Twenty Two

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Sun streamed brightly through the curtains in Steve's bedroom, way too bright for Steve's liking. Last night had been a late night, really late; he didn't think they had gotten to bed before two in the morning. It had to be well into the afternoon by now for it to be this bright, especially in Hawkins. He heard soft footsteps walking across the carpet floor, and peeled his eyes open. He was met with Billy's broad back shining with water in the sunlight, his muscles flexing as he searched for what Steve guesses was a shirt.

A white towel being the only thing that covered Billy, clinging gently to his hips. His wet hair curled slightly around his ears as it began to dry and brighten back up from the dark brown it had become. Steve smiled as he admired the boy's beauty, but it quickly turned into a smirk when Billy dropped the towel.

His bare ass was lit up by the sun and the fact that it was drastically lighter compared to his tan body. Steve's eyes bulged out of his head for a moment at the suddenness of it, one second the towel was there and the next it was gone and Billy's ass was left in full view.

Billy reached for the pack of cigarettes on the dresser and lit one up as he searched for something to wear, clearly not aware Steve was awake while he walked around buck ass nude. Steve thought about saying something, but decided against it as he knew Billy would cover up in embarrassment and Steve was enjoying the view too much. The smirk was still plastered on Steve's face as he watched Billy brush the curls of his hair, starting to hum softly as he did so. He bent over to pick a pair of boxers off the floor, and that's when Steve spoke up.

"Wow", he says clearing his throat, "what a way to wake up."

Billy's head whips around to look at him, and sure enough a bright pink blush sneaks up his neck and across his cheeks.

"Hey! How long have you been watching me creep?"

Steve laughed, "maybe ten minutes. Didn't think you would come out here and have your ass on display as the first thing I see when I wake up."

Billy just shakes his head as he slides into his boxers, his bottom jiggling slightly as he slides them up to his hips;
"You could've told me you awake, I wouldn't have dropped the towel then."

"Well now where's the fun in that?", Steve says, smiling mischievously.

And that makes Billy laugh; "you're so cheeky."

"Yeah? And you're sexy as hell", Steve bluntly says back, and before he knows it Billy's coming back over to the bed and letting out a silly growl noise as he climbs on top of Steve; burying his face in is neck.

"Cuddly this morning, aren't we?", Steve says, Billy doing everything he can to be as close to Steve as possible; his arms draped down over Steve's side, his legs entangled with his. He ran his fingers up and down Steve's side softly, causing him to shiver.

"Jesus your fingers are freezing!", Steve yelps out, and then he feels Billy's chest vibrate against him as he laughs; his warm breath hitting the side of his neck from where Billy is nuzzled.

"Sorry pretty boy, warm me up", he whispers.

Steve grabs the blanket next to them and pulls it over Billy, wrapping his arms around him as he pulls him closer;

"Much", Billy sighs out, Steve can feel his eyelashes flutter down his skin when Billy closes his eyes. His chest lifting him slightly off of him as his breathing becomes even, drifting closer to sleep.

"Billy baby...", Steve says softly after a few minutes.


"We've gotta get up. We have company coming over today, remember?"

But Billy doesn't answer, he just curls in closer to Steve, his cold toes pressing against his legs.

"It's just Joyce and Hop", Billy finally mumbles.

"I know baby, but we've still gotta be up for them."

"Just let me rest my eyes for a little, yeah?", Billy whispers; and well, how can Steve say no?

So he just lays there and rubs Billy's back gently as he falls asleep, admiring the beautiful boy that was somehow his. Steve smiles, Billy was gorgeous as far as Steve was concerned, there was no denying it. He often took in each of his features, as if painting a picture. His bright blue eyes that sparkled in the sun, his sweet, wide smile. His tanned, honeysuckle skin that glistened with sweat after a hard days work. Blonde curls that sometimes draped down over his forehead, golden in the sun. He was paradise, he was home.

But even while asleep Steve found him even more gorgeous, his light eyelashes laying gently against his cheeks. He knew there was no one else in the world that even compared; Billy was his forever. It was quiet in the bedroom and throughout the rest of the house; it was solemn. Steve decided to stay there and just be with Billy because where else would he rather be? Joyce and Hopper had a key, and that's all the reassurance he needed to allow himself to relax and sink himself into Billy's touch above him.

The room filled with Billy's light breathing and the occasional soft snore. Wind blew in lightly from the cracked window, and he knew Billy was asleep again. He rubbed up and down his back softly, breathing in his scent as he closed his eyes for a moment, the light footsteps coming up the stairs being the only thing that caused him to reopen them. A light knock came from the door frame and Steve peered over to see Joyce standing there smiling softly at them, Hopper's head appearing higher above her figure as he too peeked in. 

"Give us fifteen minutes?", Steve asks softly, his voice barely above a whisper, not wanting to wake the blonde boy on his chest.

Joyce nodded immediately, her smile not faltering as she completely understood. Steve watched as the pair disappeared from the doorway again and he let his eyes fall close; his cheek resting atop Billy's curls. But Joyce stood back for a moment in the hallway, watching the pair with such admiration and proudness in her heart, she was so glad at how far they'd both come, how happy they were; that made her happy. She stood for a moment longer, before following Hopper downstairs to wherever he had gotten to.

While his eyes were closed, Steve found himself wondering what Billy was dreaming about when a tiny smiled played at his lips; and he softly hummed in happiness for the blue eyed boy and his beautiful soul.

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