Hanging with everyone!

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Your POV
When Colby and Sam left I took that time to get to know everyone better since I knew Colby Corey and Devyn more then them. So I'm going to ask them what some of their favorite things are. Right when I was about to do that someone knocked on the door. That must be the last friend that Corey was talking about.
Jake: I'll get it since Sam and Colby are talking!
I watched Jake the entire time he went to the door...OMG what am I doing! You just fucking meet him Y/n. He brought a tall blonde back with him.
????: Hey!
Y/n: Hey! I'm Y/n.
????: Oh yea sorry I'm Aaron
Y/n: Ok cool!
We all talked just a bit and now I can finally ask my question.
Y/n: Hey! Everyone! Since I want to get to know you more what's one of your favorite things in general or to do?
Kat: Well I like friends and my boyfriend Sam!
Jake: I like Lil Peep and my friends as well. What about you?
Y/n: Don't ask me yet I'm going last. Aaron?
Aaron: Oh I like Fortnite and singing.
Y/n: Cool I love to sing as well
(A/n i bet some people don't like singing or something like that hit just for this you are going to be good and like singing)
Aaron: Really?
Y/n: Yep!
Jake: You should sing something for us!
Y/n: Um no sorry I can't
Sam and Colby walk back in
Colby: What did we miss?
Jake: Y/n might sing for us!
Y/n: What no I-
Sam: Wait Y/n you like to sing?
Y/n: Well yea but I can't sing in front of people
Kat: Why not?
Corey: Actually yea why not? You used to sing Can't help falling in love for me and Devyn.
Omg why did you have to say that Corey oh I hope they don't ask me to sing that for them.
Jake: Oh how about you sing that for us. Please
Oh boy he is doing puppy dog lookin eyes I can't say no to those kind of eyes. I sigh
Y/n: Fine......
Everyone: Yay!
I start humming
Y/n: Wise men say
         Only fools rush in
But I can't help falling in love with you
Jakes POV
Everyone got excited when she said fine.
Wise men say
Only fools rush in
But I can't help falling in love with you
I sat there in awe.
Beautiful singer I have ever heard ever! We all sat there in awe and watched her but I was staring at her.. wait why am I staring at her?
Do I like her? No I can't I just meet her. Can I?
No this might just be because I just meet don't jump to conclusions Jake.
~time skip to end of song~
Your POV
I finished the song and everyone clapped for me. Omg they actually like it? Jake was still looking at me in awe while he was clapping. I wonder why....
Does he actually think it's horrible? Oh no I hope he doesn't. Oh god
Aaron: Hello? Y/n? You there?
I snapped back to reality
Y/n: What? Oh sorry I spaced out.
Aaron: Oh ok. Anyway that was amazing!
Jake: Y-Yea it was
Did he just stutter? No I think I'm imagining things.
Everyone else nodded their head in agreement
Y/n: Oh Thank you
Aaron: I can sing as well. We should do like something together maybe. If you are ok with it
Y/n: Maybe later in the future yea! Just right now I can't do scary.
Aaron: I understand that's ok.
We all sat there for a minute not knowing what to do when suddenly
Colby: Hey! I was thinking since it's like 6 I should order pizza!
Sam: Yea! I'm really hungry
We all laughed
Colby: Ok I will go order it!
Colby walked out of the room and the others talked more and I just sat there silent.
Jake: Hey Y/n?
Y/n: Yea?
Jake: I was w-wondering if y-you wanted to hangout with me tomorrow? I was going to go to go to the beach with my friend Tara.
Y/n: Sure! Also just friend?
You wiggles your eyebrows and giggle
Jake: Yea she is just a friend. I love as in like a sister way.
Y/n: I was kidding Jake. But I'm going for need your number so you can text me like that and stuff.
He blushed when I said that? Hmm no he can't
Jake: Oh yea duh
He hands me his phone so i can put my number in.
Jake: Ok thanks
We were talking so long you didn't notice everyone except Colby.
Y/n: What?
I ask everyone
Kat: Oh nothing
Y/n: Ok

~time skip to the pizza~
As we were talking Colby went with everyone to the pizza except me and Jake.
Y/n: So Jake? I haven't asked yet. How old are you?
Jake: I'm 20
Woah he looks like 23
Y/n: Oh cool I'm 19
Jake: Awesome
Y/n: Yea so are you single? Like you don't look single
Jake: Yea I am but I think I may have my eye on someone.
Ugh that kinda hurt when he said that. Wait what!
Y/n: Oh really? Cool
I faked when I said cool idk why
Jake: What about you I mean you have to have a boyfriend.
Y/n: Nope I'm as single as a Pringle
Jake: Oh
Right as Jake said oh the other walked through the door with pizza. Just to joke around I'm going to say something really kinda rude lol
Y/n: Good finally I was fucking hungry!
They all looked at me like I was possessed or something.
Y/n: I'm kidding XD
Devyn: Oh ok I was staring to question that
Colby: Ok well come and get some!
Both me and Jake got up to get some.
As I was about to get a piece me and Jake accidentally touched each other's hands. We both blushed.
Jake: Sorry here you take it.
Y/n: Thanks
We all got our pizza and went back to the couch

~another time skip to pretty much you having to go home~
I started to get tired so me Devyn and Corey wen home
Y/n: That was fun I like them all they are awesome!
Corey: I knew you would like them.
As we were driving home I got a text from and unknown number...

(You forgot you gave Jake your number)

~in text~

???- Hey!
Y/n- Hey??
???- It's Jake sorry I should have said.
Y/n- Oh it's fine
Jake- So I was thinking we could go to Taco Bell and go back to my apartment and watch a movie cause why not?
Y/n- Yea I love Taco Bell!
Jake- Same ok see you tomorrow!
Y/n- See ya Night!
Jake- Night

Right when we got home I went to the bathroom washed my make up off and went to my room changed and went to sleep cause I was tired. As I was changing I remembered Jake saying he was going to go to the beach with Tara. What happened to that? Was he lying? I have no idea I will as him tomorrow. I get in my bed and instantly fall asleep

Hey! So that was this chapter we I hope you liked it I can not wait until the best chapter! Well with that being said I will see you in the next chapter Love ya- Tem ❤️💜💙
1289 Words

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