Chapter eleventy

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Simon sat smugly pleased with himself. Charlie's media blitz idea was so simple,yet perfect. Draw attention to the situation without outing Liam as a basketcase. Besides,Liam did his time and got help. He was back to himself again. Or at least that's what the papparazzi think and are telling the public audience . Simon was glad things had settled down,though. The boys had an album to record and some interviews.  Maybe if they heard Liam had recovered and just wanted his family together, they would stop being so defensive and let him back into the family. Actually, it didn't matter if the boys liked it or not, Liam was still in One Direction. Simon would make sure of it.

Niall was in love, completely and hopelessly in love. With Baby Darcy. He thought she was the most amazayn baby there ever was in like the history of babies. She even had Zayn, the hard-core bad boy wrapped around her finger and she was only a few hours old.Lou, he was on cloud nine. He and Harry finally had everything they wanted. In a wierd way he felt like he should send Liam a thank-you card. With anthrax inside.

Marissa was starving. The hospital food was tasteless,colorless and well, hopeless. She called Niall over to the bed and asked if he and Zayn would go get food. She didn't even have to beg. Niall was ready to eat.  He grabbed Zayn and out the door they went..

As soon as they were gone, she broke down and cried. Darcy looked so much like Liam,it physically hurt to look at her. Marissa thought she could do this and be a good mom. Now she wasn't so sure. It seemed like even the baby hated her ,like her father did. Watching those news reports of Liam begging her to come home didn't help either. He didn't even seem like the same guy who destroyed her. His big brown eyes looked so sad and when he cried on National Televison, her heart broke. It shouldn't have,she should be able to hate him with no problems but as a christian, she was forgiving. It was in her nature. 

Harry turned and saw her crying and went and grabbed a nurse. He thought she was in pain. He didn't realize she was hurting but it wasn't from child birth. The nurse ran in with Harry on her heels. HSe asked Marissa a few questions and said she may have post partum depression and that it was common. Her main concern was if Marissa felt like hurting the baby,but to Marissa that notion was absurd. She just felt like the baby hated her,  The nurse brought Marissa some Ambien,saying it would help her sleep. Marissa took it,happy for a chance to fade into oblivion. She could eat later, if Niall saved her any food that is. 

Lou's heart ached for for his sweet girl. She had been through so much already and now this. He wanted to climb into the bed with her,, wrap her in his arms and erase any memory of Liam Fucking Payne she had in her head. His other choice would be to just erase Liam Payne from the planet.

Harry held Darcy close to his chest. Marissa was just going through some stuff and he and Lou would have to be the care providers for now. He didn't mind at all as long as he got to keep his woman and child. He and Lou would have to help her get through this. Hmm, this must be what being a real grown up felt like. He liked it, He took Darcy to a rocking chair and sat down feeding her. For now,he would be mommy and Lou would be daddy.

"Lou,she's going to need time to recover...from's on us bro.", Harry said quietly from his chair.

"I agree and I know we can do this.  I just want to make the world go away for her and make sure she stays smiling Marissa for ever. I know you feel the same way co-daddy."

"Lou, we're in love."

Lou chuckled and hugged Marissa as she fell asleep. Darcy laid in Harry's arms chugging her milk down. The nurse had pumped a bunch of Marissa's breast milk for her to feed the baby with.  Harry took the bottle squeezing it into his own mouth out of curiosity. It tasted magnificent.  He had an idea.

"Lou,come taste this!", he excitedly cried .

"Ewww Harry, thats formula. Foul stuff."

"No, Lou, it's boob juice, freshly pumped from the source.", he grinned nodding to Marissa.

Lou had to taste it now. He took the bottle form Harry and took a small sample. It was heaven. 

"You know, Haz, when we get her home, we could ya know,taste the fresh stuff,right?", he wiggled his eyebrows to Harry,taking another sip. 

That was how Niall and Zayn found them, drinking the baby's breast milk.

"If you're doing what I think you're doing,Im going to go ICarly on your asses and beat you with a buttersock!", Niall said,shaking his finger at them from the door. Zayn,Lou and Harry started laughing. Oh,no. They had a new Daddy Direction. At least he was cute.

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