More suprises

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Cyrus POV

It's become a tradition. Every Monday we would show up to school wearing our matching camo hoodies. Along with our matching bracelets. We really were that couple.

It was the last day before spring break and TJ told me he had a surprise for me. He has been getting really good at keeping surprises a secret; I didn't even have an idea of what the surprise could be.

"Is it physical?" I asked him at lunch.
"Kinda? What's that supposed to mean?"
"You'll fine out", he smirked
"Ugh. I hate when you do that"
"Do what?" He acted innocent
"Your little evil smirk", I poked his cheek. He grabbed my hand and said, "I don't know what you're talking about", the smirk returned to his face, "see you tonight"
"But what do I wear?" I asked.
"This", he pointed to the hoodie, "I should let you know", he said, "it's not a surprise for you".
"It's a surprise for all of us", he turned to the rest of the table: Buffy, Marty, and Jonah.
"Me too?" Jonah looked surprised.
"Come if you want", said TJ
"Did you plan a double date without telling us?" Asked Buffy.
"Well....." said Marty
"You two need to stop with the secrets", said Buffy. Marty and TJ both put on their smirks.
"I don't think so", said TJ.

I went up to Buffy after school.
"Are you ready?" I asked.
"No. I don't know what these two idiots have planned"
"They have gotten too good at keeping these secrets"
"We need to plan something without them knowing next time", she said.
"It's spring break now so we have, like, a week and a half to do something", I said.
"i already have an idea. I'll text you later", she said before leaving.

I waited for TJ to come out. Even though he and amber get a ride to school, he decided to start walking me home. He is too nice. Sometimes I feel bad because he does so much for me and I feel like I'm not doing enough for him. This thing I'm planning with Buffy better be really good.

"Am I allowed to ask questions?" I asked.
"Sure", he said. We were almost to my house.
"Will you answer them?"
"Depends on the question"
"Where are we going?" I asked.
"Nope", he simply responded.
"How late will we be out?"
"As late as we are"
"That doesn't even make sense", I said.
"Have any more questions?" He ignored the fact that his answer didn't even makes sense.
"Is it romantic?"
"It can be"
"I am going to implode. Your vague answers are killing me!"
We arrived at my house.
"See you soon", he held my chin.
"Ok, Theo", It was my turn to smirk.
"I swear to god"
"That's what you get", I said as I walked up to the door.


"I have the tickets. Are we waking or carpooling?" I was texting Marty.
"It's not that far of a walk", he responded.
"Yo we are good boyfriends", I said.
"Nah, we are GREAT boyfriends"

I rang the door bell of Cyrus' house. He opened up the door. We were matching in our camo hoodies.
"Where are we going?" He asked.
"Fine, I'll tell you", I sighed
"Really?" He got exited
"We are going.... to pick up Buffy and Marty so we can walk to the secret location".
The excitement faded, "This better be good", he said. We walked up to Buffy's house.

"You ready?" I asked Marty who was already there with Buffy.
"Yep", he said.
"Seriously, you guys do so many surprises for us", said Buffy.
"Are you complaining?" Asked Marty.
"Well, no", said Buffy, "But... I don't know. You guys are just so nice"
"Yeah, we're the best", I high-fived Marty.
"Alright boys, lead the way", said Buffy.

Cyrus POV

Me and TJ walked, holding hands, with Marty and Buffy behind us, also holding hands.
"Are we close?" I asked.
"You'll know whet we're close", he said.
"What's that supposed to mea-"
"Look!" Buffy pointed to some lights in the skies. The trees cleared to show a Farris wheel.
"It's the carnival, isn't it?" I asked my final question.
"Yep", said TJ. He nodded to Marty and Marty took out 4 tickets from his pocket.
"Are you ready to go on the Ferris wheel?" TJ asked me.
"That's pretty high up", it looked bigger and bigger as we approached the gate.
"That's why I'm here", he put his arm around me.

Me and TJ split with Marty and Buffy so we could each have our own dates.
"To the Farris wheel?" He asked.
"Do I have a choice?"
"Not really", he said. We started walking towards the wheel.
"It's not that bad. And it's slow so", he shrugged, "you'll be fine"
We got onto the ride and waited for it to start. We were some of the last people on so the ride would start soon.
"I'm right here", he reassured me. The ride started.
"This isn't bad", I said. The ride was slowly speeding up. We got closer and closer to the top. "Ok, maybe it's a little bad". I squeezed TJs hand.
"Don't look down, look up", he said, "you can see so much from up here".

I looked up and could see the whole carnival. All the different colored lights all looked so mesmerizing. I looked to my sides and could see the town. It was lit up by the street lights and the lights pouring through windows. I loosened my grip on TJs hand.
The ride was coming to an end. One by one, people started getting off. We were approaching the top again as the people at the bottom were exiting.
"You know what I've always wanted to do?" He asked.
"Guess", he said.
"Can I ask questions?" I asked, like how I had earlier today.
"Is it", I leaned in, "this?"
"How'd you know?" He asked, jokingly.
We kissed at the top of the wheel with the world below us.
"Wow, we are so cliche", i pulled away and said.
"Yep", he simply said before pulling me back in.

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