Games: The Most Powerful of Safe Bonding Activities

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Peggy ran about her dorm room, picking up scraps of garbage and dirty clothes. Some of them were her's, but the majority were Max's stuff. For some reason, Max and Kate had been leaving their stuff around the dorm, but then leaving for practically the entire day. It was super annoying.

Usually, she would just leave their stuff around the dorm, but today was different. John was coming over (because he was bored).

Now, Peggy wouldn't call herself boy crazy, or defined by romance. It wasn't like she had a crush on the reincarnation of her dead boyfriend! It was just that her palms got sweaty thinking of him, she dreamt about him and she really missed John Laurens. That was all.

Oh, who was she kidding?

When she had first remembered her past, the first thing she thought of was John. The love they felt for one another, and the pure anguish she had felt when he died. Ever since then, she'd dreamt of the day she'd meet him again. Ideally, it'd be like time stopped. She would see him, they would run towards one another. John would twirl her around and they'd cry... then they'd kiss and the world would fall away.

Turns out reality prefers to do whatever it wants and doesn't adhere to your expectations.

There was no running, no crying, no twirling, and no kissing. The world didn't fall away, but only seemed to scream louder in her ears.

John didn't remember her, but she remembered him. His hugs, the way that he kissed her, the majestic yet simply way he wrote... why would the world be so cruel as to put them in this predicament? What did she do to deserve that? What did they do to deserve that? Where was her ha-

"Peggy!" John was in front of her, hands on her shoulders. They were both breathing heavily. "Are you okay?"

No. "Y-yeah! I'm fine." She lied. He looked at her skeptically, but didn't press any further. John brought a hand up off one of her shoulders and wiped away her tears with his thumb. When had she started crying?

With careful hands, he guided Peggy to the couch. His hand stayed on her shoulder, and with how they were facing each other their knees were touching.

"Do you want to talk about it?" John's voice was soft and his eyes full of concern. He would never understand, not without remembering.

"No!" Peggy jumped out of her seat. "I-I mean..." She took a deep breath and opened the game closer. "Let's just play a game! Here's connect four!" He was very competitive, so surely this would distract him.

John looked like he had bit on a lemon, but conceited anyway. He chose red, she chose yellow, and it took around five rounds for them to be yelling.

Peggy kept on winning, looking smug as Thomas Jefferson during a cabinet battle. Every time she won, he vowed to enact vengeance upon her. Honestly, at this point she was going to be kidnapped and tortured.

At one point, Peggy's eyes began to droop and she felt her body begin to relax. As time pressed on, she felt more and more sluggish. Her vision was getting fuzzy.

Someone put their arms under her and lifted her. Unconsciously, she snuggled into the warm body. In the corner of her mind, she registered someone tucking her into her bed, moving a blanket up around her.

"John..." She whispered. He moved a strand of hair from her face.

It was a matter of minutes before she fell asleep.


Elizabeth smiled softly, hanging on to every word this book had. It was her first biography, and a rather daunting one at that, but it was by far one of the most interesting books she had read.

Theodosia had thrown this book, a biography of Alexander Hamilton, at Elizabeth one particularly slow and rainy day. Somehow, the book had captivated her, despite the 822 pages of pure history. Something about Alexander Hamilton was fascinating and personal to her. Even though he had his hard times, she found herself caring about the man. It was strange, admittedly, as he had died over 200 years ago, but it was still there.

There was something about this man was just so lovable.

As Elizabeth started to read a particularly interesting portion of the book, her phone buzzed. Happily, she picked up the phone, hoping for a call from Alexander. They weren't quite dating yet, but there was obvious chemistry between the two of them. She was disappointed to see it was just Lafayette.

"Hello?" Usually Lafayette texted her, not call.

"Can you come over?" His voice was anxiety ridden, and she immediately sat straight up.

"What's wrong?" She whispered, heart pounding. Something inside her whispered Alexander was hurt again.

Wait, what? Again? No, for as long as she had known Alexander he hadn't gotten hurt. Maybe passed out, but never really hurt.

Lafayette made a stained sort of squeak. "I found him unconscious at the bottom of a staircase. I think he fell down."

That was all Elizabeth needed to hear before she ran. She always had her purse with her so she didn't even need to grab it, and in the time she would have needed to she was already arriving at Alexander's apartment. She threw open the door to Lafayette pacing across the living room. Right next to the couch, where Alexander was laying.

Elizabeth's heart almost stopped before she ran to her crush (Boyfriend?). He had a large bump on the side of his head, and his eyes were half-lidded.

Softly, she caressed the side of his face. "Alexander..." She whispered, her voice cracked like a 14 year old boy.

"'Liza..." He looked up into her eyes, though his were cloudy and dazed. Not unlike that day in 1804...

Wait, what?

Eliza shook the thought off. Part of her wanted to dwell on it, but the greater part attempted to bury it. Now was not the time. She looked down at him as he grunted in pain. Her poor lion...

"He can sleep." Lafayette supplied. He was rolling papers into tubes and gluing them onto some sort of poster board. There was anxiety written all over his face.

"What are you-"

"It's my nervous tick."

Eliza sighed and returned her gaze to Alexander. She caressed the side of his face. "You can sleep now." A distinct sadness fell over her as he closed his eyes, but she didn't bury it.

July 12, 1804. It had been 216 years since Alexander had fallen prey to his wounds, but the memories came back fresh. She had been by his side every second, listening to every single word he managed to say.

Funny how he had never been big on religion, not as she had been. Despite that, some of his last words were centered around it. 'Remember, my Eliza, you are a Christian.' In his final moments, his faith had been stronger than her's.

Most people would mull over their past lives, but Eliza didn't feel inclined to do that. She already knew everything she needed to, all this extra knowledge was just that. Extra knowledge.

"I'm sorry..." Alexander mumbled. Just like his first life. It broke her heart, hearing him feel so much regret. He shouldn't feel such guilt, but she knew that he took everything and used it against himself. His self-hatred was just too strong to give him a break.

Eliza would help him. She cared too much to let him fall back into self destruction.

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