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It was dark and colder than usual in the cabin. A storm was brewing outside, loud thunder cracking in the distance, echoing through the cabin. It was quiet, the only sound was the fire crackling in the fireplace. Max and El were over at Mike's with Lucas, and Hopper was out with Joyce, so it was just Billy and Steve. Billy was cuddled up under a blanket on the couch, Steve getting them something to drink from the kitchen.

"Steve...what's taking so long? Did you forget how to open the fridge?", Billy calls, smirking when he hears an audible sigh of amusement from the kitchen.

Steve appears carrying a tray with two drinks on top, shaking his head. "Hey asshole", he jokes. Steve sits down next to Billy, handing him one of the glasses; "excuse me for wanting to make them special."

Billy pokes his tongue out for a moment at Steve, before taking a sip and smiling.
"Do you remember that night?", Billy asks.

Steve's brow wrinkles; "what night?"

"Sadler's Quarry. I was supposed to come and pick up Max, and there you were with all the kids, unsurprisingly", Billy says before smiling; "you were so surprised to see me there, and the first thing out of your mouth was-"

"Hey asshole", Steve says at the same time, remembering that night. He smiled, his eyes glistening in the dull light as he looked at Billy, a glow spread across half of his face as it was cast from the fireplace. Steve never would've imagined back then that Billy would've been with him now given how things were back then. He remembered the night so clearly;

It was late at night, Steve was running after the kids around Sadler's Quarry. It was a little chilly, but that didn't stop Steve from doting his usually jean jacket. His wooden bat with nails was sticking out of his bag; he chased after the kids yelling "hey shitheads! Slow down!"

He heard Mike and Lucas mumbling something about going off the cliff or up into this woods further, catching his attention.
"Yeah that's a no", he calls out, but he's ignored. The kids continue talking, walking ahead of him, so he moves a little faster, catching up to them.
"Hey! Hey! This isn't happening, not a chance", He says.

"Steve-" he cuts Mike off.

"No! I'm in charge of you little dickheads, which means if any of you get hurt it's on me. Your parents don't even know you're out here, let alone with me. So you go by my rules, or we're going home. Got it, shitheads?"

None of the kids answer, and just exchange glances between each other; "I said, do you got it?", Steve repeats.

"Yes, geez! Alright! Asshole", Dustin calls out.

But it doesn't last long, and the kids take off again, Steve mumbling something about how he needs more friends his age and wonders how he got stuck in this mess. But he doesn't have that long to think about it when bright head lights pull up, shining directly in his face. He quickly recognizes the car as a blue camaro, the only one in town. He's less than pleased with who drives the car, so when Billy Hargrove steps out, he isn't too thrilled.

Steve walks closer to the car before stopping, his hands on hips as he stares at Billy, who shuts his car door a little more aggressively than needed.
"Hey asshole", Steve says. Billy chuckles at this, running his hand through his hair.
"Pretty boy, fancy seeing you here."
"Yeah well, I can say the same for you, amigo."

"I'm here for Max", Billy states, walking closer to Steve, only to sit on the hood of his car instead.
"Yeah well good luck with that. It'll be a while until they make their way back around", Steve tells him.

"I thought you were supposed to be this great babysitter, Harrington?"

Steve scoffs; "Hey, I might be a shitty boyfriend, or not the best friend in the world; but I'm a pretty damn good babysitter."

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