Chapter 15

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This was it. TIme to finish Liam and his mum. Niall wondered if there was some crazy gene that ran in that family. He shrugged it off and went back to work. Zayn had him digging another whole. It had to be big enough for Liam and his mum. Niall was still laughing at Zayn's disposal plan. It was gross and nasty but it suited the situation perfectly.

Harry laid liam on the ground next to Karen  and stripped his clothes off. Zayn stripped Liam's mom.  Harry was so focused on Liam,he didn't even look at the nude woman. The air was full of tension but each boy stayed focused on their task.

Marissa held Darcy and snuggled up to Louis. Liam was out there. Liam could get her. Liam would hurt her and take Darcy or even worse,Liam could hurt Harry. She didn't want to live without Harry. She needed Louis and Harry equally.

Harry straddled Liam's chest and began to punch him, taking out months of frustration, his and Marissa's  out on Liam's face. It felt so good to hit that crazy bastard.

Zayn pulled him back and shook a finger at him.

"Naughty Harry, don't kill him....yet.", Zayn laughed.

Niall had finished digging his hole. It was 6 feet deep and 8 ft wide. Plenty big enough. Zayn and Harry drug them over to the hole and dumped them in.  Zayn was grinning as he hopped in and took a small razor, cutting each of them numerous times. Harry took Zayn's hand and pulled him out. 

"Liam Fucking Payne, you have been found guilty of crimes that we are going to kill you for.", Niall laughed.

"You know, you were right Liam. Money can buy anything. Even a 100 gallon drum of hydrofluric  acid."Zayn said kicking the large drum over into the hole. They watched as the highly corrosive liquid began to flow into the hole. 

Zayn, Niall and Harry stood holding hands as they watched Liam and his mum's flesh melt away.  First they screamed but soon it stopped. Liam Fucking Payne was finally gone and so was his bat shit crazy mum. There was no way he could come back from this. It really was over now.All that was left of Liam and his mum were some bleached looking bones.

Niall started a fire in the concrete barbeque pit and threw Liam and his mum's clothes in, watching them burn. He would clean the ashes out later. For now,he had a hole to fill in. 

"Guy's,you know we're going to have to move,right?"

"'Bout time we did. This place is full of bad memories anyway.",Zayn agreed.

"You know ,I feel no guilt at all. I'm honestly glad Liam Fucking Payne is gone!"

"Right!" Niall agreed. 

They went back inside to tell Marissa and Lou the news. It was over. 

One Week Later

@OneDirection @ Harry_Styles  Guys, our house is up for auction. Bidding opens soon.

Whoever bought that house was in for a big surprise.

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