Sleepover with Jake and heartbreak

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We get to Jakes apartment and I go in and put my onesie on

We get to Jakes apartment and I go in and put my onesie on

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And we got to his living room.
Jake: So what do you want to do?
You: Let's build a fort!
Jake: Well I know someone that wants to meet you and she could help us.
You: Who?
Jake: Tara!
Why did he sound so happy when he said her name? It hurts..
Jake: Y/n? Are you ok? You look sad.
You: Oh yea I'm fine..
Jake: Ok well I'll text her quick.

Jakes POV
I could tell that she was lying something was wrong but I'm not going to push it. I get my phone and text Tara. I need to change her name. I used to have the biggest crush on her but then I met Y/n.
~in text~
Jake- Hey! Y/n is sleeping over and we want to make a fort but we need your help.
Tara- Sure I'm coming now!
I put my phone down and looked at it Y/n. She looked to cute in her onesie. And beautiful without makeup on. I go over to her and just look at her for a while.
You: Jake?!
I got so startled when she said that
Jake: Oh sorry um can I have a hug?
I didn't know what else to say
You: Of course!
We hug for a while o didn't want it to end. But it had to. I let go and smile at her. Her adorable cheeks get red? Is she blushing? Probably not..  I think she likes Colby... But I still have to try.
Jake: Hey you wanna make some popcorn with me?
You: Hell yea bro!
We laugh and go into the kitchen. And we get popcorn out. As we are popping the popcorn I hear knocking. It's Tara I better get the door.
You: That must Tara
Jake: Yep I'll be back

(Ok so Tara is not like this at all but it's for the story)

Tara's POV
I knock on Jakes door. I'm going to make him mine in front of her and nothing can stop me. I hear running to the door. I knew it he doesn't actually like her he likes me. The door opens.
Jake: Hey Tara!
Tara: Hey Jake!
We go to the kitchen I see.... her. Act nice Tara
Tara: Hey I am so glad I finally get to meet you!
You: Yea it's nice to meet you as well.
Tara: Well lets get to that fort!
Jake: Hell ya!
You: Woo
Ugh she's kinda annoying. But right after this fort I'm going to kiss Jake and he will see that's he is supposed to be with me.
~time skip~
We get the fort done and it looks amazing.

~time skip~We get the fort done and it looks amazing

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Now is my time.

Your POV
Omg this fort looks awesome.
You: Tara this is amazing thank you for the help!
Tara: Of course! Uh Jake can I talk to you quick?
Jake: Yea
They walk to the door.

Jakes POV
I wonder why Tara wants to talk to me. Oh well!
Jake: What is it?
Tara: I need to tell you something
Jake: Ok what?
All of a sudden I'm being pushed really hard against the wall and she presses her lips against mine. No I don't want this! I hear Y/n coming.
You: Jake what's goin- Oh I see well now I know who you had your eye on. That'
She starts tearing up. Why?
Tara smirks what the hell?
Y/n gets her stuff and runs out my door.
Jake: What the hell Tara! You know I like her! Why did you do that?
Tara: Because I like you! She doesn't deserve you!
Jake: I'm sorry Tara but you need to leave! We will still be friends but that's it!
Tara: Fucking fine! I'm sorry I know I shouldn't have done it..
She looks genuinely sorry..
Jake: I'm sorry I shouldn't have yelled.
Tara: It's fine now go get her!
Oh shit that's right I'm coming Y/n!

Your POV again
I ran as fast as I could I had called Colby just a bit ago and asked if I could sleepover he said yes. I went up there. I knock tears in my eyes. He opens the door and hugs me.
Colby: I'm so sorry Y/n come in!
You: Thank you so much. Did you text Corey to lie to Jake just Incase even tho I know he doesn't like me..
Colby: Yes
You: Good
Colby: Ok lets watch some Tv. K?
You: Yep
We go to his living room and I hear my phone going off..... It's Jake..... if he actually wants talk to me that badly he'll leave a message.
My phone makes tone he does leave a message.
I don't want to hear it right now. If he calls again he can do the same thing. Me Colby sit on the couch.
Colby's POV
Me and Y/n sit on the couch. I suddenly get a call.
It's Jake. I'm not going to tell Y/n.
Colby: I'll be right back it's Sam.
You: Ok
I walk to my room.
~in call~
Colby- What do you want man? Haven't you done enough?
Jake- no it's not what you think Tara pushed me against the wall and wouldn't let me go I don't like Tara!
Colby- what do you mean?
Jake- she knows I like Y/n she kissed me because she like me. But when Y/n ran off she felt bad and genuinely apologized. And I called Corey but at first he lied to me and then I yelled at him and he told me you were with her at your apartment I need to apologize to her!
Colby- I mean you could ask her out now Brother!
Jake- I don't know if she'd except it bro!
Colby- you didn't hear this from me brother but she likes you a lot!
Jake- Really?!
Colby- Yes! So I say do it man didn't you have a plan?
Jake- yeah should I ask her to be in the video with me tomorrow?
Colby- Only if I get to be in it too bro!
Jake- Of course!
Colby- Ok! Talk to you later brother!
Jake- talk to you later brother!
-I hung up-
I go back to Y/n.
Colby: Hey! I know we are mad at Jake but he needs to people for his video tomorrow can you please be in it?
You: I don't know.... he broke my heart..
Colby: Just saying he doesn't even know you like him
You: True ok tell him I'll be in it.... Wait! You said you were in a call with Sam!
Colby: Heheh sorry
You: It's fine but actually I'll tell him later.
Colby: Ok cool! Actually we should go to bed so we can be well rested.
You: True i'll sleep on the couch night Colby!
Colby: Night!
As much as I don't want to face him I'll have to eventually so I should probably stop acting like a child. I hope this night goes well. No nightmares like I have had.

Hey! Sorry I took so long to write this but I had severe writers block. But I have an idea for the next chapter! Hope you "like" nightmares! But with that being said I'll see you in the next chapter! Love ya!- Tem ❤️💜💙

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