The Plight of Aaron Burr (Sir)

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When Lafayette came to, he smelled the unmistakable scent of citrus. Slowly his sense of touch came back, and he realized he was laying on something, probably a couch. His mouth was dry like he had been in a desert. Faintly, he heard someone talking to themselves, whispering quiet reassurances. Something about the past and meeting someone again. Finally, Lafayette mustered up the strength to open his eyes.

In a chair access from Laf sat Peggy, who had her eyes closed as she whispered assurances to herself. Behind her was a hallway, most likely leading to the bathroom and bedroom. Across from the couch he laid on was a TV, currently turned off so that he could see the reflection. A simple kitchen was behind him, then. It was practically the same as his room. 

“Hello?” Lafayette voice was scratchy, but it had the intended effect. 

Peggy's eyes shot open and she was immediately quieted. Her eyes searched the room before landing on Laf. “O-oh. You're awake.” She paused, clearly not knowing what to say. “I don't know why I didn't immediately think it was you talking. My roommates are out being good members of society.” He snorted. 

There were a million things Laf wanted to say, a million ways he could go on with this conversation. It wasn't as if the two knew each other well, they had really only interacted at Peggy's sister's wedding. However, she had sparked memories in him, and that had to count for something. He was in her dorm room. Peggy was trustworthy, and so she would have to be the first person he talked to about the whole… reincarnation business.

“Peggy, what the heck is going on?” Brilliant indeed, Lafayette. That wasn't a stupid question at all. 

Fingering her skirt, Peggy shakily provided an answer. “Well, we're both reincarnates. Harry-that's Hercules-is too. He just doesn't remember. After you collapsed we brought you back here, despite his worry. He honestly thought you were some crazy person!” She chuckled at the thought, trying her best to diffuse the tension.

“Is there anyone else we know here?” Lafayette asked, hoping with all his heart that someone, anyone would be here. At least someone he knew well. “Holy crap. Alexander Hamilton is my brother! The Washington's are our parents!” He practically squealed with pure delight, but caught himself. Peggy would probably think he was weird if he did so. 

“Alexander?” Peggy asked, almost looking like she was going to cry. “Does… Does he remember?” 

Lafayette sadly shook his head. “No, I'm sorry. You two were close, weren't you?” 

“Yes. I confided in him as if he had been my brother from birth. He was with me when I died.” The French man blinked in surprise. Peggy talked about her death so willingly already. He figured not many did that. “Do your parents remember?” 

“I think so,” Laf sat up, but as soon as he was upright his head went dizzy and fell into the back of the couch. 

Peggy quickly got up from her seat. “Careful! After my revelation I was light-headed for a while. You seem to be the same.” She grabbed a water bottle from her fridge, looking at Laf like a worried mother. 

“Drink this.” She's whispered softly, body so light she only dipped the couch the tiniest bit. Gratefully, he slurped down the water. “Slow down!” She exclaimed through a laugh. Laf grinned. her before realizing something. 

“Since when were you such a mom? I thought that was Angelica’s job.” Lafayette laughed softly, not noticing hope Peggy immediately stiffened next to him. 

“Well…” Peggy looked at Laf with sad eyes, and he was struck by how old they were. She knew things that the average college student couldn't, they knew things average people didn't know. At least, about themselves. So many people were reincarnated these days, it was lucky to find someone who knew a secret from the past that no one else could know. “Angelica needed someone to watch out for her. She was busy watching out for me and Eliza.” 

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