Snow day

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That night we fell asleep in the same position we did the night before. His head was on my chest with his arm over me. "Goddamn he's so cute" I thought. Todd was fine with us sleeping in the same bed as long as we didn't do anything that was not PG (if ya know what I mean).

I thought about what tomorrow would be like. It reminded me of the first time we ever talked. I helped him get a muffin at school. If only i would have known then where we would be today. I ended up going to bed at around 2 am.

I actually ended up waking up before Cyrus but I didn't want to get up so I just went right back to sleep. I was then woken up about an hour later by someone poking me.

"Boop, boop, boop", followed by giggling.
"What the f-" I opened my eyes and saw Cyrus and Amber hovering over me. I looked at Cyrus who then proceeded to tap my nose. "Boop".
"What are you guys doing?" I asked.
Cyrus said, "Amber was like 'how long do you think it will take for him to wake up if we keep poking him' so then we tested it".
"About a minute", said amber, looking at her phone. I lightly shoved amber away.

"Come look outside", Cyrus crawled over me to get to the window. I sat up and looked out the window.
"Woah", the entire place was white. It was almost hard to look at because of how bright it was.
"Now that is what I call a snow day", I said.
"It's so pretty out", said amber", "if it wasn't freezing outside I would love to take some pictures out there".
"What time is it?" I asked.
Amber looked at her phone, "11:46". She then got off the bed and started walking towards the door, "I'm getting breakfast". She closed the door behind her.

"It's almost noon, get up", he tugged on my arm.
"Not yet", I grabbed his hand and pulled him down to the bed. He rolled onto his stomach and looked at me.
"So when do you want to make those muffins?" I was still holding his hand. "I don't know. Is it to early right now?"
"I think you forgot the part where I said it's almost noon", said Cyrus. He then kissed my forehead and said, "get up".

He jumped off the bed and went to my target bag of clothes. I sat up and heard him mumble as he went threw them.
"This.... and then... oh this will look cute..."
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"Which one of these sweatshirts do you least like?" He held up my camo grey hoodie and a tie dye one.
"The tie dye one", I said.
"Ooh yeah that's a good idea. If you get anything on it then you won't be able to tell because it will just look like part of the design", he tossed it onto the bed. He then threw my jeans on the bed.
"Ta da", he held his hand out.
"You're my personal stylist now?" I joked.
"As long as you live here, yes".

I got dressed and checked my phone.
"Looks like a lot of schools are closed today", I said.
"Yeah. Snow came down hard last night. It's still up in the air if we will have school tomorrow or not", said Cyrus.
"That would be nice" I thought "a whole other day to spend with Cyrus"
"I'm hungry", I suddenly realized.
"Well yeah, it's now noon and you haven't eaten anything today", he said, "but neither have I and I'm starving"
"I think it might be time to make those muffins"
Cyrus smiled and opened the door.
"Let's go, Theo", he said.
"Shoot. I thought that nickname was a one time thing", I said as I walked out the door.
"Maybe I'll bring it back", he said, following me out the door.

"Preheat to what?" Cyrus was turning on the oven.
"400" I squinted at the instructions.
"Let's hope we have everything we need", he said, pulling out the flour.
"Maybe we should have checked that before hand"
"We're winging it", he said. We had everything laid out in front of us.
"I guess we start?" I said
"Flour!" Cyrus started scooping up a cup of flour into the bowl. I saw the opportunity and I took it: I dipped my finger in the flour and smeared it on his cheek. He turned to me.
"You had that coming" I said. He flicked the flour from his fingers onto me.
"And you had that coming", he said.

We put in most of the ingredients. Cyrus struggled to crack the egg and ended up getting a little shell in the bowl. He then dramatically sprinkled in the salt.
"This already looks so good" I said.
"Yeah. Ignore that", he said, picking out an eggshell.
"What's next?" I asked. He picked up the chocolate chips.
"Two cups of chocolate chips", he read the recipe.
"I think we could do more than that", I said, taking the bag from him.
"TJ wait-" as I started pouring them in.
"Well I guess they are called 'chocolate chocolate chip muffins' for a reason", he said, taking a handful of chocolate chips to eat. I took some out of his hand and ate them.
"Hey, these are mine. Get your own", he said. I took some more from his hand.
"Try to catch this", he threw one up in the air. I opened my mouth to catch it but it bounced off my face.
"Try again", he said, throwing another one. This time it landed in my mouth.
"Aye! Your turn", I threw one at him and he caught it.

Beep the oven was preheated.
"Time to put them in", we poured the mix into the muffin pan and put them in the oven.
"20 minutes", he said as he put the timer on.
"And now we wait", I said, "what do we do now?"
"Wanna go outside?" He asked.
"You want to go outside? It's really cold out" I said.
"It'll only be for a few minutes", he said.
"Alright". He opened the back door and we stepped out into the cold air.

"It's not too bad out actually", I said. I felt the snow to make sure it was soft before rolling it into a snow ball.
"Catch", I said, throwing the ball at him. It hit him right in the chest.
"Oh ok. I see how it is", he rolled up a ball. I covered my face as he threw it at me. We had a mini snowball fight until Cyrus fell into the snow.
"Are you ok?" I ran over to him and helped him up.
"It's just snow", he shrugged. Then it started to lightly snow out. I looked up at it and then back at him. The white flakes stuck to his eyelashes. I pulled him closer to me. I put my hand in his cold face and slowly leaned in. He put his hand on the back of my head and pulled me into a kiss. Could anyone have asked for a more perfect setting.

It didn't feel like we were outside for long until Amber called us back in. "Lovebirds, the muffins are ready" she said.
"Really? We were out here for 20 minutes?" Cyrus seemed just as shocked as I was. We went inside and I started to realize how cold I was. My fingers almost felt like they would fall off.
"Sit down", said Leslie, handing us each a cup of hot chocolate.
"Oh that feels nice", I put my hands on the hot mug.
"Fresh out of the oven", she placed the plate of muffins in front in us.
"Ooh those smell so food", said Cyrus. We each grabbed one.
"Cheers", he held up his muffin. I held mine up too, "cheers".

We ate our muffins and drank our hot chocolate. I ended up eating probably 3 of those in that one sitting. They almost tasted better than the ones at our school.
"Wow, we are not bad", said Cyrus.
"Not bad at all"

Cyrus POV

We went down to my basement and watched some Netflix afterwords. TJ crashed and burned after eating all those muffins and fell asleep with his head in my lap while watching FRIENDS. Today was one of the most memorable days I've ever had. I never thought I could be as happy as I am with TJ.
"Are you asleep?" I whispered. He answered with mumbles.
"I'm awake", he sounded almost drunk. I pet his hair, "sleep tight, Theo"
He mumbled, "Shut up"

A few episodes in I ended up falling asleep as well. We both slept there for a few hours. I dreamt about us sitting at lunch when suddenly a bunch of chickens started running through the cafeteria but that's unimportant.
I touched his arm and felt it move. I then felt his hand grab mine. I was so grateful for this snow day.

Sorry I was super late on this chapter. Also, that dream about the chickens was based on an actual dream I had a few days ago.

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