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"You don't mess around with Jim."

If Hopper was anything, it would be honest, and if you could hold him to anything, it would be a promise he made; especially if it was one to himself.

So when he told himself he was going to beat the living hell out of Neil Hargrove, he meant it. Normally if he had a problem with people, he'd keep it to himself as long as the person wasn't bothering one of his kids, but this guy was bother him, and abusing one of his kids.
Hopper had never been so worried and pissed off all at the same time in his life like he had been when El told him what Billy's father did to him. Yeah, Billy might have gotten into some trouble with Hop in the past, but Hopper knew he wasn't really a bad kid, and he especially knew now he only acted that way because of what happened at home.

"I'm gonna bash that guy's skull in", Hopper growled while sitting with Joyce. He had told her everything because well, who else could he talk to it about? He didn't want to get any of the guys down at the station involved because he would have to reveal Billy and Steve's relationship when the guys asked why he cared so much, but Joyce already knew; and Joyce not only understood but felt the same way.

"I can't believe Billy goes through that, poor kid oh my god", Joyce says, completely shocked and infuriated.

Hopper doesn't say anything, he just stares straight ahead as if he's planning how to do it. If I ever catch that bastard in the act I'll kill him, he thought; and he probably would if he didn't come damn close near it.

Joyce can see the tears in Hopper's eyes as he stares blankly, and she knows he's remembering the night Steve brought Billy to him all beaten up. It killed Hopper that such a good kid went through so much shit. But he knew he couldn't do anything about it without evidence, and since all Billy's injuries had all but healed up and he didn't see Neil do it to him, he didn't really have any.

But all that changed one day as Hopper drove back towards his cabin after being out of town. It wasn't long after he passed Sadler's Quarry and made it into town that he spotted a crowd in the parking lot outside the grocery store on the corner. He immediately pulled in and ran from his car when he saw the scene. There stood Neil Hargrove, yelling profanities and beating Billy.

And that struck the last nerve inside Hopper's body. He didn't care who was watching, or what people might think, he moved as fast as he could towards the pair, and grabbed Neil by the collar of his jacket, pulling him off of Billy who now laid bruised and bloody on the ground.

"Put me down you son of a bitch!", Neil hollered, turning towards Hopper with a fist, but Hopper only grabbed it; twisting Neil's arm behind his back and cuffing him.
"If anyone here is a son of a bitch it's you. You're a disgusting, terrible human being. Beating up your own son? Your son who is the kindest soul", Hopper practically growled at him.

Neil looked towards Billy and spit at him; offering an evil smirk.
"What son? A fucking coward. A fucking faggot", Neil sneered. He tried to lunge at Billy, kicking at Hopper's legs; so he grabbed him tighter, punching him square in the face. Neil hit the ground with a thud, by now the crowd had gotten bigger, and more police cars pulled in.

"Alright! Everyone clear out! Shows over!", one of the sheriffs called out, making the crowd disperse.

Hopper grabbed Neil off the ground with a harsh tug, standing him upright and marching him towards the police car.
"You don't mess around with my kids", Hopper said through gritted teeth, inches away from Neil's ear; right before he threw him into the police car and slammed the door.

He watched the car speed off, a sense of relief filling his body before remembering the boy that still lay on the sidewalk; making him turn around and rush towards him. He knelt down next to him and Billy flinched.
"Easy Billy, I'm not going to hurt you", Hopper reassured him; checking his body for any fractures or broken bones.

"Chief", one of the sheriffs called making Hopper look towards him briefly; "is there anyone we can call for the kid?"

"Harrington. Steve Harrington."


"Just call him", Hopper shot before sighing; "please."

He returned his attention to Billy, his eyes were puffy from crying as they purpled with bruises around the sockets. Blood ran from his nose that was no doubt broken, his lip was split and his cheeks cut up and bruised. Hopper knew he found a fracture or break when he felt Billy's arm gently and he winced. All Hopper could think was that this kid didn't deserve any of this, nobody did. He gently helped Billy sit up, the boy gripping his side and wheezing out a cough.

"What is it, son?", Hopper asked worriedly.

"Can't breathe", Billy rasped out.

By now an ambulance had arrived and Hopper helped Billy all the way up before helping him over to the paramedics; who quickly hooked him up to breathing mask. Hopper noticed them starting to load him up before he called out a "stop, don't take him yet. Harrington's not here."

A minute later, quick and loud footsteps were heard running through the parking lot and Steve appeared in front of Jim, his eyes puffy and red as he looked around dazed.
"Where is he?", Steve asks immediately.

"Ambulance, come on, they wanna take him."

Steve runs ahead of Hopper and rushes to Billy's side, bending down and placing a hand on his knee; the other cupping his face. Hopper tells the paramedics to give them a moment and they leave, the area quiet and sad.

"Baby...", Steve cries out when he sees the state Billy's in; tears welling up in his eyes again as he sees Billy sitting there crying; barely able to breathe.

"I'm sorry...", Billy croaks.

"What the hell are you sorry for? You didn't do a damn thing baby."

Hopper doesn't hear the rest as Joyce runs up beside him, out of breath and frantically looking at him. She follows his gaze to the two boys and her hand flies up to cover her mouth and she can't help but cry at the sight.
"Oh my god...", she mutters; Hopper pulling her in close to him.

"It's ok, don't cry Billy, please don't cry. You don't ever have to go back to that place again. He's gonna be locked up for a long time. Max is safe, you're safe now too. Everything is going to be ok", Steve tells him, using his thumb to wipe a tear from Billy's face that's rolling down his cheek.

He rests his forehead against Billy's, "it'll be ok."

Steve hears Billy whimper, followed by "my whole body aches." Steve nods, his tears blurring his vision as he places a soft kiss to Billy's forehead before turning around to face Hopper, his hand not letting go of Billy's.

"Hop", Steve calls, the chief looking towards him; "he's ready to go."

Hopper nods, calling the paramedics back before they load Billy onto a stretcher, Steve getting in the ambulance after him; because who else would go with him? Who else would Billy want to go with him? Jim and Joyce follow the ambulance close behind, telling Steve they will meet them there.

And as Steve watches Billy in the back of the ambulance, all bruised and beat up the way he is; and the tears streaming down his face, he realizes he can't live without Billy. He never will be able to either; and he finds himself crying even harder because he's so thankful Billy is going to be ok. He still has the love of his life, and he's never going to leave him.

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