Mariokart: Bringing People Together Since 1992

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Alexander was afraid to tell anyone about his memory-dreams. Yet, he knew that he needed to tell someone. Even venting in his journal was getting old. He just needed someone to talk to, someone who would understand but not get their hopes up about him being a certain person. 

He needed to tell Angelica. She had been his friend the longest, save for Edward, who was going to medical school. Alexander loved Eliza and Lafayette, but he'd also seen the way they looked at him. Like they were waiting for him to do something, to remember his past. They thought he was someone, but he didn't know who, and he didn't want to get their hopes up just to fail them. 

With that in mind, Alexander hesitantly knocked on Angelica's door, hoping that she was free to talk. True, it was pretty early in the morning, but he had woken up an hour earlier. Lafayette was helping him with getting a better and more consistent sleep schedule. It was finally starting to work, too. Course, he still wasn't getting the recommended amount of sleep for someone his age. 

Alexander's thoughts came to a halt when Angelica opened the door. Her hair was in a messily put together bun, and she had on a pink bathrobe. Her expression changed from anger to confusion. 

"Alex? What are you doing here? It's..." She turned around to look at a clock. "It's 6:38 in the morning." 

"I kind of wanted to talk to you." As her expression changed to one of annoyance, he chuckled nervously, doing a sort of shrugging motion. 

Angelica glared at him, though it was more playful than anything. "And you couldn't wait until the middle of the day?" 

Now that she mentioned the idea, Alexander felt kind of stupid. Still, the memory-dreams had been bothering him, and he wanted to be able to talk to someone about them. In person, rather than over text, phone call, or video call. 

Due to their close friendship, Alexander knew what would get Angie's attention quick. Even if he didn't know exactly who he used to be, or these were just random dreams that feel real. That wasn't unheard of. He almost wished it were that, rather than him being a reincarnate. At least then he'd be able to forge new relationships and paths regardless of whatever past he could have. Unfortunately, he wasn't sure that was the case. 

"I think I might be a reincarnate." Alex finally said, not realizing he had been mulling over the words in his head. 

As soon as the words were out of his mouth, Angelica's body snapped from leaning against the door frame to standing straight as a board. "You what?" It was like she couldn't believe what she was hearing. Maybe she really couldn't believe what he said. It struck him as odd, but Alexander ignored it. 

"Can I talk to you? Please?" His voice cracked on the last word, but he really didn't care. If Angelica wouldn't talk to him, he didn't know what he'd do. Disappointing his brother or his girlfriend was too terrible to think about. 

Slowly, Angie nodded, pulling out of her thoughts. "Yes, of course! Come in!" She quickly got out of his way, simply pointing to the couch as she ran into her room. Her dorm was messier than you'd expect, but miles cleaner than his dorm. He was only allowed a minute to think before she came running in, wearing one of those sweater dresses, along with tights under it. 

"Tell me everything." Angelica's gaze was unwavering, but that wasn't what made Alex nervous. It was the look in her eyes, different yet so similar to the looks Eliza and Laf would give him. She thought that he was someone from her past, just like they did. 

A sudden bout of anxiety came over him, like a wave. He didn't know what to do. What if he wasn't that person they thought he was? He went to Angie specifically to refrain from getting anyone's hopes up, but even with that plan he failed. However, there was no turning back now. She wanted answers, he knew that she'd do anything to get them. 

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