
817 11 3

Hey guys! I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a while. I have had severe writers block. So to make up for that I'm gonna write a tiny bit longer chapter then normal! Another reason I haven't updated is cause school started so yea but here we go!

I love the feeling when I'm not asleep but I can keep my eyes closed and just lie there and relax. But I need to get up. I open my eyes and see Jake holding me? Oh yea we fell asleep watching movies and I guess cuddling. Oh crap how do I get out of his arms I don't wanna wake him up. I slightly wiggle out his arms.
Oh god he shifted!
Oh good he's still asleep. I go to my room. Get some clothes and go to my bathroom. I strip myself down and get in. The water is nice and warm. I start singing cause why not
In this masquerade
She can't feel the pain
Cover up her heart
With a little paint
While he's pulling out a flask
To hide it all away
There's nothing left to say

He knows that their drowning
She hopes that
There's still something left
Let go now
Cause he's leaving

But she'd be fine pretending
Things were alright
Even while it's ending
Keep it inside
But she can feel them bending
All their love is pending
So what is she defending
Even when she says she'll open her eyes
All her word are empty when she denies
But she can feel them bending
All their love is pending
So what is she defending
But she'd be fine pret eh(10x)
She'd be fine

I stop because I need to shower I'm getting distracted.

~tiny time skip~

I get out of the shower put my towel around me and go to my room. As I get dressed I get excited for today. I wonder what prank Colby is going to have us help him with. I go out to the living room to see a still sleepy baby bubba of mine.
"Morning sleepy head!"
Woah his morning voice is cute.
"Ready to help Colby prank people?"
"Yes I think he said we were pranking Sam."
Sam? I wonder why Sam.
"Ok cool what tine do we have to go over?"
"Um I think in an hour."
I nod and grab an apple.
I go and sit on the couch.
"We should probably go and get you changed and shower and shit."
"Yea ok."
We get up and walk towards the door.
"Corey! I'm going with Jake to his place!"
We walk out the door and go to his car. As we drive I think of a great idea. I smile
"What are you smiling about?"
He startles me
"Oh! Uh nothing.."
He looks at me smiling.
As we drive I get kinda of sleepy. We finally get to the apartment building.
As we walk up the stairs I trip.
"Oh god Y/n are you ok?"
He rushes to my aid.
"My knee really hurts."
Jake picks me up bridal style. I wince in pain. As he carries me I start to cry.
"Where does it hurt the most?"
He asks
"My knee."
"Ok, I'm gonna put you down quick so I can unlock my door."
I simply nod and wipe my eyes. As he put me down it got cold. He was so warm...
He finally gets the door unlocked and picks me back up. Yay his warmth again.
He opens the door more and walks over to his couch. He grabs a pillow with his foot and lies me down on the couch. He goes into his room and grabs blanket. He puts it on me and goes to his kitchen and grabs ice. I can't believe it. No one has ever been this nice to me except Corey, bf/n mom.I feel myself tear up as he comes over.
"Y/n what's wrong does it still hurt that much?!"
"No,..It's not that."
"Then what's up?"
He says as he puts the ice on my knee and sits next to me.
"See no one has cared for me this much since mom.."
"Oh Y/n I'm so sorry..but I'm here for you whenever you need me."
He smiles and blushes
"Thank you Jakey."
He hugs me
"Ok imma go take a shower I'll be right back."
As he walks away I decide to text Aaron.

~in text~

You- Hey Aaron I have the best idea ever!
Aaron- Hit me!
You- You know how Jake loves my singing?
Aaron- Everyone loves it but yea?
You- Well I was thinking is there karaoke anywhere anytime soon?
Aaron- I think this one restaurant soon why?
You- Well I was thinking we could go there like nonchalantly and get food of course and then I will do karaoke and sing say you won't let go and ask Jake to be my boyfriend. Switch it up!
Aaron- Y/n that's a great idea!
You- Ikr! So I'm gonna ask him on a triple date with you, Tori, Devyn, and Corey. You down?
Aaron- Of course!
You- Cool can you ask them for me I have to get ready to help Colby prank Sam.
Aaron- Yea I will ttyl!
You- Thanks! Ttyl

I put my phone down and take my ice off and try to get up. As I try to get up Jake comes back.
"Y/n! No don't I don't want you to get hurt again!"
"No it's ok I'm ok."
I get up and I'm fine
"Are you sure? I don't want you to get hurt again."
"Yea I am."
"Ok well we should probably head over."
He shows his phone screen and it's almost time for us to go to Colby's.
"Oh shit ok."
We walk towards his door. As we get there Colby texts me

~in text~
Colby- Hey you guys almost here?

I giggle
"What's so funny?"
Jake looks at me like I'm losing it or something
"Oh Colby just just texted me right when we got to his door."
He chuckles
I knock on the door rapidly.
"Yes Colby we are almost here!"
I hear footsteps towards the door. Colby opens the door and laughs.
"Ok tell me when your here."
We all start laughing. We walk in and go to his couch.
"So what prank we doing today Colby?"
I ask him. He smiles and claps his hands together.
"So today we are pranking Sam with cups filled with water or eggs, but we are using both!"
"Awesome! How did you come up with that brother?"
Omg Jake looked like a child when he said that.
"Idk it just came to me, But we need to go get the cups and stuff!"
"Ok let's go!"
Me and Jake day at the same time. We look at each other and then Colby we all look surprised. We start to laugh and walk to Colby's door.
"We are gonna need two cars."
"Ok since I road heat with Jake I'll ride there with Colby."
Jake looked a little Jealous but he nodded. I only said I would ride with Colby because I wanna tell him my plan and invite as well cause I want him to video tape it. We walk to the entrance of the building and go to the cars I wave at Jake as I get in Colby's car.
"So why did you wanna ride with me?"
"Well I haven't seen you in a tiny bit and I wanna tell you something and you can't say anything to Jake."
"Ok what is it?"
"So I wanna ask Jake to be my boyfriend in a cute way wanna know?"
"Hells yea!"
"So I'm gonna do a triple date plus you at a restaurant that has karaoke or some shit. Then I'm gonna sing say you won't let go and ask Jake after to be my boyfriend!"
"Sis that sounds amazing!"
"I know!"
We both laugh.

~time skip~

We got everything we need and headed back we about half way through setting up. Jake and I have already broken like 10 eggs together.
"Oh shit guys I just got a text from Kat! He coming home soon!"
"Why did Kat text you instead of Me?"
Colby looks at me "offended"
"She loves me more!"
We all laugh again.

~one more tiny time skip~

We finally finished the prank. Most of them have water because me and Jake are absolute children. We here the door start to unlock oh shit! The door starts opening.
"Hey Sam!"
We all tell and he looks down.
"Oh god dang it guys!"
We laugh and so does Kat.
"Were you in on it?"
Sam asks her. She nods her head.
"Yea we told her like 30 minutes after I knew you left."
"Really Colby..."
"Heh sorry Sam it's revenge finally."
"Ugh O- Are those filled with eggs and water?!"
We nod are heads
"God dang it."
We all laugh. Ahhh today was great. I hope it stays like this for a long time.

Hey guys again! I really hope you liked this. Sorry if it fucking sucked but I think my prank was kinda cool. Anyway with that being said I will see you in the next chapter! Love ya- Tem❤️💜💙

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