Rocket League!

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Your POV
I wake up really early. I look at my phone. It's 8:30 I decide I'm going make breakfast for Devyn and Corey. I hope they like this. As I was making it I put music on. One of my favorite songs came on.

Bite my tongue bide my time
Wearing a warning sign
Wait till the world is mine
Visions I vandalized
Cold in my kingdom size
Fell for these ocean eyes

You should see me in a crown
I'm gonna run this nothing town
Watch me make them bow
One by one by one
One by one by.

I stopped singing as I hear my phone ring. It was Jake. Of course I answer

~in call~
Jake- Hey Y/n!
You- Hey!
Jake- What are you doing?
You- I'm making breakfast for Corey and Devyn. Why?
Jake- Oh nothing
You- You wanna come over and have breakfast with us?
Jake- Hell ya! I'll be over in a bit!
You- Ok see ya!
-you hang up-

Ok now I have make more pancakes but that's ok I don't care it's for Jake. I make even more bacon and pancakes when I hear walking down the hall.
Corey: Morning! Awww your making breakfast for us?
You: Yea and I invited Jake over for breakfast is that ok?
Corey: Of course! You live here as well. You can do what you want.
You: Cool! He will be here soon!
Corey: Ok so how was yesterday with him?
He starts to wiggle his eyebrows
You: Omg Corey! But it was good.
Corey: That's good.
I go back to making the food. As I made the food. I hear knocking like a five year old. I run to the door like a kid going to McDonald's. I open the door and hug him as tight as I can. He hugs back. I don't ant this to end but it does eventually.
You: JAKE!!!
Jake: Y/N!!!
We laughed so much. We go back into the kitchen and I see Devyn.
Devyn: Oh hey Jake!
Jake: Hey Devyn!
Devyn: How are you?
Jake: Really good now
Devyn: Oh really
Jake: Yea I get food. Free
You: Oh I see how it is rude Jake!
You all laugh.

~time skip~
As we finished eating we put the dishes in the sink and Corey invited Jake to play rocket league with me and him.
Jake: Hell ya man!
We go to the living room and play for a while. As we are playing I get a text from Bf/n
~in text~
Bestie~ Omg! Thank you so much for the picture and the hoodie! Can you tell Sam and Colby thank you for me?
You~ Of course! I knew you would like it also. How would you like to say thank you to them yourself cause I'm going to ask if the want to hang today.
Bestie~ Omg I would love to!
You~ Ok! If and when we do i well tell them and then I will call you!
Bestie~ Ok thanks! I gtg but ily ttyl ❤️
You~Ok ily 2 ❤️
I put my phone down. And get back to playing when Jake starts talking.
Jake: Who were you talking to that you were smiling so much?
He sounded jealous?
You: Oh it was my bestie Bf/n! She just got my package I sent her with Sam and Colby's pic and hoodie they gave her.
Jake: Oh cool! I bet you miss her.
You: I do a lot! But I have you guys
You smile and see them smile as well.

~time skip~
We have been playing for about an hour and a half now. I decide I should ask Corey.
You: Hey Corey?
Corey: Yea?
You: Are we doing anything today?
Corey: Not really. Well me later like way later yea but no. Why?
You: Ok I'm going to invite Sam and Colby over.
Corey: Ok
Jake: Woooo I get to see Colby! My baby bubba
Baby bubba? What is that? I give him a questioning look.
Jake: Don't ask
We all laugh. I text Sam.
~in text~
You- Hey Sam? Are you and Colby doing anything right now or at all today?

I put my phone down and wait m. You know doing nothing is really boring. I stare at Hake for a bit. I hope Sam answers soon.

Hey! Sorry it's been a while I was busy but you guys will never believe this! Today I was at the mall and I saw a mini Corey! He danced and had a mini man bun and everything! But with that being said I will see you all in the next chapter! Love Tem ❤️💜💙

Until you came along.|| Jake Webber x Reader ‼️ Discontinued‼️Where stories live. Discover now