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The proposal is out but what about marriage.

Manik : Guys. I cant marry alone. I want all my friends to fall in the same pit on the same day.

Nandini playfully hits his bicep.

Everyone with their were there assembled in Manik's place.

Chachi : So a big fat indian wedding is going to happen.

Manik shouts "No !"

Nandini was shocked and so were the other people.

Manik : I want white wedding.

Cabir, Abhi and Dhruv hit him.

Cabir Abhi Dhruv : Be serious bro ?

Manik whispers in their ears "If we prefer a big fat indian wedding we wont get to see our brides."

The boys now understand his logic and agree right away. And the others agree too.

Now Manik's dad (his entry guys !!) knew his Manik very nicely so he says.

"Rules for the marriage boys. You went get to see your to be wives' fave till the wedding gets over."

Manik : But dad its a Christian wedding. Dont do this torture to us please !

Manik's dad : No please no ifs no buts. You gotta agree or else I will get you married to Soha.

(he has a very bad sense of humour.)

Manik : Fine go ahead !

Manik's dad : And you all have to obey your parents and dear ones.

All : Okay uncle. Anything else ?

Manik's dad : You guys have just five mins to cuddle as wedding will be dated tomorrow.

What ? Yay ! Was their reactions.

**Wedding Day : 29 March**

Manik asks his dad "dad you decided this date so that I and Nandini cant spend our time celebrating this day ?"

Manik's dad : Okay son then we will postpone the wedding tomorrow.

Manik : No daddy its fine perfectly okay....

All our handsome hunks come out dressed in white body hugging shirt with black blazers and black pants. Everyone looked wow.

Nandini was a little nervous thinking how Manik would be looking or i should say what degree of hotness he must be having. She face palms herself as a result of utter shyness. The girls get their tiaras on. Aliya a pink one, Mukti gets a golden one, Navya gets a sea green one and Nandini gets a light blue one. The girls surely gonna kill the boys as they looked pretty and irresistible


As the girls walked out of the car they couldn't stop blushing not even our Mukti thinking about their future life.

They see their father/uncle standing proudly and take their hands and walk down the aisle.

The four guys looked so gentlemen as if they had not killed even a bug in their life. But only our girls knew what they were upto.

Manik whispers in Nandini's ear.
"Cant wait to call you Mrs. Malhotra. Nandini you have stolen my heart so today I m gonna steal your surname."

Nandini blushes thinking she's gonna be called Nandini Malhotra from now on.

The couples stood still and the priest started the ceremony. Thousands of eyes looked at them as they smiled/grinned at each other.

Priest : Manik do you take Nandini to be your wedded wife, to live together in marriage ? Do you promise to love her, comfort her, honour her and keep her for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health and forsaking all others, be faithful to only her for as long as you both shall live ?

Manik : I do.

So did Abhi and Dhruv. I hope you didn't forget Cabir. But being a prankster which he always will be he didn't leave even his wedding day.

Cabir's answer was "I do not...

.(shocked faces)









Just kidding guys ! I do.

All were relieved.

Priest : Nandini, do you take Manik to be your wedded husband, to live together in marriage ? Do you promise to love him, comfort him, honour him and keep him for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health and forsaking all others, be faithful to only him for as long as you both shall live ?

Nandini : I do.

Mukti, Aliya and Navya also had no choice but say "I do" and blush.

Manik smirks seeing the tinge of red on Nandini's face.

Priest : Do you mutually in the presence of your family and friends that you will at all times and in all circumstances conduct towards one another as HUSBAND and WIFE .


Priest : Do you mutually promise that you will love, cherish and respect one another throughout the years. ?

"WE DO."

They couldn't stop smiling as the ceremony proceeded.

Priest : You may exchange the rings now.

They exchange their rings. Deep and cool Sapphires for the girls; fierce and blazing topaz ones for boys.

Priest : You may seal your vows with a kiss now.

Kiss miss for Manan ? Nah !!!!

Nandini stood there shy as they never shared a proper kiss when they were alone. And now it was like in front of thousands of people. Manik sees her nervousness. He rests his hand on her waist trying to calm her down.

Manik : Think its just you me and the sun.

Nandini : But that's not the case Manik.

Manik had no time tolerating her nervousness so he lifts her face up and kisses her lips a quick one though. At the same time crackers were burst making their way to the sky which shone the faces of our adorable couples.

Manik : Mission successful. I have successfully kidnapped Miss Nandini Murthy and changed her as Mrs. Nandini Manik Malhotra.

Nandini : Quite a big name eh ?

The toast was raised and everyone came up with their beautiful wedding speeches. Even Rishabh made one for Manan which brought tears to their eyes. Unknowingly Rishabh was the person they thought who had brought them closer.

And Manan would be Manan. Forever and always !! There Hidden love is no more Hidden!


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