Cake... where is the cake???

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Back in the beach house.. The pirates stood there. Fab four comes from the back along with Navya and Abhi. Cabir takes the gun from their hands.

Cabir : Hope its not real ! He checks them. LOL. Aliya where do you find such people from.

Aliya : Contacts !

All laughed.

Aliya : So now Manik and Nandini can spend some time together on the Valentines day.

Mukti : I doubt. I think our plan will fail.

Yes it was their plan. This beach house party and then the pirates attack was all a big plan none other than by Aliya Saxena.

Aliya : Don't say that Mukti ! You don't know how much I have gone through to switch on the music system which produced fake firing noise.

Mukti : Oh really.

Aryaman : Stop guys. I think Mukti is right. They must be fighting for a silly stupid reason. Tomorrow is V day. I hope they sort out their differences.

Abhimanyu : They will dude ! And even if they don't I don't mind because I see love even in their cute fights !

Mukti : Oh my baby can only blurt out such words.

She gives him a peck. Cabir coughs hard seeing this.

Cabir : We should call Manik otherwise he will get tensed for us and we will play a spoilsport unknowingly in their romance.


Nandini was still unconscious. Manik thinks "I guess she will not have a clue about what happened today. And by default she will blame me for everything. But I hope my friends are okay." He gets a call from Cabir.

Cabir : Dude are you fine ? We can't trace Nandini

Manik : Nandini is with me. I am sorry. I don't know why I left you all and ran away. I am feeling pissed of and I feel like a coward.

Cabir : No Manik. You are not. In fact everything is fine here. We should have take care of you all. So what are your plans.

Manik : I talked with my lawyer because we are going Malaysia without visa. He has arranged everything. We will be back in a couple of days

Cabir : So where you both are staying ? I mean I hope you guys don't land up in a problem.

Manik : No. Dad has a mansion here. So I guess we will be staying there. Its in middle of the woods.

Cabir (in a soft voice): How romantic !

Manik : Did you just say something !

Cabir : Nope ! Okay bye . Take care of your self and Nandini. Bye...

Manik : Bye!

Nandini wakes up and she is scared to see herself in a ship. "What the hell ! Where am I now ? Manik what are you up to !" She says.

Manik : We are in a ship heading to Malaysia. And we had a pirate attack. Thankfully I saved the pirates from you otherwise you would have just made them fried with your words

Nandini : Very funny. What happened yesterday ? Don't tell me I was drunk again. Oh this headache.

Manik : Yesterday a lot of things happen.

Nandini : Like for example ?

Manik : You called me HOT and HANDSOME.

Nandini splashes the water she was drinking on Manik's shirt.

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