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Abhi and Cabir were awestruck seeing their girlfriends coming towards them. While Mukti was dressed in a sassy little black dress Navya wore a sequinned gown embellished with silver.

Cabir : Who made you look so beautiful. I mean you look superb.

Navya gets shy and lowers her eyelids.

Mukti : No one is complimenting me. I am really pissed off right now.

Abhi : Babe. My smile depicts it all that you as usual are looking your best. Thank god we are in this not-so-crowded restaurant or else I would have been jealous seeing all the boys going gaga after you.

Mukti : Aww. That much buttering is enough for me.

She playfully hits the back of his head and then the boys make their girls sit. They chat on general topics and then Abhi and Cabir start their conversation on corruption which makes girls a little bored.

Mukti : I am very hungry and the sole purpose of me coming here is to fill my stomach.

Navya : Yeah lets order something.

And they order the starter and again chat but this time the topics were a little convincing.


Manik's mansion.

Manik was waiting for Nandini but Aliya and Dhruv were eating his brain like termites. And from nowhere Nandini comes.

Nandini : Hey guys !

Manik : You are so fashionably late ?

Nandini : So ? I am a girl.

Aliya : Excuse me I am a girl too Nandini ?

Nandini : I just though of making an excuse. Never mind lets get started.

Manik starts shifting first Dhruv's belongings which were few in number and then they hard time shifting Aliya's whole closet and make up kits.

Manik : Like seriously ? Aliya you shop daily ten dresses ?

Aliya : Not ten actually. One or two daily. That's it.

Manik: Woah !

Nandini : Manik we girls cannot manage in a pair of jeans and a t shirt like you boys.

The boys get offended by this and they start fighting like kids. And soon this turns into a heated argument.

Manik : Wait don't you think we are fighting like babies on silly topics. Lets do the errands first !

Nandini : Okay now turn for my things.

Aliya handles her clothes and Dhruv her other belongings. The door bell rings and Nandini goes to open it.

Meanwhile Manik opens a suitcase in which a red cross sign was made. He wonders what's in this bag and goes to open it but is interrupted by Manik.

Nandini : Not that bag !

Manik (gets suspicious) : Why?

Nandini eyes Aliya and gives her what-to-do look.

Aliya (worriedly) : It has something which only girls should know.

Manik's jaws drop and he drops the bag there. Nandini tales the bag away and runs away from the site towards the pool.

She thinks "Sorry Manik I can't show you this. It has all our past memories but I m so unfortunate to hide this from you. I hate myself right now. But I m also bound to promises. I m sorry."

Manik sees the jar of fireflies. He pucks it up and admires it. Soon the Fab five get a message from O2 manager.

"Tomorrow final event in SPACE. Come on time by 6:00 p.m."

Nandini goes out of gate and calls Navya to tell this.

Soha hears about the event and decides she will kill Nandini once and for all. Manik will be mine forever.

The Hidden Love ✔️✔️- (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now