Chapter 3

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Marissa woke up aching all over. She had pain in places she didn't realize existed. Her foggy mind cleared and the memory of what Liam had done to her came flooding back and all she wanted to do was brush her teeth and gargle a gallon of mouthwash. She looked around the room and saw Liam was not there. She tried pulling on her binding but they were too tight. Marissa tried again, this time feeling the cord dig into her skin, her blood running over it. Her shoulder ached and so did her thighs. How long had she been like this?, she wondered. She tried to turn her head but that sent throbbing pain into her swollen cheek. Liam had got her good this time. 

Just then Liam walked in and saw her struggling. He felt sorry for her and went and sat next to her on the bed. Immediately,she went still, praying he wouldn't hurt her anymore.He touched his finger to her lips before kissing her painfully. He reached up and began to untie her,kissing her forehead. His poor baby suffered enough today.

Liam worked quickly at her bindings, she must be hurting so badly,he thought. He didn't think to leave her bound this long but he had things to do and refused to give her the opportunity to run away. He finally finished and pulled her up causing ger to scream loudly in pain. He gently pushed her back down and silently massaged her shoulders and back. She whimpered as he did, she would not say a word. His moods fluctuated faster than Nailler could eat a box of chicken. He picked her up and carried her into the big bathroom. After running her a bath, he sat her in. She felt better instantly. Liam stood there looking at her like her adored her. She laid her head back trying to forget he was there. With her eyes closed,she let the heat of the water work on her sore places.  She heard a sound like clothes hitting the floor and opened her eyes to see a naked Liam climbing in the tub with her. She took a deep breath and waiting for whatever he was going to do. 

"Scoot up just a bit,babe. Daddy is going to help you.", he said softly.

She complied and soon he was sitting behind with his arms wrapped around her. She could feel his manhood pressed into her bottom and hoped he didn't get excited. Liam bent forward and grabbed some kind of body wash,squirting it on a sponge. He began working the sponge over her. 

Marissa decided to just remain calm and let him do whatever he was going to do. He stood to let the water drain and took her with him, closing the curtain and turning on the shower.

"Just going to wash your hair,sweet. I hate it that you smell like Harry's shampoo."

She nodded and let the water fall on her head. He took his shampoo and began to work it through her hair,massaging her scalp. Liam rinsed her hair and added conditioner. He loved her hair when it was soft. Liam realized how much he loved this. She was being so good and doing exactly as she was told. He would reward her today. Let her see that if she just obeyed, they would be ok. He rinsed her hair after a minute or so then pulled her into his arms,kissing her. It made Liam feel good to be the one taking complete care of her. Soon she would realize what a great match they would be.

"You smell so good now,babe. Makes me want to eat you up!", he said poking her nose.

Marissa gave him a half-smile as he reached for a towel and wrapped her in it. He helped her out of the bath and took a towel for himself. He just dried his hair and tossed the towel over the rack.  He scooped her up and carried her back to the bed. 

She looked at him and to the bindings still attached to the bed and began to panic. He shook his head no, trying to calm her. he ran around the bed, throwing everything back into it's bag and tossing the bag into the closet. She sat on the floor shaking.Liam didn't know what to do. She had never gotten this bad before. 

He pulled her onto the bed gently and laid her down. He ran to the living room and got the clothes he bought her. he returned to find her in the same spot, silent tears flowing down her face. He dressed her as fast as he could and  carried her to the living room.  Liam sat holding her in his lap,trying to be caring and reassuring. The tears didn't stop. Maybe he really broke her this time. She began to sniffle, Marissa pulled away and looked Liam right in the eye.

"Why does Liam Payne hate me so much?" He looked at her stunned. Oh, God, he had to fix this. 

Zayn Malik sat in front of the damn computer so long his eyes hurt. He had found Liam's properties and they were trying to pinpoint which one they could be at. The boys didn't realize how much Liam had invested in homes,but he used to be the sensible one. They had though he just had one but dammit,the man had 7. So much for a rapid fire ninja strike. Zayn told the boys that they couldn't go off half-cocked, they needed to plan carefully. It took 2 days before Marissa texted, so they had to be a good distance away but the shitty thing was, Liam had 2 properties each in opposite directions from their house. It's like he was fucking with them. Knowing Liam lately though, it's a good guess that he was.

Niallers watched as Lou's friends Kiah and Isbella had shown up dropping off the equipment Lou asked for. They seemed like nice girls and he wouldn't mind getting to know them better. He mentally slapped himself, he wasn't Harry. Niall felt so bad for Harry. Niall knew things the other boys didn't. He knew Harry had fallen hard for Marissa even if he said nothing. Sadly , Lou had too. Nialler hated what was going on with his friends and still thought they should all just let her go but with the baby, he knew they couldn't or wouldn't. Shit,Niall had to admit to himself, he loved her too. 

Lou was on his mac trying to figure out how to locate Liam's GPS signal. These new toys the girls had brought him were fantastic. Oooh so shiny,he thought to himself before hitting his head. Back to work man. Marissa had to be priority right now.

Harry Styles was pounding into some nameless, faceless girl in the VIP room of a strip club. She had black hair that covered her face so he could just pretend it was Marissa he was taking his frustrations out on. He cupped the girls ass  digging his fingers in and lifting her off  the bench and  slammed into her so hard she screamed. 

"Sorry,"he muttered. 

Why was he doing this to himself?  He had no desire for this girl. She was just a warm hole. He unceremoniously layed her back down and dropped a few bills on her before pulling out of her and walking out. He zipped up on the way to the door, the girl already forgotten. He had to go find Marissa. Even if it took forever.

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