Chapter 4

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Liam was on top of Marissa on the couch, trying his hardest to figure out what Marissa meant.

"Baby,baby,nooo.I don't hate you,never Mari. You're my life and just thinking about losing you makes me nuts.I have to keep you,ok. Tell me you understand.",he said kissing her all over her face. 

"Liam... you beat me, rape me, force you way into my mouth and then act like you can't stand me just because i cry from the things YOU do to me, so of course you hate me. You must have even when you were taking me from my car,but that's ok,because i hate you too.", she slumped over and cried more, asking God why he had done this to her. God hadn't done it. Liam Fucking Payne had.

Liam held her as she cried. He never even considered her thinking it was rape and twice now,he's made her cum , you don't cum when you get raped, right? She was his,he could do whatever he wanted. Maybe if he really made love to her and showed her how he felt, she would understand. Yes, tonight, he would be inside of her once more,but this time, as her husband. He went to the phone and called his family priest. The good reverand would do anything for the right price. Liam got him to agree to perfom the inpromtu ceremony  this afternoon, telling him Marissa was pregnant and he wanted to be married quickly and quietly. Offering him 100,000 bucks didn't hurt either. 

An hour later the holy man showed up and Liam shook his hand before putting the folded check in he palm. Liam pulled Marissa up and introduced her. She was so afraid right now, and just said yes to everything they asked her,not really even paying attention. She heard Liam's and that other man's voices bur none of it was coherant.  Quickly she felt a pen in her hand and she was wrtiing her name.

"Just sign here ma'am and we'll be all through.Congratulations,Mr. and Mrs Payne," the reverand said,leaving happily with his money. 

Her head flew up and her eyes went wide. Maybe she shouldn't have zoned out there. She felt so scared that she couldn't pay attention though.

Liam pulled her into his arms, hugging her tight. She now carried his child and his name. As far as he was concerned,everything was perfect. 


Actually she was, and she needed to eat for the baby so she nodded yes. Laim was surprised that she didn't turn down the food. Maybe she was coming to her senses and accepting her new life with him. He hoped so,she was his world now. Quckly he whipped up some shrimp and pasta primavera and served her. He would make sure she was full before he ate. He took her hand and led her to the rug in front of an electronic fireplace. he turned it and pulled her into his lap, letting her sit on him and eat.

"What, what about your food?", she said softly.

"I'll eat when you're full up,love. You need to eat,", he told her, taking a shrimp from her bowl and feeding it to her.

Liam was being sickly sweet and that terrified her even more that his violent side because she never knew what he would next. Every kindness he gave had a price that was getting to be too high for her to pay. She ate her food and was so full. He slid her off his lap and took her bowl to the kitchen, filling it with water so the food wouldn't settle. He took a few bites of the pasta and returned to her. He wrapped her in his arms and turned on the TV.

"Movie babe?"

"Umm sure,",she quckly agreed to make him happy, She wanted to sleep so badly but was so afraid.

Liam turned on  some sappy love story where the girl dies. Marissa was soon asleep cuddled to his side. Liam stroked her face. He would have his honeymoon soon. He would just let her rest for now. He went back to watching the movie and cried a little.

Lou was cocking and uncocking a loaded AK47 he named Tommo. He wasn't sure if he was going to use it but he may have to. Liam wouldn't be expecting them to show up armed but Lou wasn't taking anymore chances where Marissa was concerned. He pointed it at a poster of themselves he had on his wall. He aimed right at Liam's face.

"BOOM BOOM Bitch!"

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