Oh shit! Part 1

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So this is going to be like a week from your first date with Jake. Um almost this whole chapter is going to be sad. Sorry if you don't like it. Also I was thinking of changing things up a bit. I don't really like the way you talk to each other so yea! Ok onto the chapter

I wake up to Corey yelling..... he must be playing Rocket League. Well might as well stay up. I don't feel like doing much today. But I'm fucking hungry. Time to go to the kitchen! I walk to the kitchen. As I walk past the living room I say good morning to Corey " Morning Corey!"
"Morning? It's 12:30.."
"Oh really?!"
"Yea but that's ok"
"I mean I guess. I wasn't really going to do much."
I walk to the kitchen and grab a banana.
(Stop thinking dirty if you are cause I know there are people out there!)
I walk back to the living room to watch Corey play.
"Ha! Suck it!"
I laugh.
"You know? I think I actually might invite Jake over."
"Ok. Wanna play with me after you text or call him?"
"Hell ya! You know it!"
We laugh and I go to the other room to text him

~in text~
You- Hey I was wondering if you wanna come over and play Rocket League with me and Corey?
Jakey Wakey- Yea I'll be right over!
You- Cool See ya soon!

I walk back to the living room and sit on the couch.
"Hey Corey?"
"Where's Devyn?"
"Oh she's out with Kat and Sam!"
"Ok cool! Where's the other controller?"
"It's charging, but I think it should be charged."
"Ok cool"
I go and grab the other controller. I have no idea but I feel like something is going to go wrong. Ehhh I'm sure it's fine. I go back to the couch and sit down. As we play I keep getting the feeling.. oh god. I wish it would fucking stop.
"Y/n? Are you ok?"
"Huh? Oh sorry I don't know what's going on. I'm sure I'll be ok."
"Are you sure because I have been waiting for you to join a game for a bit."
"Of course!"
I finally start to join a game when I hear the five year old knocking I know and love.
"That must be Jakey Wakey!"
I hear Corey laugh as I run to the door
I yell as I open the door. I hug him as hard as I can
We run back to the living and I hand him another controller.
"Thanks! Also I'm so glad you invited me I was just gonna sit and do nothing."
He chuckled
"I was going to as well but then I thought I wanna see my Jakey Wakey."
I blush as I say that.
"Your Jakey Wakey?"
Corey asks.
Corey gets up and starts dancing around.
" I knew it! You love him! Love love love love looove!
He points at me.
"Oh hey what's that?"
I pointed out the window.
( Whoever gets that or if you do you are amazing)

"Hey you lied to me!"
Corey fake pouted
"Heh sorry if didn't do that you wouldn't stop.."
"Yea true."
"Guys can we just play now?"
Jake chimed in
(Closing the god damn door oh!)
"Oh yea sorry!"
We all laugh and play.

??? POV
I have finally found her... and I know exactly where she is. Thank you youtube. Whoever the fuck this Jake Webber kid is. He. Is. Going. To get it. And so is this Corey Scherer. I find what looks like his house and knock viciously on the door. Y/n is never going to see them again.

Your POV

As we are playing I hear some really loud knocking.
"Who the hell is here? And why are they knocking so loud?"
Jake asks
"I don't fucking know brother but I'm gonna answer it."
"Ok hurry!"
I yell
I hear Corey open the door and a very familiar voice I never thought I would hear again....

To be continued

Hey! So yes this is a two parter because it makes it more dramatic! With that being said I will see in the next part of this chapter! Love ya- Tem ❤️💜💙

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