It's Investigation Time!

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Harry's-no, Hercules's- head was spinning as Lafayette embraced him. Just a moment ago, he had believed that he was just a normal man, a new soul, whatever you wanted to call it. That was how everyone was at first, though. Turns out he was full fledged reincarnate of Hercules Mulligan. All these memories were waking over him like waves, and he felt parts of himself returning. Specifically, the dangerous edge that had been a staple of his past life. 
All of the memories seemed to bring with them a melancholy tone. They were happy… but when Hercules's thought of them he was sad. Those hardly moments with Alexander...a thing of the past. All of it was gone. The memories that brought the most conflict with them were those of his wife, Elizabeth. 
Oh, Elizabeth. Even her name was a comfort to him. She had been such a kind and loving woman, but she had a fire to her. One that overpowered his own three greater portion of the time. Her bravery eclipsed his own, from the many times she'd passed on secrets shared by the British to him and his superiors, to the fact she had married him. She had known he was a Son of Liberty, and yet she married him. It did not matter that her uncle was a British Admiral, because she believed in the revolution. Elizabeth believed in Hercules. 
This was the pain that came with reincarnation, wasn't it? The knowledge that it was likely you'd never get to be with those you cared about again. Or, if you met them somehow,  they could never remember! A sense of anguish threw itself over Hercules like a blanket. He just wanted his friends, his family, his children, and his wife… was that too much to ask for?
Hercules laughed bitterly, causing Laf to jump. Apparently it was too much. The Frenchman pulled away, tears flowing freely down his face. A bright grin proved that they were happy ones. "I'm so glad you're here, mon ami!" The exclamation was muffled, as Laf had buried his face in Hercules's shoulder. 
"Yeah," Whispered the former Irish trailer. "I'm glad too." Again, a bitter laugh escaped him. "I just wish that Alexander and John were here…"
Like those words were a switch, Lafayette quickly pulled away, grinning broadly. "Alexander is here! He's my brother!" The Frenchman was practically bouncing, and Hercules felt like he may really start jumping for joy. 
"Really?" Asked the bewildered tailor. "Does he remember?"
Lafayette looked down for a moment, like he was testing words in his mind. "...No." The look on Laf's face… it was like he was about to cru for real. However, he stuck up his chin and managed to smile. "But, I think I know how to find John!" 
With that, he jumped up and raced to the door, pulling Hercules with him. "How!?" The Irish tailer yelled, earning an excited from from his friend.
"We're all interested in history subconsciously, aren't we? If John went to this school, surely he'd join the history club!" Hercules stared at his friend as he was pulled along. It would be their best attempt to find him, all things considered, but would John really by chance be here? That's be some freaky miracle, like from a book. 
Whatever. It was their best shot. The History club was having its first meeting today, and Hercules/Harry had been thinking about joining. Maybe that was some evidence that would suggest John would be there…
The club would be held in the library, which happened to be extremely far from both Lafayette's and Hercules's dorm rooms. The club was meeting at 6:00, it was currently 5:55. So, the duo was running as fast as humanly possible. 
Two minutes having passed, the duo finally got to the room, panting heavily. Quickly, Hercules looked up and searched the room with his eyes. Across the room was a man with long curly hair in a ponytail, with freckles decorating his visible body. It was 1st different from his past look, but somehow Hercules knew it was John Laurens. 
"KATE!" Max yelled, running into her dorm room. She had a very tight schedule this week, and so this short hour would have to be used to the fullest to get what she planned done. 
The blonde-haired girl fell off of her chair, which happened to be one of the tall chairs by the counter. "What the heck, Max!" Kate yelled in return, rubbing her now bruised arm. 
"Calm down." Now was not the time to nurse sounds, because Max had a serious problem. Well, more like a hunch she needed to follow up on, but still. "I have something I need to investigate."
Kate glared up at her friend. "Why do you need me for that?" 
"Because we need to bond and I need another pair of eyes." With a sly smile, the red-haired girl grabbed her friend forcefully and pulled her to the door.
"Where are we even going? What are we doing?" Despite these questions, Kate didn't try to escape her friend's hold. Max was fire in that she never gave up, and if you tried to stop her investigations she'd ruin your life. 
"To my friend's dorm room." 
"I don't want Peggy walking in on us." Max explained, still walking quickly. 
I'm sorry, what? Kate had heard Max say weird things, but never anything like that. What could they possibly be doing that needed to be kept secret from Peggy? As far as she was concerned, Peggy was a good person. In fact, she seemed almost too innocent to do anything bad. 
Having arrived at their destination, Max kicked the door loudly, gaining literally everyone's attention. Luckily, thur door opened and the two of them were ushered in. 
"Max! It's been too long!" A cocoa-skinned black haired girl embraced Max, grinning widely like an idiot. "Martha! Get in here!" She shouted, pulled away from the hug. In came running another girl, with blonde hair and tan skin, like Annabeth Chase from Percy Jackson. 
Hugs were exchanged and, like a third-wheel, Kate felt super awkward and just stood by the door. She had no idea Max had friends other than herself and Peggy, though it made sense. Still, it seemed they had been friends for a long time. 
"Hi, you must be Katelyn!" She was brought out of her this by Martha's sweet voice. Crap. All three of them were staring at her expectedly. 
"Oh, y-yeah! Call me Kate, though!" Kate held out her hand, which Martha took with a grin. "I-I, um." Pull yourself together, Katelyn! "You must be Martha!" 
"Yep!" Martha beamed. "And this is Audrey!" Said woman waved brightly. "So, why are both of you here?"
Kate turned to Max, a dangerous glint in her eye. "Yeah, why are we here?" 
Max just smiled and pulled a notebook out of her bag. "I need help. I've been observing Peggy, and-"
"Hold on." Audrey held a hand up. "You've been observing one of your roommates like she's a science experiment?" The disbelief in her voice was brought out with her french accent.
"Yes." Max said, glaring a bit. "Anyway, I've been observing Peggy, and there's something up with her."
Martha sat down, taking a cookie from a nearby cookie sheet. "Which is?" It was clear from her bored tone that she didn't really believe all this. 
"Well, I think she's a reincarnation." Max answered, her face straight as a board.
Kate just stared at her friend. What the heck? That was a pretty hefty accusation to make against someone who had literally just started college. 
Throwing her notebook on the table with a loud plop!, Max looked Kate in the eye. "It's not an 'accusation'." Crap, had she said that out loud? "Yeah, you did." 
Raising her eyebrows scepticly, Max stared at her friend for a second before getting back to why she had these people here with her. 
"Look, for the whole time I've known her. Peggy has always had this wisdom to her, and she always has this old, tired look in her eyes. Like she's seen things we can only imagine." Kate nodded. It was true that Peggy always seemed older of mind than of body. 
Audrey poked Max's head. "Okay, but maybe she was just traumatized as a kid." 
"Ha!" In return, Max shoved her friend's arm. "You think I would come to you without more evidence? You wound me." For effect, she put a hand over her heart.
"In any case, there's one recent experience that really suggests this." All in the room stared intently at Max. Reincarnation was often suggested as a way to explain away strange things. It was a cheaters way of explaining things, and yet it was more often proved than not. "So, I was introducing Peggy to my friend, Angelica and they both kinda got their far off look in their eye. In fact, Peggy started almost crying, and when I came in later, they were hugging and talking like old friends."
Well then. That was actually a good piece of evidence to the case. Unless they had met when they were little kids or something. 
Max spoke up, turning to Martha, who was now leaning against the table. "Does that sound like something a reincarnate would do?" Kate almost asked why she was asking Martha, but the platinum blonde girl had gotten a sort of whimsical look in her eyes. 
"Yeah." She whispered, eyes cloudy as if in a dream. Max stood up straighter and grinned pointedly at Audrey. The other girl rolled her eyes and snapped her fingers in Martha's face.
"Oh, sorry!" Martha jumped, knocking her arm against the counter. 
Kate started at the other girls in the room, greatly confused. Why were they asking like there was sun running she should know, and why did Max turn to Martha with a question about reincarnation? 
The question must've been evident, become Martha let her out of her misery. "By the way, Kate, i'm a reincarnate." Oh.
"Wh- what?" How the heck were all three of them acting so nonchalant about this? This was reincarnation! "Who-"
"Martha Jefferson." The reincarnate quickly gave the answer. "As in Thomas Jefferson's wife. Not the daughter." She added as an afterthought.
"I-" Kate couldn't even think. She was talking to the wife of one of the founding fathers! The odds of this were extraordinarily small! Of course, there was probably some random statistic for this crap, but who cared about dumb statistics right now? Martha Jefferson was right in front of her!
As Kate was having a mini mental breakdown, the other three continued talking about Peggy.
"Do you have anymore proof? They could've first met in this life, so we need more." Martha asked. 
Max, the little gremlin spy that she is, grinned widely, a manic look in her eye. "Of course. I have a notebook full of proof." She pulled an unsuspecting red notebook out of her bag and threw it on the table. "Now, are you guys going to help me or not?"
"I guess so." 
Kate gave a shaky thin hus up, and Max's grin got even bigger.
What's wrong?
Why does Franklin talk so much?
Look whose talking
But seriously he will not stop talking about John Adams and how "great" he was
I mean yeah we're talking about that time period right now
"John Adams was such a smart man, he protected British officers that were on trial because he knew if they didn't Britain would be much more harsh."
"Sam Adams was too emotional about that boy's death, so John Adams had to set him straight."
"John Adams did so much to start the revolution. Meanwhile, the only thing George Washington did was start the French and Indian War. You tell me who the real best president was."
Holy crap 
I wish I wasn't sick so I could be there to set him straight.
I would love to watch that
Why aren't you doing it then
I'm trying to be less confrontational 
Who even are you changed their name to
A man with a crush
Whose the lucky person?
Her name is Elizabeth and she's beautiful and smart and funny and sweet and I have such a huge crush please help me
Is this Elizabeth Small we're talking about?
oh yeah you'd be lucky to get her.
I knOW
Have fun lol
I'll just tell her you have a crush the size of America
My hand is inching toward her contact!
Should I text or call her?
I think I'm going to text her…
And how are you going to do that?
I am over 200 years older than you
watch your back 
But seriously, ask Elizabeth out on a date! Take her on a date to Olive Garden or something.
see, that's all I needed
Thanks Angie! :)
You're welcome, Alexander. :)

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