Cake with Jake! And something more!

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Jakes POV
Ugh what the hell why is my phone going off?
I wake up to check my phone.
It's 5:18 in the morning why is Colby up! What does his text even say?
~In text~
Colby- hey brother! I'm going to tell you now Y/n said she would do the video but she's gonna tell you later. She had a nightmare and woke up 18 minutes ago so we can't go back to sleep and she's making breakfast. Today's the day I definitely think you should ask her out man! Ttyl!
Jake- You could've told me later brother I'm tired and OK I'll do it! Ttyl
Colby- Omg I thought you would still be asleep why are you awake?
Jake- I was until your text woke me up bro
Colby-oops sorry!
Jake: It's fine I'll probably just watch some stuff anyway but can you guys be over here at one?
Colby- Yea Brother Of course!
Jake- cool is Y/n going to be with you till then?
Colby- Yea why?
Jake- Ok don't say anything about this conversation!
Colby- You got it! But she's almost done with breakfast so I'm gonna go now
Jake- Ok see you later! Bye
Colby- Bye
I put my phone down and go to my living room. I cannot wait until later I'm finally going to do it.
I'm gonna ask Y/n out!

Your POV
I finish making breakfast for me and Colby
You: Colby come get breakfast!
It's 5:45 ugh damn nightmares
Colby: wow this looks so good!
You: Thanks dig in!
We start eatingdtt and I decide to text Jake
~in text~
You: Hey.... I will do your video with you..
See ya

I put my phone down and continue eating.
Colby: So did you tell Jake?
You: Yea....
Colby: Well when I talk to him last night he told me Tara forced him into the kiss..
You: are you telling me the truth?
Colby: Yes I would never lie to my sister!
I laugh and hug him.
You: ok I believe you
Colby: so what do we want to do until then?
I think about it a bit.
You: Hmmmm I don't know
Colby: Well.... we could play Rocket league and then go to tender greens come back and go to Jake's
You: sounds like a plan

~time skip~

We leave Tender Greens and go back to Jakes. I wonder what we're going to do for his video.
Colby: We're here!
We walk into the apartment building and go to Jakes apartment.
Colby: I think you should be the one who knocks.
You: Really Colby..
I give him the -_- face
Colby: Yes
You: Ugh fine
I start to knock. I hear footsteps towards the door. He opens it and there he is just staring at me.
Jake: Y/n look I'm so sor-
I interrupted him with a hug. I should have stayed and listened to him last night of what happened.
You: no I'm the one who's sorry. I should have stayed and listened to what you probably would have said.
I look at him and give a sympathetic smile.
Colby: Well lets get this video started shall we!
You: Yea!
We walk in and go to his kitchen?
You: Jake I forgot to ask. What are we doing?
Jake: oh we are baking cakes with randomized ingredients.
Colby: Ok
We set everything up and Jake gets his camera. Jake starts the camera and does his intro.

~another time skip~

Jake: Ok we have our batter! No to-
He starts throwing it at me.
You: Hey Jake what the hell!
I throw some back. And then I throw some at Colby. He gives me an evil look. Oh shit. Then Jake throws some at Colby as well.
Colby: you guys are going to regret that!
He runs at ya with his bowl and pours it on both of us.
Jake: Well guys so much for this cake baking! But I guess you guys will like us getting batter all over us!
He walks over and stops the video.
You: That was so fun!
Colby: Yea it was!
Jake: Oh Y/n~
You: Uh what?
Jake: You want a hug?~
You: Uh.....
I start running and he chases me.
You: Oh shit! No Jake!
He catches me and gives me a big bear hug while picking me up in the air.
You: Omg! Jake! Put. Me. Down!
He puts me down and smiles
Jake: So um I have a question.
You: Yea?
Jake: Y/n L/n will you go on a d-date with me?
You: Yea if course!
I hug him again. I'm so happy! This is what I have wanted! He lets go.
Jake: Ok so how about tomorrow at 2:00 bring a suit!
You: Ok I should probably go home and shower and stuff.
Colby: Wait how are you going to get home?
You: I have a skateboard here I snuck just in case.
Jake: Wait? How? Where? When?
You: Over here! And last night.
I go over to where I put it and start toward the door.
You: See you guys later!
Jake: Bye Y/n see you tomorrow!
Colby: Bye!
You: Bye!

Colbys POV

Y/n walked through the door and she was gone.
Colby: Brother you did it!
Jake: I know! I was so nervous!
Colby: I could tell but as you can tell she likes you back
Jake: Yea I cannot wait for tomorrow!
Colby: I bet man.
Jake: Yea I'm taking her to the beach with a picnic.
Colby: Awesome!

Hey guys! Omg Jake finally asked you out! I can't wait to write this chapter! Writing this makes me happy right now my life sucks but I just watch Jake and then and I'm happy! With that being said I'll see you in the next chapter! Love ya- Tem❤️💜💙

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