Chocolate chocolate chip muffin

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I may have been loopy but I could still remember my excitement when I saw her walk though the door.

"How are you doing, sweetie?" She asked.
"I'm high", I said. Cyrus started laughing. She looked at Cyrus confused and concerned.
"Pain meds", he said.
"Oh", she nodded her head. She came over and gave me a hug. We talked for a while (well, as much as I could) until the doctor came in with Cyrus' parents behind him.
"You are good to go. Just put ice on and don't play sports for a while", he said, "you should be good in about 4 to 6 weeks". Basketball ends in March so that gives me plenty of time to heal and still play in the final few games.

We went back to Cyrus' house. Mom stayed for a few minutes but had to leave shortly after. Amber got home from work early because it started to snow a lot. My loopyness went away, but not before Amber had time to laugh at it.

"Darn, I thought we could go the whole week without snow", said Leslie, looking out the kitchen window.
"The news says it will get to 2 feet today. Maybe even more overnight", said Todd from the living room.
Leslie went into the pantry to search for lunch/ dinner. It seemed to early for dinner but too late for lunch so I'm not sure what it was. She found a make-your-own-taco kit and Amber helped her figure out how to do it. We went upstairs while we waited.

I sprawled on the bed and Cyrus laid next to me. I felt Cyrus start to run his fingers through my hair. It was like a massage.
"I think at some point today I will tell my stepdad that I'm gay", he said.
"Really? Will you tell him about us?" I asked.
"Hmm maybe. I want to see how he reacts to the 'me being gay' part first".
"Well I'm sure no reaction can be worse than my dads", I laughed.
"Let's hope", he leaned in and gave me a kiss on the cheek. Then i heard a phone buzz.
"I think that's mine", said Cyrus.
"Are you going to look at it?" I asked when he didn't move.
"I'm too comfy to get up", he continued to massage my head. I closed my eyes and smelled the air.
"Mmm those tacos smell good", I said.
"Yeah", Cyrus smelled the air as well.
"Do you know what I just realized?" I asked.
"It's Sunday", I said.
"Yeah? So wha- oh no", Cyrus suddenly realized as well, "we have school tomorrow".
"Let's just hope for more snow. Maybe we can get a snow day"
"Tacos!" Either Amber or Leslie- it was hard to tell- called from downstairs.
"Yes!" Cyrus jumped up, "we haven't had tacos in so long".

We walked downstairs and saw the table. There were bowls laid out with the ingredients for a buffet style 'make your own' taco stand. There were bowls of lettuce, tomatoes, cheese, beef, a container of sour cream, and peppers.
"Who puts peppers on a taco?" I asked
"I do", said Todd, stepping first in line. There was a choice of either a hard shell or tortilla. Cyrus went with the hard shell and put basically everything in it (except for the peppers) and I took a tortilla with just the meat, cheese, and lettuce.

Cyrus POV

We all sat down and started eating. Should I do this now or after? I thought. I was planning on coming out tonight. I have committed to doing it. I ran though all the possible outcomes in my head. What if I tell him now and he throws his food at me? What if I wait afterwords and he throws a punch at me? Food is better. I decided. I looked at TJ and he could read my face. He nodded at me for reassurance.

"Todd", I said.
Without looking up from his food, "Yep?"
"I'm gay". Amber and mom jerked up.
"I know", he said, eyes still on his food. I almost choked on air.
"You do?", I asked. TJ looked at me, eyebrows raised.
"No two people act like that around each other who aren't dating". Everyone at the table was now gaping.
"I- wha- how-", I couldn't find any words. I was so in shock.
"You think I didn't see your very obvious cuddling on the couch last night? Or your hand holding in the back of the car this morning?" I looked at TJ who looked like he just saw an elephant disappear in front of his eyes.
"Well I guess we weren't as subtle as we thought we were", I said.
"Nope", he finished his taco and got up to get another.
My mom and amber were still sitting there trying to process what just happened. Then mom said, "Well I guess that's 2 parents down, 2 to go".

We finished lunch/ dinner and went downstairs because TJ wanted a rematch.
"To 11", I said. I served first. We played for about 20 minutes. We were tied most of the time.
"It's 10-10, your serve", he threw me the ball. That round seemed to last for an eternity before I accidentally hit it too hard and it flew right over the table without touching it.
"Woo! I win", he threw his hands up in the air.
"Now we've both won", I said.
"I like it this way", he said.
"Alright boys, my turn with the table" Todd took out his box of civil war figurines. We hid our smiles as we went upstairs.

Once we were out of ear shot, we chuckled a little.
"Does your dad- sorry- stepdad have a major in history or something?" Asked TJ.
"Probably. I don't really know", I answered.
"Wow, it's really coming down out there", Amber said from the living room. She had the news on the TV. We started listening to what it was saying.
".... getting reports that some schools may be closing for tomorrow due to weather. The districts of Roseview, Bonneaville, Shadyside, and Meadow Brook are expected to close. Snow will reach up to 27 inches by tomorr...."
"Hear that?" TJ grinned.
"Yep, I just got the call from the school", mom walked in.
"Snow day!", I exclaimed. We all had a mini dance party in the living room.
"Which means we will be trapped inside all day", I realized.
"What are we going to do all day?" Asked TJ
"We could watch movies?" I suggested, "or... hey mom! Do we still have ingredients to make muffins?"  I yelled to the kitchen where mom went.
"I think so" she yelled back.
"Chocolate chocolate chip muffin" TJ winked at me.
"Aw that's cute", Amber was gushing, "a baking date"
"On my god Amber, stop", TJ blushed a little. Amber smirked and went back to watching the news.
I turned to TJ, "Sounds like a plan to me"

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