Surprise for Valentines Day!

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Manik who was having a good sleep hears some noise from hid garage. He immediately wakes up and checks out. His favourite Lamborghini was missing.

Manik : Nandini !

He grabs a car and goes on a trail to search her in the deep woods. Finally he traces her.

Manik : Stop the car Nandini. I told you.. You cant escape.

Nandini : No way Manik ! I wont !

Manik : Oh common. Check out the tree in front.
Nandini turns to right to save her from the mishap.
Manik : Nandini please yaar. Please don't do this.

Nandini : Fine ! I agree.
She presses the brakes but the car doesn't stop

Manik : Don't tell me you don't know how to stop the car ?

Nandini : You take me as silly. But I fear the brakes are not working.

Manik peeps from his car which was running parallel to her. He realises Nandini is right. The brakes were actually not working ! Don't worry. He calls his body guards and instruct them.

Manik : Drive straight.

Nandini : Manik. Today I will lose you forever... Miss me a little. And take care.

Manik : Today you are leaving with me for India. Not a word of negativity from your mouth !

Nandini cries out loudly . "Today is my end. No one can save me today.." She just gives up the control of her car.

Manik : Nandini drive straight ! I will save you in that junction some how.

Nandini does as he instructs. Their cars run now parallel and he could hold Nandini's car as it was enough proximal. He jumps into her car and Manik's car is stopped by the tree.

Nandini : Why you want me to join in this death drill ? Are you crazy !

Manik : Listen I am not in any fighting mood. By the way today is Valentines day. Happy Valentines day !

Nandini's heart skipped a beat. "Did he get back his memory ? Why he came to her car to save her."

Nandini : Manik. You remember what happened last Valentines day ?

Manik : How would I ? You know na. I lost my memory .

Nandini felt upset. "The woods are never ending. What's the plan ?"

Manik : Open the door.

Nandini opens the door. Manik stretches his leg to her side.

Nandini : What are you doing ?

She sees Manik in his awkward position. "Jump !" shouts Manik. They both jump from the car. The car crashes to the tree ahead and catches a little fire.

Fortunately Manik and Nandini land on a patch of grass. Nandini landed on top of Manik's chest. She could feel Manik's heart beats running so fast and irregularly. Her hairs fall on his face. He tucks them behind her ears.

They stand up and straighten themselves and see the car.

Manik : Today I lost two cars because of you !

Nandini : You care about the car ? You should think that today I saved your life. Had it been you alone then you might have got your bones and teeth broken !

Manik closely examines the car and sees the brakes failed and some tampered with the engines too. "Was this an attempt to harm me and Nandini became the prey ?" thinks Manik.

The mysterious person seeing all this drama from far away crushes the branch in dismay. Manik hears some noise. He tells his men to follow the voice. Manik and Nandini get back to the mansion. Manik was still thinking about the failed attack. What if his/her plan would have been successful. I need to get out of this place. Nandini comes out dressed in a pretty white ball gown. Manik stared her head to toe.

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