Doing his makeup!

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~Jakes POV~
After Y/n got don't doing her video I hugged her. She has the best damn voice in the world! She could be more famous then Beyoncé I just know it. But I need idea for my video I haven't uploaded yet. I need to think of something though. As I'm thinking Y/n walks up to me. "Jakey? You ok?" I look at her and shake my head. "I can't think of a video idea. This has never happened before." She hums and nods a bit. "Well I am your girlfriend correct?" I quizzically look at her but nod. "Girls have a lot of makeup right?" Oh my god now I realize what this woman is doing. I look at her and she's wiggles her eyebrows. "I don't know if I want to do my makeup. That's like a basic girl thing and to be honest your not really a basic girl." She's smiles. "I know that's why I would do Edgy makeup." "Oh god woman why?!.......fine let's do it."

~Your POV~

Omg I'm so surprised he actually said yes. I squeal in delight. He laughs "Yes! Thank you!" I run to get my makeup while he gets ready to go back to his apartment. I quickly change into some different clothes and do different makeup. I decided to match Jakeys edginess. I was finally ready and went to the door Jake was standing there dramatically. "Finally woman you took forever." I rolled my eyes. "Uh huh sure. Let's go now Jakey. I get us Taco Bell after." His eyes light up. "Ok!" We run to his car. As we drive he puts on music and take my hand. It's a song I know very well. Words by Scotty Sire. "Please sing I am restarting the song." I nod my head and he starts it over.

How was your day?
I hope it was ok
Well yea mine was alright
But I think I'd be nice
To see you
To see you

I hope you don't mind
Am I wasting your time
I think I should be yours
I think you should be mine

I'm sorry I called
I called you without textin
I'm no good with words
I'm not good with first impressions
I guess I just thought
That I felt a connection with you

But now I can't find the word to say
I can't find the words to say
My words just get in the way
When I talk
When I talk
When I talk
My mind goes
Do do dodadoo do
My mind goes
do do dodadoo do
My mind goes
Do do dodadoo do
When I talk
When I talk
When I talk

If I could speak I would say that I'm tongue tied and twisted up yeah
I'm insecure with my words and wondering if I am good enough
I can't find the confidence
To make empty promises
Is that an elephant in the room
Or is it a hippopotamus
And I'm not a potty mouth
But you got a body wow
Can't think of a pick up line
But I wanna take you out
Just don't know how to ask you out
I don't know how I feel about anything else
But I know how I feel about you (good)

I'm sorry I called
I called you without textin
I'm not good with words
I'm no good with self expression
I guess I just thought that I felt a connection with you.

But now I can't find the word to say
I can't find the words to say
My words just get in the way
When I talk
When I talk
When I talk

My mind goes
Do do dodadoo do
My mind goes
Do do dodadoo do
My mind goes
Do do dodadoo do

When I talk
When I talk
When I talk
My mind goes
Blank when I look at you
Can't think when I'm talking to someone so beautiful
And suddenly something about me has changed
And now I can't even remember my name
Fine dining and breathing is all that i know so
Did you maybe wanna go get dinner breakfast?
We can go
But now I can't find the words to say
I can't find the words to say
My words just get in the way
When I talk
When I talk
When I talk
My mind goes
Do do dodadoo do
My mind goes
Do do dodadoo do
My mind goes
Do do dodadoo do

When I talk
When I talk
When I talk
My mind goes
Do do do do doo do

I look at Jake and he's smiling the biggest smile. "God you are the best woman ever!" I giggle. We finally get to his apartment building and get out the car. As we are walking up we run into Sam and Kat. "Oh hey guys!" I wave "Hey Sam! How are ya?" I look at him with a smile. "Oh I'm good! Kat and I are about to go on a date." I wiggle my eyebrows "ooooo have fun!" They smile at each other. "What are you guys doing?" Kat asks I start to giggle and Jake sighs. "I'm letting her do my makeup for my channel. She just did her first video! You guys should check it out and then like share it and shit." They laugh "Can do! Well we goat ya go bye Jake! See ya girly we need to hang soon!" Kat says. "Yes that would be great! Have fun." They start walking towards the door and me and Jake walk to the elevator. "I'm so excited to do your makeup you don't understand." He just sighs. I giggle as we go into the elevator. Jake just stands there and I'm humming. We finally get to his apartment. I start jumping up and down and put all my makeup and stuff on his counter. As I'm waiting for him to set stuff up I sing a song I made.

What he had said
Played in my head
Over and over again
I can't believe it
This can't be happenin oh yea
This can't be happenin yeaaah

But it is true
He said I don't like you
Because I actually love you

Ok cool he finally done and he starts recording.
"Hey guys! So....I've been thinking.... I believe I should be able to be beautiful as well. So I brought over Y/n my beautiful girlfriend to do my makeup...." he put his arms out like a girl showing something off for sale and I jumped into the recording area. "Hey guys it's me Miranda! Jk it's me Y/n." Jake laughs "So to make me look super duper pretty Y:n is going to do my makeup..." I nod. I get everything I need to do his makeup out and start doing it. I make him look super pretty.

~tiny time skip~ ~Jakes POV~

Y/n finally finished and makes me close my eyes as she hands me a mirror. I'm so scared to look. "Ok open up." I open my eyes and see I'm beautiful looking I pout my lips and put one hand on my cheek. "Wow I'm sho bootyfull!" She giggles. "Ok well guys I'm going to see over my makeup so yea! Give the video a big fat juicy like! And a cute little subscribe." I go over to the camera and turn it off. "That was fun!" I laugh "sure..." "What should we do now?" I think for a bit. "Movies?" She nods

God I love this woman.

Hey guys! Sorry I'm a little late! I had a lot of homework and shit. But it was a little longer then normal. Hope you liked it. With that being said I will see you in the next chapter! Love ya!-Tem ❤️💙💜

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