Where did Buffy go?

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Buffy POV

After TJ launched at that kid, I noticed that Kira started to walk away from the scene. I wasn't going to let her get away with this so I followed her. She made it to the other side of the cafeteria before I caught up to her.

"Hey", I said, grabbing her shoulder to turn her around.
"Buffy, it's so nice to see you", she said with her famous fake smile, "what's up?"
"What's up? Your friend over there just dumped his lunch all over my best friend"
"Oh that", she acted as if she had forgotten about it, "oh that was just a warning". Her fake smile turned into a threatening death stare.
"What did we ever do to you?" I realized that there has to be something else beside getting kicked off the basketball team because this is a a bit extreme.
"Hm let's see. Well, you kicked me off the team, TJ wouldn't let me join his team, then I tried to become friends with TJ but Cyrus manipulated him to hate me".
"Cyrus was the one manipulating? I think you are the one who was manipulating TJ".

Once again, all of these things were very extreme for the reasons that she gave. There has to be another reason. And then.... it hit me. Something I didn't want to think about but that would answer all my questions.

"You're homophobic, aren't you?", I demanded. It all makes sense now. Why she went after TJ and Cyrus even though I was the one who kicked her off the team. She must have figured out somehow that they liked each other so she tried to ruin it.

"I am not", she tried to deny.
"Oh please, yes you are. Why else would you have your friend dump sloppy joes over Cyrus and not me. I'm the one you should be mad at. But no, you are mad at something else now. You are mad that TJ is gay".
"My personal beliefs are not your business, Buffy", she seemed defensive but she wasn't denying it anymore. I guess that answers my question.

I started to walk away because being around her now disgusts me even more then it already did.
"Don't worry, there's more to come", she said as she walked out of the cafeteria.
I ran back to noticed that the fight had ended and TJ and Cyrus were nowhere to be found. Neither was Jonah. Andi was now sitting st the table alone.

"Where is everyone?" I asked as I sat down.
Andi said, "Well, TJ and that kid, Grant, got sent to the principals office and Cyrus and Jonah went to the bathroom to clean up the mess". She then asked, "where'd you go?"
"I chased down Kira to get some answers"
"What did you find out?"
"That the reason she's doing this isn't about me anymore. She's not mad that she's off the team, she's mad because she's homophobic".
"I guess I shouldn't be surprised", she said, but I could tell she was still shocked. "So did she never like TJ? Because that seems like a lot of time to spend with someone who you secretly hate".
"What if she liked him though?"
Then andi had a realization, "Yea what if she did. But she knew he was gay, or at least had suspicions..... what if she thought she could turn him"
"Like, make him straight?" I almost laughed at how dumb that logic was. The fact that someone could think, this person is gay but maybe if I hang out with them enough they will realize that they aren't actually gay.
"It makes sense though, right?", said Andi
"It actually kind of does", I replied
"Wow, I didn't think I could hate Kira more than I already did"
"Same here"

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