, before Steve of course. He goes to take a sip of whatever drink Joyce has given him, but nearly chokes on it at the next words spoken.

"So boys, how do you two know each other?", Mrs. Henderson asks.

"Friends" and "School" is blurted out at the same time, causing a nervous glance between the two boys, but Mrs. Henderson finds herself chuckling.

"They're friends at school. Steve's always driving the kids around somewhere and with Billy being Max's brother they were bound to cross paths sometime, huh?", Joyce quickly adds, saving them both.

"Well I just think that's so nice that at least you two have each other mixed in with all those kids", Mrs. Henderson adds.

And yeah, Billy thinks, it really is.

They mingle with Jonathan and Nancy for a while, wishing Jonathan a happy birthday, catching up on their jobs now that they left The Hawkins Post. Billy talks about his lifeguard job, Steve about Scoops Ahoy.

Eventually, the pair find themselves downstairs with the kids. Steve was sure most of them - excluding El who knew about them and Max who as far she knew they were friends - were a little surprised to see Billy Hargrove follow him down the basement steps.

"Where's Lucas?", Steve asks.

All of the kids shrug their shoulders; "he went upstairs a few minutes ago, probably to the bathroom or something", Max says.

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