Well that didnt go well

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Cyrus went inside his house and the cop came back into the car. We drove up to my house where I saw my dad standing outside on the porch.
"Come on, bud", the cop said when he opened the door.
"I can take him from here", my dad said to the officer, "good day"
The cop drove away. My dad looked really mad.
"Thelonious Jagger Kippen, what do you think you're doing?" He said
"Sorry dad I-"
"No. There are no excuses for skipping school to go play hooky with your friends. You're getting into fights and now you're skipping? What's going on?"

Now is not the time to tell him about me and Cyrus but I couldn't come up with a lie so I just didn't say anything.
"Well you better start talking before I break your ribs more than they already are", he said.
"It was my idea. I brought Cyrus with me to the park because I just didn't want to be at school", I said.
"That's odd because I got a call right before you got here from his mother telling me that Cyrus wanted to take the blame. So who is it?"
Of course Cyrus made his mom do that.
"It's me. He's just trying to take the blame but it's my fault", I said. Dad didn't looked convinced.
"Go to your room and don't come out until you are ready to tell me the truth"
"That is the truth", I said. Technically I wasn't lying, I just wasn't telling the whole truth. My dad could see right through me though. He knew I was hiding something. My mom wasn't home yet so I couldn't get her to talk to dad yet.
"Go to your room, TJ", He said again. I started to go but then he stopped me, "and give me your phone". I sighed and pulled out my phone. I saw a text from Cyrus:
"Are you ok?" It read. My dad took my phone away from me before I could answer it. I went up to my room and closed my door. "Well that didn't go well" I thought.

I stayed in there for hours crying until I heard the front door open. I checked the time and realized it was about the time I'd normally get home from school. Then my door opened and Amber walked in.

"I was so worried. Andi told me that Cyrus was missing at school today and then I didn't see you come out to the car when mom came to pick me up".
"Yeah I've been home most of the day", I said.
"Mom told me what happened", she said, "do you want to talk about it?" I didn't answer. I'm glad that she asked and didn't just demand to know but I didn't want to talk about it.
"It's fine if you don't. I'll leave you alone now", she started to leave.
"Wait", I stopped her. She turned around.
"How am I going to tell dad what happened without coming out to him", I almost whispered. The door was still a little open so Amber closed it. She came over to sit on the bed with me.

"Well you could just dance around it", she said.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"Just tell him how great Cyrus is without sounding too...gay", she said.
"What good will that do?"
"You need to make him trust Cyrus before you tell him that you're dating him or he's going to freak".
"But what about when I need to explain why we were at the park?"
"Well I don't know the whole story but from what I know, your close friend wanted to cheer you up so you went to the park". I guess that's a vague enough story.

"Were you planning on coming out to him?" She asked.
"I don't know. Do you think he will accept me?" I asked.
"Hmm I'm not sure. How did you come out to mom?"
"I was in the hospital. I knew mom wouldn't yell at someone who was injured. Not sure that strategy would work with dad", I said, "he threatened to break my ribs earlier".
"Aren't they already broken?", she asked.
"Not technically, according to the doctors"
"How's your head?"
"I've been trying to ignore it but honestly it's been hurting all day", I admitted, "I didn't want Cyrus to worry so I didn't tell him".
"That's cute", she said, "I can't wait till I find someone like that".
"Someone who you keep secrets from?" I joked.
"Someone who loves you", she said.
"I love you", I said.
"You know what I mean. Not a sibling love, I mean real love. True love".
"Cyrus and I are not in love", that kind of hurt to say.
"Oh please. You two love each other but just don't want to admit it". She was right.
"But only 1 week of being together can't mean love", I argued.
"Come on. You've liked each other for so long"
"I'm in 8th grade. I don't even know what love is"
"Yeah ok. Sure", she said in a tone that said 'I don't believe you'. Then there was a knock at the door. The door opened and my mom walked in.

"Amber, can I talk to TJ alone?"
Amber got up and left and my mom took her place on the bed.
"Are you fine with going to school tomorrow?" She asked, "And be honest this time"
"Honestly... I'm not sure", I said, "dad took my phone so school is the only way I could talk to my friends. And I doubt that he would let me hang out with anyone outside of school, especially Cyrus"
"Yeah, he can be tough", she rubbed my back, "I'll talk to him". I nodded.
"Thanks", I said. She got up to start to leave.
"Have you told him?" She asked.
"No. And I definitely don't want to right now", I replied.
"You'll know when you're ready", she said as she walked out the door. She closed the door behind her.

Will I ever be ready though? I thought. He's not the easiest person to talk to. I remembered the 'threat' he gave me earlier. I don't know if it was real but thinking about it made my ribs hurt. It was only around 3pm but I didn't want to go downstairs for dinner so I stayed in my room until night. During those hours I tried to catch up on some things I missed while I was gone from school. There were a few times where I heard shouting coming from downstairs. My parents fought a lot but it hurt to know that this time it was probably about me. I was starving but it was not worth going downstairs and seeing my dad. I was so bored and wanted to be distracted that I actually ended up finishing almost all my work from the past 2 days. I left the math stuff to be discussed with my teacher. I tried to think of earlier today, the happy moments, to help me sleep. This only lead to me remembering the bad ones as well. Cyrus is probably worried that I didn't answer his text.

So many thoughts were going through my mind that night that I ended up not falling asleep until somewhere around 3 or 4 am. I actually couldn't wait to go to school tomorrow. I would rather be there than here right now.

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