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A few weeks had gone by since the night Steve and Billy admitted their feelings for each other; and Billy hadn't gone home. Steve demanded he stay with him, and they'd figure out the rest later, so Billy stayed. Steve hasn't been back to work to tell Robin, as Scoops was closed for repairs after the freezer decided to stop working.

No one else knew about Steve and Billy except Steve and Billy. It was kept on the down low. Anytime they were in the same place in public, they either acted like they always had, or acted like they were friends. But as soon as they were behind closed doors again, there was no doubting they were together. They would cuddle, and kiss, and smother each other with affection.

Even though, they tried their best not to act like they were together when out in public, they couldn't help it sometimes. Any chance they got, they would give each other affection. Usually, it would be Billy lightly touching or rubbing his fingers on Steve's arm or his hip bone, sometimes he'd sneak a hand underneath Steve's shirt and gently touch his back. Steve loved it, and Billy loved it, but they both also secretly wished they didn't have to be so subtle.

Steve still ran the kids around, and stopped by to help Joyce or just talk with her, but still, nobody else knew. After a week of the kids begging Steve to let them come over and swim so they didn't have to be in the hot sun all day with zero places to get ice cream because Scoop's was closed, Steve finally gave in.

He was awoken early on Saturday, around ten am, to the kids banging on his front door. When he opened it, he was greeted by Joyce scolding them for being loud and clearly waking Steve up. "Nice hair kid", Hopper commented as they walked into the house. Steve pouted slightly, and rubbed his hair down. Billy had gone to the store earlier, and Steve hoped he would be back soon so he didn't have to deal with Joyce and Hopper's pda, and the kids all by himself.

Steve was slightly sad Robin couldn't make it, but he'd make it a point to see her this weekend.

"Come on Harrington! Get your trunks got!", Dustin called at him. Steve rolled his eyes, beginning to stomp up the stairs.
"Alright! Calm the hell down!"
He was quickly changed into his trunks after making it upstairs, slipping a white t-shirt on too, not quite ready to swim yet. He made his way back downstairs, and smiled when he saw Billy in the kitchen, in his lifeguard trunks, staring out the kitchen window at the kids.
"You're back", Steve spoke, walking up behind him, his chin resting gently on Billy's shoulder.

"Well, can't stay at the grocery store too long. Especially when we have guests", Billy says, spinning around to look at Steve, pulling him in close.
"Sorry about that, I didn't know they'd be here this early", Steve apologized.
"'S fine, I get you after they're gone", Billy smirks, pressing his lips softly against Steve's.
Steve still can't get over the fact that Billy's his. It just doesn't seem real to him, like a dream. It's a pretty damn good dream if it is one, he thinks.
"Such a pretty boy", Billy says, tucking a strand of Steve's hair behind his ear, making him blush red, leaning in to kiss Billy again.

"Mike! Stop it!" Lucas is heard yelling from the back yard.
"Then don't start it!" Mike yelled back.
"Both if you stop or we're all going home!", Hopper yelled.

Steve shakes his head as he looks out the window, "freaking idiots", he mutters. Billy laughs, sneaking his hand up underneath Steve's shirt, softly rubbing his lower back; both of them unaware of Joyce's eyes watching them from the hall.

She had figured something was up when Steve stopped needing so much help about Billy, and he never had much to say about it anymore. But as she stood there and watched them, she couldn't help but smile. She wasn't sure if they were together yet, but figured there was a good chance, and she'd keep her eye out for more small touches like this later.

Around noon, they were all by the pool, Steve splashing around with Dustin, Hopper and Will relaxing out on a lawn chair, Joyce mixing lemonade for everyone, Mike and El swimming with Max and Lucas. Billy was sitting with his feet in the pool, watching Steve with glistening eyes. It was peaceful.

When Billy saw Steve getting out, he grabbed him a towel, being sure to brush his fingers lightly against Steve's skin as he handed it to him. Steve's face lit up in a smile, and that's when Joyce knew; they were definitely together.

Eventually, it was time for the kids to go home, and Billy offered to drive them; Hopper in the shower, and Joyce insisting on helping clean up. So the house was quiet as Steve and Joyce picked up after the kids, until she decided to ask him about Billy.
"So...how are things going with the Billy thing?", Joyce asks. Steve blushes, and nods, swallowing the lump in his throat.
"It's uh, it's ok I guess. I'm managing it", he says.

Joyce laughs, "I'd say so." This stops Steve dead in his tracks.
"Uh...what? I mean, huh?"
"Steve honey", she says, rubbing her hand over his, "I saw how the two of you were acting with each other today."
"You did?", he asks, looking nervous.
"Yeah I did. The way he subtly touches you every chance he gets. I saw you two in the kitchen earlier, in each other's arms. It makes me so happy to see you like that", She explains.

Steve smiles widely, "Thank you, Joyce."
She nods, before going back to picking things up. "So, tell me about him."

And Steve does. He tells her how Billy's there when he gets home from late shifts, waiting with dinner or coffee, a movie on the tv. He tells her how he'll drive to the pool to surprise Billy and pick him up if he's closing it that day. He tells her how they confessed their feelings to each other, leaving out the whole part where Billy's dad hits him, because that's a story for another time. He tells her about the hugs, and the feeling he gets when they kiss, and he tells her how much he loves Billy, to the point where his heart might explode; and Joyce listens to every bit of it, beyond proud of how far Steve has come.

Then Hopper returns downstairs and sees the two of them looking all happy in the kitchen, Steve with a look of pure bliss and love in his eyes. "What's this all about?" Hopper asks.
But Joyce just laughs and walks him to his coat, "I'll tell you when you're older, Chief." Hopper just laughs and says "ok." Steve smiles and walks them to the door, and tells them goodnight, watching as they get in Hopper's car.

Then he turns and sees Billy shut the door of his camaro, walking up the driveway towards him, and his heart does a backflip, and he has that same blissful look, his eyes glistening. He embraces Billy as soon as he reaches the porch, kissing him softly, nuzzling his head into his neck, taking in how sweet he smells. He loves this, he thinks, and as he looks up into Billy's blue eyes, he feels happier than he's ever been, and he knows it'll be that way for a long time. He knows Billy feels the same way too, by the way their heart beats sync when they are laying in bed together.

He reaches up and rubs Billy's cheek, making him smile, and says; "welcome home."

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