The Hamilsquad (Somewhat) Reunites!

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When Alexander woke up, the first thing that he registered was the couch he was lying on and the dull ache in his head. What had happened?

He had been up all night but passed out, his alarm hadn't woken him up, so he'd been running to his next class… then everything went black. Whenever he tried to think, his head felt like a rock was banging around inside of it. 

Slowly, Alexander opened his eyes to see… his dorm room. Nothing looked out of order, but his anxiety was on high alert. Maybe it was that everything looked a little too neat. 

All of sudden, his stomach gurgled. Right. Food should be a top priority. Alexander swung his legs over the side of the couch and stood up.

"Ow!" He fell to the floor with a loud thump. His ankle hurt so bad. 

Quick as a whip, Lafayette and Eliza ran over to Alexander. 

"Are you okay!?" They screeched in unison, worry apparent in their eyes. Alexander grimaced, but he didn't question why Eliza was there. He knew that nothing would keep her away from someone she cared about. 

"Just my ankle." He whimpered. She sighed in relief. 

Lafayette laughed nervously. "Oh yeah. I think you sprained it when you fell. Speaking of which,"  The french man's gaze hardened. "What happened?" 

Alexander weighed his options. He could tell them the truth, but then they would both be worried about someone attacking him. It would be better to keep them from panic. "I think I just passed out for exhaustion. I didn't get any sleep the night before." 

Judging from the look on both Eliza's and Lafayette's faces, they didn't buy his excuse at all. Eliza opened her mouth, presumably to pry, but a knock on the door cut her off. 

"Oh." Lafayette said, slowly and deliberately. "That must be our guests." Eliza nodded, but Alexander furrowed his eyebrows. What guests? Neither of them really had any friends. Maybe Eliza had invited some people over? He didn't be surprised if she knew a lot of people, she was so good at socializing compared to him. 

As Lafayette walked to the door, Eliza helped Alexander back into the couch. She handled him so carefully, like she had been in a situation not unlike this one. 

The door creaked open, and in came barreling a line of people. They all looked incredibly different, and so on the surface it seemed that they had nothing in common. He recognized Herry, as he had been hanging out with Lafayette a lot, but that was it. Everyone filed in awkwardly, glancing at Alexander every so often, but looking away after a moment. His face probably looked pretty beat up. 

For what felt like forever (But was probably just a minute or two), everyone sat in silence. Eliza was squeezing Alexander's hand over and over again, like she was nervous. A wave of protectiveness came over him. He didn't like seeing her forced into situations that she'd feel nervous. Heck, he didn't like not knowing what this situation even was! 

One of the girls, who had long curly, dark hair and dark skin, finally spoke up. "I guess I'll take charge, then. We all know why we're here, don't we?" 

Alexander almost butt in, but Eliza beat him to it. "Alex doesn't know. He doesn't…" She seemed to be searching for the right words. "He's not like us." What? None of that sentence made any sense. What were Eliza and Lafayette hiding from him? 

"So, who wants to start?" The room sat in awkward silence. No one wanted to 'start', whatever that meant, and Alexander didn't want to try and bring the attention to himself. He wanted to see how this would pan out. 

One of the other girls spoke up this time. "Well, I can. My name is Margaret Scott, but my friends call me peggy. I…" She looked like she wanted to play with her dark brown hair, but it was tied tightly in a ponytail. The first woman offered Peggy a small, encouraging smile. "I used to be Margarita Schuyler V-Van Renessaeler." 

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