"Look who is back!"

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Abhi was following a guy who was wear spectacles. 
"Maybe today, is the day. I can save you. But for that I have to make sure that this guy doesn't know am here nor am following him."

He follows his car till it stops at a secluded place. He parks his car at a safe distance and follows the man. The man turns out to be Raghav.

Raghav goes inside a house which was totally shattered and looked no less than a horror house. Or a spooky haunted house. "I think I should wait till he returns." he waits for Raghav patiently. At last he returns and Abhi hides behind the bush.

He quickly rushes inside the house.

He see's him, the one he has been searching for so long. 6 months of search. And the result was good to find him, but to bad to see him in such a situation. He was half unconscious demanding for water. Abhimanyu feels tears rolling down his cheeks, the Cabir the fun man became almost the death is reaching him. Yes it was Cabir. Abhimanyu gives him the mineral water bottle kept on the table. He gulps down the water and suddenly comes back to his sense, while Abhimanyu unties the rope which had made Cabir captivates. Abhi see's those red marks on his hand due to the tight rope which was tied and rubs Cabir's hand gently to make it feel better. 

Cabir looks at Abhimanyu, and hugs him. And whispers.

Cabir : "I thought I could never be free."

Abhi : "Why did Raghav did all this to you!"

Cabir : "Long story. First take me to fab five."

Abhi : (Abhi looks up with a sad expression) "Its no more fab five, Cabir. Its just Aliya and Mukti."

Cabir : "Manik died in the accident? No way!"

Abhi : No. But he left everyone and went to Denmark as he had developed partial amnesia but never returned. As I know, Aliya, Mukti and Nandini did go to Denmark but they couldn't find him. He went missing.

Cabir : "Oh the girls, they are left alone. And what about Dhruv?"

Abhi : "Dhruv left the group thinking Aliya loved Varun. It was not the case. He was just being so insecure."

Cabir : "Insecurities. It already had taken a toll on Dhrulya's relationship before. Now it has happened again. It seems history is repeating itself. How are Navya and Abeer?"

Abhi : "Abeer has been adopted and Navya she has moved on. She is now doing a job."

Cabir : "I am glad she did! Navya changed"

Suddenly a thud is heard. Its none other than Raghav.

Raghav : Navya Navya Navya! Why cant you forget her Cabir?? Lets get back together. Like we were.

Cabir : No way. Whatever you did to me I will never be with you again. Moreover I have realised I don't love you anymore. I have always noticed my heart beat fast when am Navya the more. I have noticed me noticing Navya the more. I have notice I have got jealous when Navya was with Harshad in simple words I LOVE NAVYA NO ONE ELSE. 

Raghav gets angry and takes out a pocket knife and was going to pierce it right away through Cabir's heart. Abhimanyu holds his hand. Cabir kicks him on his thighs

Cabir : "Not even a god gifted dagger can kill me today."
Meanwhile Abhi calls the cops.
Cabir : My friends are my life. And till they are with me no one can do me any harm. You have betrayed me Raghav. You should have accepted the rejection and move on. But you... tried murdering me!

The cops arrived and arrest Raghav. Cabir tells Abhi to take him to Aliya, Mukti and Nandini. Both drive away.

Nandini, Aliya and Mukti were in the café near Mukti's place. (Café Life)

Abhimanyu says Cabir to wait outside for a while. And Cabir nods. Abimanyu see's  Nanmukliya facing the door and talking. Abhi walks in first. At first Mukti saw him, and thought she was dreaming but she shook her head which made Aliya and Nandini look at her. And the next moment....

Mukti sees him in disbelief. She ran towards him and gives him a tight hug. "Will you kill me today itself, Mukti?"

Mukti : "Where the hell have you been?"

Abhi : "So Mukti was missing me. Something unbelievable." (He smiles at her. Mukti blushes and lower her eyelids. Nandini and Aliya come there.)

Nandini : "I am so happy to see you back."

Aliya : "Me too."

Abhi : "I don't see the excitement at my arrival. So I have another surprise for you all. A surprise which would really bring up a smile I guess."

Cabir comes in front of them. 

Cabir : "Look who is back?"

Nanmukliya looks at him in disbelief. Three girls go to hug him. Aliya was in tears and hits him in the stomach. "Why Cabir? Why did you leave us. After you left everyone fall apart. Its all your fault."

Cabir : "Stop blaming me. By the way I'm really hungry. I have not eaten anything since two days."

Cabir and group occupy their table. All question Cabir to know where he was.

Cabir : "I was almost dead. My life was on verge on vanishing and getting to the world beyond this. But then a devil in disguise came to save me."

All : "Who Devil????"

Cabir : "None other than Raghav. He hid me in a hospital of remote areas of south Mumbai. I was treated there for almost two months. After that he came and asked me to come back together. But I was not sure. I first wanted to meet you all! But he captivated me and kept me there. Daily he came and tortured me asking me if we could be together. He said he loves me but still hurt me physically, mentally and emotionally. I started feeling it would have been better had I die in that blast. And then today Abhi came and saved me from his clutches."

Mukti : "Abhi how you came to know about the captivation?"

Abhi : "I was in the hospital getting treated. And miraculously survived my cancer. All I wanted to do first was meet you all. I went to SPACE that day hidden in a disguise. There I came to know about Manbir's blast. I didn't know what to do. I left the place as I couldn't face you. I thought I left you at that point of time when you needed me the most. I could not face you!
After some weeks I resolved to meet you and tell the truth but I saw Raghav sir going somewhere. I wanted to confront him and console him as I thought he truly loved Cabir. But whatever I heard that day was shocking. Raghav was calling someone and telling that person that he had captivated Cabir. I thought god had given me the responsibility of uniting the Fab five. So I decided I would show you my face on the day when I would bring Cabir before your eyes. I followed Raghav everywhere till I found Cabir today!"

Nandini : "I am so happy. You all guys should have a small party. Cabir is alive and is back! What can be more overwhelming than this..."

She stands up and turns away hiding her tears. Mukti stands to console her but Cabir hold her back and signals her no.

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