Stuck here...

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(A/n Also sorry if I have bad grammar or something or I forget periods and stuff I sometimes get to excited and forget XD Thanks feel free to tell me if I do but try to say it in a nice way)
I was awoken by my phone going off...Who the fuck is calling me at 7:00 in the morning!!! Like what the hell! I sit up in my bed and look over.. It was my best friend (bf/n) ( (bf/n) is your best friends name) Of course I answered cause it might be important

(Y/n = you talking and bestie is your best friend talking)

Y/n: What could possibly be so important that you had to call me at 7:00 in the morning?

Bestie: Oh nothing *giggles*

Y/n: Really...

Bestie: I'm sorry I just really wanted to talk to you ok..

Y/n: Ok. What's up?

Bestie: Nothing much. Just watching a show on Hulu

Y/n: fun I am still trying to wake up completely.-.

Bestie: I said I'm sorry XD

Y/n: I know I know I'm just giving you shit XD

Bestie: But also I got to thinking... why haven't you ever tried moving away from your dad I mean like you are 19. You should be able to do what you want.

Y/n If I tried he would beat my ass you know that. Besides I would have no where to go you have no room and my only other friend is really busy from what I heard.

Bestie: Really?! Corey hasn't said a thing to you?

Y/n: No no! It's nothing like that we've said hi and stuff like that it's just he has a YouTube channel and stuff so you know.

Bestie: Oh yea... well I know someday you will get out of here. But I have to go I love ya bestie talk to you later! Bye!

Y/n Bye...
-she hung up-
I don't think she gets it... I'm stuck here... probably forever and it fucking sucks...

(A/n Omg this was stressing sorry if it was horrible and short but I will write more later or tomorrow idk yet XD but thank you for reading again sorry Love ya -Explodi Girl-)

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