Chapter 12

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One Week  Later

Liam was sitting with his mother at home. His manic depression was mostly under control and he was ready to resume things with the boys. He wanted his lfe back. He was sad when his mother told him Marissa had the marriage annulled . He knew he should've took her. Then she couldn't have left him so easily. His mother wanted him to take Marissa to court and take the child from her but Liam knew he could never win, he would just lose rights to his child all together. They had too much on him, Uncle Simon said Marissa had a girl that Harry named Darcy. He expected that,though. Hazz loved that name. What hurt Liam the most was knowing he would never get to know his first child, Unless he did somethingdrastic but really, what choice did he have. It's not like he could woo her and make her fall for him.

Marissa and Darcy had been home for 3 days now. She had stayed an extra day to make sure her bleeding slowed. Lou came in with a warehouse club box of maxi pads ,all varieties.Well, Marissa  knew she wouldn't have to worry about those for a few.....years. He was so sweet. She was sitting in Harry's lap cuddling  while Zayn tried to give Darcy a quiff. Niall was eating peanut butter cups as he watched Zayn try to style her hair with just water. Right now she had a tiny mohawk. His niece was the cutest. Marissa smiled and headed to the bedroom to pump more milk laughing at her boys. Whatever had upset her at the hospital had passed and she knew her baby loved her. Damn Hormones.

Liam paced back and forth in his parent's den. The private detective he hired to follow Marissa had nothing negative to report. He simply said she mostly stayed home while the boys took turns doing the errands and chores for her. Liam knew in his heart he would've done the same for her. Liam needed quality time with his child and Marissa, too. Maybe he could convince them all he was still Li-li ,their friend and bandmate.The doctor's said he was better for the most part and could perfom and function in polite society but there was still a dark part of him. The part that wanted to posess Marissa Cowell, every fiber of her being, own her and dominate her. Until she didn't know where her body stopped and Liams began. He adjusted his pants trying to make room for his hard-on. Liam knew he would have to find Marissa soon. He couldn't even get it up for the girls Simon brought him ,he always ended up throwing them out of his room, It was hard not to hit them or tell them what trash they were.He ran his thumb over the picture he had of Marissa on his phone.

"Soon,my pet,very soon.", he whispered to the picture.

"From the moment I met you, everything changed

I knew I had to get you, whatever the pain", he sang to her image.

Lou was wearing one of those baby slings, with pink and yellow stripes. He had Darcy in it because she seemed to love his chest the best. Lou knew he was her favorite but he wasn't going to tell that to the other guys. It would just his and Darcy's secret and he knew she wouldn't blab.

Harry and Marissa were cuddled on the couch watching a movie. It was one of thoese 3 hour french love stories with sub-titles. Harry couldn't pay attention to the movie one bit. Marissa had her head on his shoulder and her body across his lap. He couldn't wait until her 4 -week check-up so he could make love to her again. he still hadn't told her how he felt about and with each day that passed,it grew harder to keep his feelings to himself. Could she handle his love?

Liam was with Simon and Charlie Sheen making more plans for the media. Charlie had convinced Liam that Marissa did indeed want him and he  just had to play along. The twitter campaign and TMZ were helping but the results weren't what they wanted. Time for something much bigger. SImon even offered to give out backstage passes to the lucky fan who could get Marissa to return home to Liam.Can't fight fate afterall.

"Liam,man, she wants you to chase her. When you catch her, you have to love her violently and not let go.", Charlie told him after downing his 6th beer in a half an hour.

Liam sat absorbing what Charlie told him while he was morbidly fascinated with the TV star's ability to sniff lines of coke and a gallon of alcohol. Maybe Uncle Simon was using Charlie  as an example so Liam himself would never use drugs. On the other hand, Charlie gave sound relationship advice. Seems women like men to tell them what to do. Maybe he should take notes.

Harry carried Marissa upstairs and put her on the bed. His poor baby had fallen asleep in his lap. Lou was still having some nonsense conversation with little Darcy. He couldn't help but smile when he thought of Lou with the baby, it was like Louis was made just to be her father. Harry couldn't help but feel proud. Harry's eyes trailed from Marissa'a face to the 2 wet spots on her shirt. He licked his lips and slowly lifted her shirt. She made a whimpering sound as he ran a thumb over her nipple. 

"Oh, Harry, they're so full,it hurts.", she whispered.

The little minx knew exactly what she was doing, She wanted his lips on her. Well, who was he  to deny a damsel in distress. Quickly he was next to her, sucking and licking.Marissa moaned and squirmed under the sensual pressure of Harry's soft lips. It felt too good. Harry rolled her other nipple between his fingers and she almost came up off the bed.  Just then Louis walked in. Cockblocked again, thought Harry.

"Darcy is very unhappy with you ,Harry, you naughty lad, for stealing her dinner.",Lou pronounced sassily.

Harry's head flew up and he grinned al Lou. Caught again. This was going to become frustrating.

"You know I couldn't resist Lou and she said her magnificent breasts hurt so of course I had to relieve her. Whatever our sweetums needs right ,Lou?"

Lou grinned. Harry had a severe addiction to all things Marissa. It was actually strange to see Harry so devoted.Most of his relationships lasted only a week or so. Hazza had to be in love. Lou looked at the baby in his arms and decided he was,too. Just in a diffrent way. He handed Darcy to Marissa to feed sat behind her,laying her back on his chest. Harry put his head on her shoulder and they all sat happily, watching their daughter eat. 

"Hey Marissa, save me some.", Lou said cheekily.

"Lou,I'm sure there's more than enough for all three off you." Marissa chuckled.

Niall and Zayn were downstairs talking when they heard a rustling close to the window.They jumped up and went outside to see what was going on. There was a fat man stuck in the bushes trying to get loose. Not happening. 

"Hey ,there. Wanna tell me why your lard arse is in our bushes or even or our property!?",Niall yelled at him.

The man tried to run but he was still stuck. He wouldn't answer them and pulled out his phone. Before he could dial out though, Zayn was on top of him.The phone flew somewhere into the darkness,lost for now.

"You know, we have private property signs posted everywhere.SInce you're here, we can beat your ass  or anything else we want to do with no repercussions.",Zayn smirked.

The fat man began to stutter and make excuses. Liam had sent him  as a private eye and since this was still Liam's address there was nothing they could do. Niall and Zayn began to cackle. If he was a private eye ,his technique sucked.

" "Ey Zayn, I say we show him how much nothing we can ,what do you say?

"I say we show him how two bad boys handle their business,"

The fat man knew it was going to hurt. 

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