The last dance

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I woke up and felt really weird. Then suddenly my whole body was in pain.
"How did I get here?" I asked the room. I noticed that I was in a bed. My eyes finally focused and I realized: this isn't my room. I tried to remember last night.
"Was Cyrus there?" I thought out loud.
"What?" I heard a voice. I turned and saw Cyrus with a cup of water in his hand.

"Oh", I pieced together what had happened.
"You are so dumb", he said as he handed me the water.
"Hey that's not fair. You've been high before", I said.
"I didn't know what those brownies were but you knew exactly what you were doing", he looked angry.
I really had nothing to say. I had no defense.
"And you drove there. Were you gonna drive back drunk if I hadn't come?" He asked.
"I didn't think that much ahead-"
"You didn't think at all" he interrupted.
"You sound like my mom"
"You could have gotten killed!" He looked like he could start to cry. His yelling hurt my head but I know I probably deserved that.
"Cyrus..." but I couldn't think of anything to say. He waited for me to continue.
"I'm sorry", is all I could say
"For what?" He asked. I didn't really know what I was apologizing for.
"You think about that. I'll get your breakfast", he said as he left the room.

Cyrus POV

I went downstairs to get the oatmeal I made him. It was a bit cold so I put it in the microwave for a minute. There was a knock at the door. I opened the door to find TJs mom with a bag.
"Is this the right suit?" She asked.
I texted his mom last night to bring TJs suit for the dance today.
"This looks good", I said and took the bag.
"Good. Well, have fun tonight", she said before leaving.

I went upstairs with his clothes and breakfast. I almost didn't want to walk into the room. I was so mad at him. I walked in anyway.


Cyrus walked back into the room with a bowl of oatmeal in one hand and a bag in the other.
"What's in the bag?" I asked
"Your clothes", he said, handing it to me
I looked in the bag and saw a suit.
"Huh?" I was confused at first. Then I realized that today is the dance. The dance that me and Cyrus are going to together.
"You still want to go?" I asked, surprised. He seemed so mad at me that I figured he wouldn't want to go with me.
"Do you not want to?" He asked.
I did.
I really did want to go.
I didn't know how to answer. I wanted to but I didn't want him to come if he didn't want to. I stayed silent.
"Ok", Cyrus nodded, taking my silence as an answer.

I never changed into my suit. I was going to drive home but Cyrus didn't trust me so he drove. The most awkward and silent 5 minute car ride of my life. He walked home after he dropped me off. I just went into my room, shut my door, and just cried on my bed.

"TJ?" There was a knock at my door. Then my door slowly opened.
"Go away" I sniffled.
"What's wrong? Shouldn't you be getting ready for the dance?" Amber asked. She walked over and sat next to me on the bed.
"No. Cyrus is a bit mad at me right now", I told her.
"I.... I may have.... gotten.... just a little"
"What did you do?" She sounded disappointed without even knowing what it was yet.
"Drunk", I finished.
"Well he has every right to be mad at you", she said.
"Why though? It was my stupid decision. He didn't have to pick me up", I said.
"But he did"
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"He cares about you. You could have gotten hurt or killed", Amber seemed like she was almost as mad as Cyrus was.
"And didn't you drive there?" She asked, just like Cyrus had. "You need to find him and you should apologize".
"For what though?"
"Were you not listening to anything I just said?", she said. She got up to walk out. "And get dressed. You have a dance to go to".

Cyrus POV

I decided to still go to the dance. I was just going to hang out with Buffy. Marty couldn't come because he had a family party to go to.

"Do you think TJ is going to show up?" I asked her.
"Do you want him to?" She asked.
"I think I was too mean to him"
"Cyrus, did you just hear the words that came out of your mouth?" She almost laughed, "Cyrus Goodman isn't mean. It even says so in your name"
"But do I have a reason to be mad at him?"
"Yes. He was being an idiot that you had to go save"
"Wow. Normally it's the other way around" I joked.
"But this does technically make you two even", she said.
"Remember your little fiasco?"
"I didn't know what I was doing. He did" I argued.
"But he still had to help you. And you had to help him. You two are always there for each other. You can't let this little thing get between you two". She was right.

Just then, a slow song came on.
"Do you want to dance?" I asked Buffy.
Buffys eyes looked over my shoulder and got wide.
"I think he'd rather dance with you", she said.
I turned around to see TJ standing behind me.
"You came", I smiled.
"Of course I came". He held out his hand to reveal a muffin. "I didn't make it. I bought it from quick trip on my way over here", he said.
"Thanks", I giggled at his gesture and took the muffin.
"Do you want to dance?" He sounded like he genuinely didn't know if I wanted to.
"Yes". I put my free hand on one of his shoulders and rested my muffin-holding-hand wrist on the other shoulder. He put his hands on my waist.

"Cyrus", he started, "I'm sorry".
"For scaring you", he said, "for going to the party in the first place even when I knew what kind of people would be there. For putting you and myself in danger. For-"
"It's fine", I cut him off.
"For almost messing this up", he finished.
"You didn't mess any of this up", I said, "I'm sorry for being a bit harsh"
"I know you just cared", he said, "and I forgot to thank you for it. So, thank you".
"I accept your apology".
It felt like all the tension had been lifted. I went in for a kiss but then the music stopped playing.

"And now it is time to announce the royalties!" A girl said into the microphone. Then someone came onto the stage and whispered something into her ear before handing her the envelope.
"I guess we are changing it up a bit", she said, "there will be no queen, but two kings". TJ and I looked at each other. Could it be?

She opened the envelope and read, "TJ Kippen and Cyrus Goodman!" The gym erupted in applause.
"Go up there", Buffy pushed us. We walked through the parted crown and onto the stage.
She came over and put the crowns on our heads.
"Give it up for our Jefferson Middle school Kings!" Everyone applauded louder. TJ grabbed my muffin-holding-hand and held it up.
"I can't believe this is happening", I said.
"I can't either", said TJ.

I looked out onto all the people. Buffy was cheering the loudest. I spotted Jonah in the crowd cheering. No sign of Kira, her brother, or their scary friends. I looked over at TJ. Everything in my life was exactly where I wanted it. I never knew what it was like to have a perfect life. I didn't think it existed. I was wrong. This is perfect. This is all I need in my life right now.
And it all started with a muffin.

-please read: This is the end of this fan fiction. I would like to thank all the people who have been patient and waited for chapters to be posted. Thank you to all the people who have left wonderful comments and hearts. You have no idea how happy it makes me. Thank you all, and goodbye for now ❤️-

First off, someone please draw tyrus as eboys and send it to me
Second: I just started a new tyrus fanfic. It is separated from this one. It will be a completely different story so please go read it!! It's called Tyrus: Will We?

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