The Lady Out of Time || Prologue

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HELLO EVERYONE! I have been so excited to write this book since I began Let Me Be a Part of the Narrative! If you're a newcomer to the series, you don't have to read that book to understand this one, but it might be nice to see some of what my altered reality started out as. Anyway, thank you for reading!

Disclaimer: I own none of the characters you recognize from Hamilton, as I am not Lin Manuel Miranda.

Margaret Scott knew who she was from the day she turned 12. The day was crystal clear in her mind, as we're the memories she had gained that day. Those happy memories of staying up late with her sisters against their fathers wishes, sneaking downtown during the war, talking about love... All of those wonderful memories returned that day. She had told her now family when she realized what she really was.

A reincarnation.

Margaret let herself be pulled into a flashback of that day.

This was probably the most nervous she had been in her life. Well, except for when she had met-nope! She wasn't thinking about him today. That was dangerous territory. Today wouldn't be the day she uncovered that part of her past. No, today was the day she would tell her now family everything. It had been a week since she had her revelation, and a week since her birthday. She had taken the time to get her memories straight for them. Everything was put into place.

Margaret paced the length of the living room. Her now family wasn't rich by any means, but they certainly had more than enough money. "Mom! Dad! Kayla! Can you guys get down here? We need to have a family meeting!"

Now, Margaret hadn't called for a family meeting ever, her voice sounded incredibly serious, and she was twelve, so there were tons of red flags there. Her now family all ran into the room. She was the baby of the family, seeing as Kayla was 17, and everyone was protective of the baby!

"What is it, honey?" Her now mother had asked, voice full of worry. Inwardly she had laughed at the fact that her calling a family meeting was the most worrying thing about her. Knowing her past, Margaret knew that things were about to get a lot more complicated.

Margaret took a deep breath. "I'm a reincarnation." Her now family had been speechless, and she couldn't blame them. This was a huge revelation. She decided she had to elaborate. "I'm a reincarnation of Margarita Schuyler. You might recognize Peggy Schuyler better. One of my sisters married Alexander Hamilton?" She tried, hoping that she would be recognized. Her now family only nodded. Great. They probably knew nothing!

"I guess I should tell you everything." Peggy said that, but she didn't truly do that. Sure she told of the basics of how she lived, her then family, some things she saw fit for her now family to know, but she left out her death, the pain she felt as Alexander became such a big part of their lives, and...her first love. Even in her thoughts she couldn't say his name, for fear of breaking into tears. They were pulled apart too soon, and this cruel world would never let them be together again.

The Scott household had changed that day. Kayla actively avoided Peggy, always told her friends they would have to go somewhere other than their home, and would never look her in the eye when talking to her, if they even talked. Peggy's now parents always acted as if she would explode at the slightest talk about the past, or the mention of reincarnation. They respected her wishes to be called Peggy, but always introduced her as Margaret. It was disrespectful, but Peggy had no place in telling them that. She had intruded into their lives when all they asked for was a normal young girl.

It was a wonder, Peggy thought, that her now parents had agreed to send her off to college. Somehow, she had gotten into Columbia University, planning to major in graphic design. It was still a relativly new major, so Peggy imagined there weren't too many people in it. Still, she enjoyed art and wanted to follow it as a career.

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