Max Gets Some Results

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So,,,, y'all
Don't even 
Don't use that tone with me child
Carrot changed their name to Nancy Drew
Nancy Drew:
So,,,,Nancy Drew clue crew,,,,
Nancy Drew:
I hate to interrupt this great conversation BUT y'all need to come to our apartment
Why? Is everything okay?
It's important and we're both fine. 
Just hurry on over p l e a s e
Nancy Drew:
I'm outside your door open up
h ow
Nancy Drew:
Here's Nancy
I'm running
Nancy Drew:
I have arrived 
Nancy Drew:
"Hi." Kate deadpanned. "What's wrong?" The anxiety took over her voice quickly. 
Martha grabbed both of her friends arms and dragged them inside the apartment, slamming the door behind them. "So you know how im a reincarnate and Peggy probably is one?" The other girls nodded. "Well, Audrey had her revelation."
It took a moment to completely register what Martha said, but when it hit Kate's eyes widened like a dinner plate. That was… what?
Max seemed to have a much calmer disposition than her own roommate. "Where's Audrey?" 
"Over here!" A voice yelled from the couch, scratchy like it's owner had a cold. The trio ran over, Martha grabbing a cup of an orange liquid that must've been orange juice from the counter. 
Audrey was sitting on the couch, wrapped up in a soft velvety blanket. Her normally neat braid was more simply a ponytail and quite fuzzy. The bags under her eyes were very pronounced and she was eating ice cream straight from the container. 
"How are you doing?" Martha asked, handing Audrey the cup. 
Kate and Max exchanged bewildered looks as Audrey downed the entire cup. "So…" Max started. "Who are you a reincarnation of?"
"Max!" Kate yelled, smacking her friend's shoulder. 
"No," Audrey cut in. "It's fine." She took a deep breath, most likely relishing these last few moments that she didn't have to be someone else. "I was Adrienne de Lafayette."
The whole room was silent for a moment, before Audrey/Adrienne mumbled, "Y'know… the wife of the Marquis de Lafayette."
"Oh, I know." Kate said. She was such a history nerd, specifically for the American revolution. If anyone knew who Adrienne de Lafayette was, it was her. 
Max jumped straight into action, as any detective would. "So, what is it like being a reincarnate? What was your revelation like? Do you know your old husband in this time? Hope much do you remember? Do you had trauma from-" 
"Maxine." Kate reprimanded.
"Peggy!" The youngest Schuyler sister was startled out of her fitful sleep by a yell, sounding suspiciously french. 
"WHAT!?" Peggy screamed as she fell to the floor by her bed. 
After she had quickly adjusted her clothes so she was presentable, Peggy stepped out into the main room of her dorm. 
Lafayette was beaming bright like the sun, and Hercules was standing by the door. Weird. "We made a new friend!"
She raised an eyebrow. "Okay?" Why did this have to interrupt her nap? It was the one time of the day where she wasn't tormented by the prospect of living a life without her past secret boyfriend there.
"Bring him in, Herc!" Laf yelled excitedly. Hercules pulled another boy in the room. Curly hair, freckles, green ey-holy crap. 
No way. 
"Uh...hi?" John Laurens waved anxiously but Peggy didn't even have the decency to wave back. He's here! John is here! 
Peggy almost moved forward to hug, to kiss, to reunite, with her past boyfriend, but the look in his eyes stopped her. They were young eyes, only 20-ish years old. 
They should've been hundreds of years old. 
"Hi…" Peggy sincerely hoped she didn't sound too upset, even if she was. John/whatever his name was in this life would be disappointed. She didn't feel like making her old boyfriend upset. "I'm Margaret. Call me Peggy." 
John smiled softly and took a few steps forward. "I'm John Larson. It's a pleasure to meet you!" He held out a hand, and she shook it. Man, his hands were so soft. Peggy looked up into his beautiful green eyes, and she felt like she could get lost in them. 
It took a moment, but John hesitantly took his hand away, as they had ended up holding hands. 
Lafayette spoke up. "We met John at the history club!"  Peggy nodded, it made perfect sense. Reincarnates tended to feel more close and interested in the tone that they used to live in. 
"You're a history nerd, too? What time period?" 
"1700s and 1800s." He answered.
A fond smile grew on her lips. Of course his interest wouldn't be limited to the revolution, but instead extended to include the Civil War. It was just something John Laurens would love. 
Both Peggy and John were silent for a moment.  Why can't I think of anything to say? Her mouth felt dry, and she was suddenly quite aware of the sweat on her body. 
Luckily, Hercules jumped into action. "We were going to go watch Pocohontas in Laf's dorm. Do you want to come?"
Crap. Peggy really didn't want to be by John at the moment."I-I uh…" What was a good excuse? "I have some homework I need to finish! I can't come!" 
Lafayette visibly deflated. "Oh…" He pulled John to the door, but before they left he spared her a glance. "You should come over if you finish!" With that, the trio left and Peggy fell into the floor.
'Come over if you're done!' Yeah, right. Oeggy was going to collapse in her bec and sleep away all the anxiety inside her.
Alexander rushed through the halls, dodging groups of girls giggling and couples being absolutely adorable. Somehow getting a peak at a clock, he raised that he was late.
"No, no, no!" In his entire life, he had been late twice. Neither of those had been during college, and he didn't want any to be! 
Running through the halls, it was only natural he'd hurt himself. 
As he neared the stairs to go down to the main floor, Alexander felt something hard push against him. All of a sudden, the stairs were bouncing in and out of his view. He was tumbling down, down...
When the tumbling ceased, he felt a great pain erupt in his head, and soon the unconscious world claimed him. 

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