Ping pong

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Cyrus POV

TJs chest rose up and down slowly. It was calming. I didn't know if he was asleep yet but I wrapped my arm over his stomach. Then I felt his hand touch my arm. His other arm was around my back. I think we only took up one half of the bed. My lamp was still on but the light was dim enough that it wasn't hard to sleep. I was out in about 20 minutes.

TJ was still asleep when I woke the next morning. I didn't want to move but I really had to go to the bathroom. I managed to slide out from his arms without disturbing him. I got up and walked out to go but my mom stopped me in the hall.

"You should wake TJ up soon", she said, "their mom is coming over in 30 minutes and Im guessing he wants to see her. Amber is already up, she's just talking with Todd in the kitchen".
"Ok", I said. I walked past her to get to the bathroom.

When I came back in the room I saw TJ still sleeping. I didn't want to wake him; he looked so peaceful. After everything that has happened to him, it was nice to see him relaxed. I went to my closet to get dressed when I heard TJ move around in the bed. I turned to see him reach his arm across the bed then followed by a confused look on his face. He squinted his eyes open and still looked confused.

"Good morning sleepy head", I said, putting on a shirt.
"Oh hey", he sat up, "I went to reach for you but you weren't there". He looked around him and then to the floor, "I guess the ice pack fell off at some point during the night". He reached down the side of my bed and picked it up.
"You mom is coming in like 25 minutes", I told him.
"You know what we can do while we wait?" He smirked. Then I remembered the conversation we had yesterday.
"Ping pong" we said at the same time. TJ got out of bed.
"This sweatshirt does not smell good", he said, picking it up from the ground.
"I still have the one you gave me that one time at school", I reached in my closet to get it. I threw it at him and he put it on.

We walked down stairs and Amber was still in the kitchen talking to my stepdad.
"We're going to the basement to play ping pong. Wanna come?"
"I'll be down in a minute", she said, and went back to her conversation.
We went down to the basement and grabbed our paddles.
"First to 11?" I said
"Alright", he grabbed a ball.
"I have to warn you, I'm really good", I said.
"We'll see about that", he served the ball.

Amber came down about halfway though the game to watch. I was winning by a couple of points.
"Ooh Teej, you better catch up", Amber said from the side, "What is it? 7-5 Cyrus?"
"Yep", I served the next ball. It went flying right past him. "Make that 8-5".
"She's here!" We all heard come from upstairs. Amber and TJs faces lit up. We ran up stairs and saw their mom getting out of her car with 2 bags in her hands. My mom went out to help her carry them.


"How are my babies doing?" Mom said as she came in the house. She was carrying a target bag in her hand while Leslie was carrying the other.
"We're ok, mom", said amber. Mom gave Amber a hug and then looked at me.
"Are you doing alright, TJ?" She asked, worryingly. I almost felt like tearing up but I didn't.
"I'm fine", I said.
"Come here", she pulled me into a hug.
"I have your stuff here for you", she handed me the bag in her hand. Ambers was the one in Leslie's hand.
"I have to go soon", said mom, "But Leslie did tell me about your bruised ribs so she will take you to the doctor at some point today. I will come if I can. There's just a lot of stuff happening right now", she slowly inched towards the door.
"I get it", I said. Amber nodded with me.
"See you soon", she blew us a kiss before walking out the door. There was a little awkward silence for a while.

"Well that was quick", said amber.
"You'll see her again", said Leslie, "How about you two look through those", Leslie gestured to the bags. Amber walked over to the living room and dumped her bag out into the couch.
"Let's go up stairs" Said Cyrus, taking the bag out of my hand.
"I can carry it-"
"I got it", he started going to the stairs. He took my hand and we walked up to his room. He got to his room and he set the bag on the bed.

"Ooh it's like an unboxing video. 'Hey guys, welcome back to my channel'", he looked at me as if I was the camera, "'today we are unboxing TJs things. Let's see what we find'", he reached in the bag and pulled out a sweatshirt. "A sweatshirt. Shocking", he said sarcastically.
"Hey", I pretended to be offended, "I own more that just sweatshirts". I looked in the bag, hoping that something in there would prove my point.

We took out a pair of jeans, a pair of sweatpants, another sweatshirt, and a T-shirt.
"See? That's not a sweatshirt", I pointed to the shirt.
"This is cool" he picked it up to look at it. I didn't even realize it was my Led Zeppelin shirt.
"Yeah, I think it was my uncles from like 1970 or something"
"Ooh vintage", he admired it.
"1970 was only like", I stopped to think about it, "like 50 years ago"
"49", Cyrus corrected me
"Whatever. Close enough", I rolled my eyes.
"What else is in here", he looked in the bag. I looked over his shoulder.
"Hey! My phone", I grabbed it and tried to turn it on, "of course it's dead".
"My charger is over there", he pointed to his phone sitting in his side table, "you can unplug my phone. It's been charging all night". I unplugged his and plugged mine in.
"That's everything besides your brush and deodorant and stuff". He set the bag on the floor so he could sit in its place on the bed.
"We still need to finish our game", I reminded him.
"Oh yeah", he hopped off the bed.

He ended up winning, 11-8.
"This game is rigged", I said as a put down my paddle.
"Do you wanna try again?" He asked.
"I'm hungry", I walked over to him.
"Oh your 'hungry'" he put in air quotes.
"Cy, it's almost 10 am and we haven't eaten breakfast yet. It's almost lunch time". The ping pong ball rolled off the table and fell on the floor. I reached down to grab it
"OW!" I collapsed to the floor.

My ribs have been hurting all day but now there were sharp pains shooting through them.
"On my- Teej, Are you ok?" Cyrus got on the floor next to me. Leslie heard the commotion from up stairs and cane running down, "what's going on?" And then she saw me in the floor.
"Todd, get the car running!" She shouted upstairs. Cyrus was holding my hand while Leslie grabbed the other. "Breath", she said soothingly.
"Ow, that hurts to do", I wheezed. She helped me up and I put my arm around Cyrus. He started walking towards the stairs and the shooting pain started to go away.
"I think I'm good now", I said, finally able to breath".
"We're still going to the hospital", said Leslie, "we already had the appointment anyway". Cyrus still needed to help my up the stairs and into the car.
"Where's Amber?" I asked.
"She went to work while you guys were down there", answered leslie. I should have known that.

Cyrus held my hand the entire ride there. Leslie called ahead so that when we got there there was a wheel chair waiting for me.
"That's a bit extra", I said. Cyrus looked at me.
"Is it though?" He helped me into it.

We were there for a few hours. Mom never showed up. They gave me pain killers that made me a little loopy. Ok, maybe more than a little. Cyrus's parents we're into the hall while we were in the room alone.

Cyrus POV

"Cyrus", he whispered. I leaned in and he whispered "iiiii love you"
"How many pain killers did they give you?", I laughed. I still couldn't hide my blushing.
"This is aaaaaalll me talking", his eyes started to flutter shut.
"Now I really want to see you after getting your wisdom teeth pulled out", I said, "that would be wild". I remembered watching the Dolan twins get theirs removed and how hilarious they acted.
"I feel high", he said.
"You are high".
"Pft no", he said, "I don't do drugs"
"You are on drugs right now"
"Oh yeeeaaahh". He seemed to have forgotten the fact that he took pain killers.
Then there was a knock at the door. It opened to reveal... TJs mom.

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