Twenty One

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Once they were in the bedroom there was no stopping Billy. He needed Steve, he craved him. He was surprised he had even made it all the way home and didn't have to pull over and put Steve to work right there from how hard he was. When he pulled Steve's jeans down from around his waist, he felt his adrenaline pump even faster from the realization that Steve had gone commando that night as he had said.

Steve was in just as big of a rush as Billy was if not more, he might've seemed like the sensitive one around others, but he was pure animal just like Billy when it was just the two of them in the bedroom. Clothes were flying everywhere and hitting the floor with a soft thud, Steve yanking Billy's boxers from his hips, gulping with wide eyes when he sees how hard Billy is. It turns him on even more to know it's all for him.

Even though their sex might be animal, it was also pure passion and love for each other. They were gentle with each other, always checking to make sure the other was ok, always whispering sweet nothings to each other, loving words that they swore could make their hearts explode.

Their lips remained attached throughout the whole undressing ordeal, it was quickly a make-out session, and a very passionate one at that. Their lips were swollen and red, Steve's own lips wandering their way down Billy's neck and to his chest, leaving purple marks all over his body. But even though Billy loved kissing Steve and the marks he left on him, he couldn't take it anymore and decided his throbbing hard needed attention with a small whimper that left his lips; and Steve knew exactly what he meant.

Steve reaches into the drawer next to the bed and pulled out some lube and a condom, quickly handing them to Billy. It was barely a minute later that Billy had turned Steve over on his back, positioning himself at Steve's entrance.

"Are you ready?", Billy asks softly, and Steve nods frantically.


And with his fingers gripping onto Steve's pale hips surely to leave a mark, he pushed in, and Steve's lips parted wide; a loud moan escaping his lips. This made Billy smirk, barely able to keep his own moan suppressed as he finally felt some relief and pleasure from his hard on.

"'So beautiful", Billy whispered, making Steve's hair stand up, the feeling flying down to his dick.

Billy started slowly, thrusting in and out carefully before Steve begged for him to go faster. His fingers gripped the sheets, both of their moans echoing through Steve's bedroom, sounds that were permanently burned into their minds. Their bodies moved in rhythm as Billy thrusted in and out of Steve quickly, his lips moving down to find Steve's again, attaching them together.

"You're so hot, holy shit", Steve grunts out when Billy kisses him and hits a good spot.

"Fuck, look at you pretty boy."

Billy knew it was obscene, but Steve's faces while they made love were what he found some of the most attractive things he'd ever seen. The way his mouth gaped open which each thrust, his throaty moans escaping in loud sounds. It was music to Billy's ears.

"Fuck you're so hard and so good for me", Steve compliments him.

This makes Billy smirk, and his dick become even harder. He'd never admit it, but Steve knew he had a praise kink.

"Say it again", Billy told him.

Steve started thrusting his own hips downward into Billy's front, his hard dick going deeper inside Steve; causing his back to arch up.

"You're so good", Steve repeated with a moan.

"Pretty boy you're gonna make me cum early."

Steve smirked and leaned closer to Billy, biting down on his skin just below his ear where his jawline met, and Billy let out the loudest moan Steve had ever heard; he knew it was his sweet spot. Doing that alone even if they were just watching tv or in the kitchen, was enough to make both of them instantly, achingly, hard.

"Faster Billy, jesus", Steve grunts as Billy hits his prostate, pleasure rushing through his lower stomach as it begins to tighten, coming increasingly closer to his high.

"Oh my god", Billy throws his head back, his mouth open as throaty moans escape. He knew when they were rushing home it was going to be good, but he never imagined it being this good.

Billy felt Steve tighten around his dick on a particular thrust, his face scrunching up at the unbelievable pleasure;

"Fuck me, do that again baby."

And somehow, as if he could control it, Steve did it again. He did it repeatedly with each thrust, and they both felt themselves coming closer and closer to their highs; it was like crack, the amount of pleasure they got by just loving each other.

"I'm gonna cum", Billy chokes out, making eye contact with Steve.

And as if on cue, both of their heads fell back and they came. Hot, white, sticky liquid streamed from Steve's dick all over his stomach and Billy's chest; Billy's own cum filling Steve up from the inside. They were panting as they both came down from their highs, sweat shining over their skin as Billy pulled out, his forehead resting gently against Steve's.

Steve pushed his lips forward, softly kissing Billy for a moment, their breathing syncing back to normal as Billy laid next to him. His arms pulled Steve close, deciding to clean themselves up later when Steve nuzzled in close.

"You did so good baby", Billy tells him softly; "so good."

"So did you. I'm so glad you're a horny boy", Steve says, making Billy let out a throaty laugh.

"I love you so much, there aren't even words", Billy breathes out, looking deeply into Steve's eyes. And there weren't words to describe it, both of them knew that. And so Steve said it back, and he meant it, with the only words they knew how;

"I love you too, so so much."

And their lips were together again as their heart beats calmed and synced in a steady rhythm, their eyelashes fluttering shut against each other's warm cheeks.

It was home; and they both knew it.

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